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Tennessee WTF! My State Sucks ASS!


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
I went to my neurologist today and guess what i got pee tested..19yrs. without one...of course i'm going to fail with flying colors....This new state law really hurts people like me..i'm totally appalled! even more appalling not only do they check for illegal drug use but they make sure the levels of the pain meds in my system jive with what the doses and meds they give me..here is the letter explaining the new state laws..total BS!
i figure i have 3 options:
1. sell my house where i reside now and move back to colorado where 2 of my three sisters live and the state from which i moved from 14yrs. ago..miss my family anyway..

2. quit smoking weed..like that's gonna happen

3. quit all pain meds..nada to that 1 too..

4. fight the state which would be a losing battle

hell with the state of the current housing market i might take a yr. or me to sell.. i am livid... mother f.u.c.k.e.r.s!


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Blue Socks

What are you on probation or something why are they mandating that you have to take a pee test, that seems like an invasion of your privacy to me

Ok I just saw your attachment, so this is just a state mandated thing for pain med prescriptions. Still seems like the state is trying to invade your privacy, how exactly is it their business if you smoke weed or not? And speaking of which so what if you do come back positive for weed what the fuck does that have to do with if you need Oxy's or not? Someone should be suing over this law it doesn't seem legal or Constitutional at all


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
Thats what i'm sayin''..there's 3million people here in tn, i'm sure there's plenty in the same boat....pretty soon welfare recipients will be drug tested for foody bucks to..
i used to defend the good ole USA but no more..ever..


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
because i'm a chronic pain med taker..19yrs. now..anyone in the state of tn that recieves pain meds on a regular basis must obide by these new laws..effective jan 1st 2012..i didn't even know this til 2day..have'nt been arrested in over 20yrs. even then that was for failure to pay traffic fines..


Is this only for people on Tenncare or does it go for all health insurance?

The real issue they have is people selling the pills on the street


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
Public Charter number 340 of the public acts of 2011 created registration progem for the regulation of pain management provided by doctors and clinics..to be implemented jan 1 st 2012..statement of necessity on back of my letter explaining the states new legislation.


Active member
Obviously, you know there is a huge problem with people selling their pain meds..or maybe you don't..well there is..lol.. Also, I am pretty sure some states have already started drug testing mothers on assistance. Tenn being one of them.I think there are four.
Anyway, I agree this is a huge infringment on your privacy.I can see this happening if you had been convicted of selling your meds but until then..Very bogus.
Are the tests supervised? and yes I realize you have to have the oxycodone in your urine.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
No Buddle i was handed a cup and told to pee up to the line..in the bathroom of course..also, was told by the doc he was very sorry people are being put thru this..and yes, Tn does test anyone getting state assistance...i am aware of the drug problem, but com'on i've been on pain meds for a very long time, not to mention muscle relaxers. copaxone, and a few other things i get prescribed but refuse to take..remicade and doxepin being some of those..

its BS no matter how you slice it..


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
hash, i really miss eleven mile reservoir..my fav place to camp..


shouldve said u cant piss on short notice n' just went and ask to get a re-schedule or at least a soda from the store and bought ready clean.... My father had to do that or one time he told them he just used the bathroom and wouldnt be able to go and had to hurry or he was going to be late getting his daughter to school.... I know its to late now but maybe some tips for the next and sorry to hear brother thats too bad


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
Are you certain it test for marijuana? I'm not sure if just any o'l pee test will show THC.
yes BD..Had to sign a state contract 2day that clearly stated that.. i couldn't get any pain meds period if i didn't sign or take the test 2day.....hope your not here in this shithole state..as soon as the wife gets home from work we're going to figure out a plan of action..all clinics have a 6mos. grace period to accomplish this..


Active member
Not exactly..

Not exactly..

Is this only for people on Tenncare or does it go for all health insurance?

~~~"The real issue they have is people selling the pills on the street"~~
~~~ Not exactly..The gubberment just WANTS THEIR NOSE ALL UP in side everyones business! Start the Drug Testing with Gubberment officals who hold office & Gubberment workers of every sort..and teachers!! See if it gets done..hummmmm? Yeah..FAT CHANCE!! monkey5


Active member
Yeah it is totally fucked up and it is just what Monkey said..a way for the govt to get into your business.Big brother is watching. You can count on it.I was in the hardware store a few days ago and the guy ahead of me was paying with a handwritten check..I realized I hadn't seen anyone, besides myself, paying with a handwritten check in a long time and said " Oh a man after my own heart, no debit card.He said NO WAY!! My son paid for something online with a card and a couple went to Europe on him .Took the Autobahn and everything".Nothings safe. I made the comment people know more about us than most realize and I don't use a gps capable/car for that reason.. He said "Do you get cable? I said "yes".He said an electrician friend attempted to fix something in his cable box and found a camera in it..I HATE this envasion of our privacy i. e. rights!!!!!
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