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Tennessee WTF! My State Sucks ASS!

Sorry, groady-ho. Didnt mean to come off the wrong way. I had no luck finding a definitive answer to your troubles and was hoping you had a link since you mentioned the info was available on the website.
When it comes down to it, I dont need any explanations "to my liking". I got no personal skin in this game. But if I was posting something here on ICM concerning the drug laws or the Dr./patient/state relationship of a particular state I would make sure what I posted was based on informed fact.
i googled state of tennessee state new pain medication law and found a copy of the states new contract.
it states they'll be testing for illicit drugs,i.e marijuana ,heroin and cocaine were listed on the contract the patient signs.
what a bad deal for people who need meds but also find relief with mj. i would move.


Well-known member
the K2 "fake pot" hysteria is starting to create some real bad headlines here along with the incredible pill problem. the "letters to the editor" section in local paper is filled with missives saying "this is what happens with tolerance for drug usage. we need to step up the war on drugs". these morons ignore the warnings about it being 20 to 80 times stronger than real weed, & scorch a hogleg of the stuff. yeah, it WILL fuck with your heart rate etc. seems like the local news ALWAYS has an article/headline saying "small child found wandering in street" or "man arrested sitting passed out in Pal's drive-thru"...:snap out of it:


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
They just closed down all the headshops in my city for selling "synthetic marijuana". Sent them packing under the nuisance law. Fucking pig Nazi's.


Wow, that sux K...I may need to run and grab a few things to stock up on just in case! Hope that wasnt Knoxville...they have a couple of decent ones there I like to check out when I'm in town.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
stock up sneaky, i know iam, starting this weekend..i went to clarksville yeaterday, 1 1/2 ride, looking for a new glass bowl..the 3 head shops up their said they can't even sell paraphanilia anymore..city ordinance..was told to go to nashville..2hr. ride.. i did manage to find some raw papers tho..
i think the k2 deal is statewide..all the shops had stop carrying it..i wouldn't smoke that anyway..i think bowls, bongs and vapes will be next to go...

it's just ridiculous that they approved moonshine can made/sold commercially here but weed is thought of as so evil..i've drank homeade moonshine made by some good mtn. folk back in wv, far more deadly than a joint..
in the end, i've decided to stay off the grid, lay low as usual, and go with a hollistic pain management treatment and of course self medicating, just give up the pain meds altogether..i would sell and move back to wv,colo or ct/ny area but i would take such a big loss selling my house..it needs a little work done first..i just can't absord that at the moment..

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
They just closed down all the headshops in my city for selling "synthetic marijuana". Sent them packing under the nuisance law. Fucking pig Nazi's.

The synthetic cocaine that they call bath salts is fucking deadly. It is by far worse than cocaine, and I would not even consider doing it. However I still support the right of Americans to snort or smoke what ever the fuck they want too. I can pass along education, but they must be free to make there own choices.


Yeah TN sucks and don't bother checking Knox out. They just recently shut down all the smoke shops. Everyone here used to go to Florida to pain clinics to make tons of money taking vans full of people to get scripts. Since they shut down the clinics in FL it just moved up here to TN now, so they just saved the assholes a roadtrip. I don't see there ever being med mj here, I mean tons of people smoke here and aren't afraid of it anymore however the politics keep it from being a possibility. I've wanted to move to asheville or somewhere out west were I would be much happier. I have family and friends hooked on pills. Its a shame, not to mention the huge home cook meth problem here. About the only good thing here is the woods and being so close to the good ole outdoors.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
that's what i've notice the 3yrs here, METH.always someone getting busted or blowing themselves up..i agree i don't see mmj here ever either..
anyone know what kentucky is like? Took a ride aorund there yesterday


it's a smaller state, not a whole lot to do other than cook, eat, shop and outdoor stuff. Their biggest sports team is college basketball. Not much different than TN as far as values. You might check out lexington or louisville area.


All of us that rely on medicine are going to get raked over the coals because of all the asshats involved in the buy/selling/trading opiates.It is nationwide,not just Tennessee.I am in NY State and I go to Pain management and I also have to pee test every 6 months.I am tested for 3 things...1.blood level of oxys,roxys and Nucentya are equal to script dosage..2.looking to see if I am using unscripted prescription meds 3. to see if I am using illegal drugs as well.I have a Marionol script because I am a power puker w/cyclic vomiting,so my positive test for THC goes with script.My Pain folks are also aware I use cannabis and have that written in all my records.Insurance company knows of my use and zero has happend.My wifes insurance would save thousands if I could use/grow legally.The Republican party has put us 2o years behind every country on Earth save for shitholes like North Korea and the like.Science esp was put back years...I mean who profitted more with war in Afghanistan? Haliburton! who V.President Cheney was head of who was raping thier own country.Its time to re-elect Obama (even though he laughed at us) as the democrats are our only hope for legalization.Mitt Romney isn't even an electable candidate.Im in massive pain as well as indicated by my dosage-480mg Oxycontin daily,120mg roxicodone daily and 150mg Nucentya daily.Truthfully if I take all of it too close together ,I dont know whether Im on foot or horseback,something weed doesnt do..Marinol is a major pain in the ass as it makes me very paranoid,like a major sativa or LSD can do.Cannabis is medicine for the 21st century and USA is missing the parade.just ask Portugal...Peace and One Love..and move back to Colorado..common sense is majority rule there,or so it seems.
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All of us that rely on medicine are going to get raked over the coals because of all the asshats involved in the buy/selling/trading opiates.It is nationwide,not just Tennessee.I am in NY State and I go to Pain management and I also have to pee test every 6 months.I am tested for 3 things...1.blood level of oxys,roxys and Nucentya are equal to script dosage..2.looking to see if I am using unscripted prescription meds 3. to see if I am using illegal drugs as well.I have a Marionol script because I am a power puker w/cyclic vomiting,so my positive test for THC goes with script.My Pain folks are also aware I use cannabis and have that written in all my records.Insurance company knows of my use and zero has happend.My wifes insurance would save thousands if I could use/grow legally.The Republican party has put us 2o years behind every country on Earth save for shitholes like North Korea and the like.Science esp was put back years...I mean who profitted more with war in Afghanistan? Haliburton! who V.President Cheney was head of who was raping thier own country.Its time to re-elect Obama (even though he laughed at us) as the democrats are our only hope for legalization.Mitt Romney isn't even an electable candidate.Im in massive pain as well as indicated by my dosage-480mg Oxycontin daily,120mg roxicodone daily and 150mg Nucentya daily.Truthfully if I take all of it too close together ,I dont know whether Im on foot or horseback,something weed doesnt do..Marinol is a major pain in the ass as it makes me very paranoid,like a major sativa or LSD can do.Cannabis is medicine for the 21st century and USA is missing the parade.just ask Portugal...Peace and One Love..and move back to Colorado..common sense is majority rule there,or so it seems.
Yes big daddy it is all across the country, knee jerk reaction to people dying from over doses etc. & the bullshit war on the medicine Cannabis!!!!! The Government will have to pry my plants from my cold dead hands, no matter where I live!!!!!!


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
This was my response to Bo watson. I think my timing is a little off. I went on emotion instead of doing any research first so I guess I'm just as guilty as him. Bet he won't answer my letter.

"I would like to ask you to please stop voting on bills that you are not completely informed on. Your recent no vote on the MM bill is typical of the uninformed populace. You need to take the time to read privatized studies on the effects of MM, not the bad info that is spoon fed to the masses by our pitiful excuse of a government for and by the people. Even at the state level these days our representatives completely ignore what the people think. You should be ashamed for casting your vote based on opinion instead of fact. I implore you to do your research before voting from now on. Your decisions have a far reaching affect due to your position, you would be well to respect that and take your privileged position more seriously. I'm hoping you'll take my advice. If needed, I'll be more than happy to present you the REAL facts about marijuana so that next time you encounter a decision like this one you come to the table with the truth, not propaganda. I would appreciate a response from you on this matter."


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
gd for you kaotic! well said..

did you hear rep. bob carr talk, he wants conclusive evidence mmj helps people atleast as much as prescritions do. his exact words were,i need proof as to why mmj should be made available when there are prescription pain meds available. shit they're kicking people off their pain meds cuz they smoke.

i see my neuro 4/30 we'll see if get my meds. if not f.u.c.k.e.m. my house goes up for sale. been doing some painting and just need to remodel a bathroom and she'll be ready for some new owners.