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Temperature too high (+schematics)


Hi, i'm a new grower, 1st attempt, just spent shitloads of money in the growbox a cooltube and humidifier. Have no money left to buy and a/c (also have no money to pay for it's use in electricity) so i need (at least for a couple of month) survive with what i have. My botanical skills are inferior to those in quantum phisics that an opossum could have. I have a temp problem. My grow box is oscillating from 29C to 33 and that only if i leave the humidifier up all the time. If i shut it down tempererature are 33.5 max but always at 32-33C. Humidity with it on is 60% to 80%, with it down it's 50 to 60%. Today i bought another fan but as i already told i don't know shit about air flow etc, so i tryed and i tryed and came up with the setup described in my chart. What can i do? the plants just startet to grow, right now they are 1-3 cm tall with two little sawed leaves and two oval leaves taht are a bit enveloped on themself, like a little curl. Hope you can help, i googled everthyng but all they say it's "get an A/C!". It's really the only thing i can do?




exaust high

view from top

Hope you can help, i am desperate :( it's a pain to work hard just to build something (for me it was a pain to connect all those things, i am totally a noob).

Apache Kush

Is your ballast in the Cabinet?

if so your adding heat to room..
Get the ballast out of there.

Should have a remote ballast set up (not in same room as grow)
an A/C maybe 2 wouldn't hurt

Apache Kush

That mini a/c is amazing ....I might need that for my next gorilla tent setup as

I live in Arizonand the second floor of this house has
a daytime ambient of 80-85 in the summers!


Is your ballast in the Cabinet?

if so your adding heat to room..
Get the ballast out of there.

Should have a remote ballast set up (not in same room as grow)
an A/C maybe 2 wouldn't hurt

Thanks for the quick answer!

The ballast (i had to google it, i'm italian :D) it's outside, there is a cable going in the lowest hole like in the skematics.

That mini a/c is amazing ....I might need that for my next gorilla tent setup as

I live in Arizonand the second floor of this house has
a daytime ambient of 80-85 in the summers!

Should i buy it? it's the only thing i can affort right now, i'm quite dry for grow box setup. Here in milan i have 30C and 50% in my room...

Maybe get a 6 inch fan to move more air..

I have a fan that get the air out from the lower hole (i know it should be higher to get the hot air but high i have a very little hole and the big one is the one i use to exaust the cooltube so it's filled.
I also have another big fan directed at the lamp in my noobness i think it help move the air trought the little hole up high and refresh the lamp.

I tried to use the one i use for exaust on the low hole to move air inside and for a couple of hours the temperature went down, but then it raised very quicky so i got back to the setup decribed in my schematics.

I invested lots of time and money in this, it's amatter of principles now, every time i see the temp go over 33 it feels like a failure, and i see my little little seeds curling on themself, they are like my babies :(

Apache Kush

Im Italian American, famila from Bonifacio, Corsica . Pasiano!

hmm you do have a Inline Fan pulling air away from the light into that carbon filter right?
I can see from the picture...maybe your exhuast is in the same area...try to exhuast it outside or to annother room..etc

try lowering the carbon filter to be even with the light ...and you will have less tubing for the air to travel. The less right angles (90 degree) and air ducting the better. This Moves air faster and more effienctly. I don't understand why you have so much heat if its all ventilated like that...33 degree's celcius is (91 in F)....thats hot for cool tube ballast!?

Im sure the babies will make it once they are bigger and less sensitive but they will be stressed if you don't get the temperature fixed. Maybe germinate they on a windowsell till the get bigger and you fix it ok..

Apache Kush

Please get a better picture of the whole cabinet from farther back...wide shot

I dont see an EXHUAST allum tube from your carbon filter ?

You need to exhuast the cleaned carbon scrubbed, hot air, out thru one of the other holesof the cabinet


Im Italian American, famila from Bonifacio, Corsica . Pasiano!

Cool ! Saluti alla famiglia!

hmm you do have a Inline Fan pulling air away from the light into that carbon filter right?
I can see from the picture...maybe your exhuast is in the same area...try to exhuast it outside or to annother room..etc

My carbon filter is connected to an inline fan that drow from the carbon and let the air flow trough the cooltube into an allum tube out of the box.

try lowering the carbon filter to be even with the light ...and you will have less tubing for the air to travel. The less right angles (90 degree) and air ducting the better. This Moves air faster and more effienctly. I don't understand why you have so much heat if its all ventilated like that...33 degree's celcius is (91 in F)....thats hot for cool tube ballast!?

THe problem is i think that i cannot ventilate in another room so it stays a bit in the same room but still outstide the growbox. And also the other problem is that in milan now there are 32C and 50% humidity outside...

Please get a better picture of the whole cabinet from farther back...wide shot

will do as soon as i get home.

I dont see an EXHUAST allum tube from your carbon filter ?

You need to exhuast the cleaned carbon scrubbed, hot air, out thru one of the other holesof the cabinet

I exaust that in the hole that's in the high part of the box.

Thanks againf or the answer :D

Grazie della risposta paesà!

Apache Kush

Cool ! Saluti alla famiglia!

I exaust that in the hole that's in the high part of the box.

Thanks againf or the answer :D

Grazie della risposta paesà!

Oh ok thats what I thought but couldn't see the hole in the Cabinet but I understand. Hey look at that link I had it has a ton of info on venting and negive pressure, it was a little over my head but I think it has some good info...It has a picture of a Cabinet grow with 2 fans! One fan for the exhuast of the box, and the other fan just for the Carbon Filter...gives you better air pressure than just one fan....the Air Filter lowers your fans pulling power a lot!


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I haven't seen anything in your description about where the air is going once it leaves the tent. If the tent is exhausting into the room that it is sitting in, and you are pulling the inlet air from the room into the tent air inlets, then you are simply heating the air more each time it passes through the tent.

If your note on the drawing about "little window with tight grid" means that you are pulling air in from outside, then you need to provide for that same amount of air to get back outside. If your house is sealed up at all, you won't get any circulation pulling air from outside and exhausting it into the house - it's like blowing into a bottle.

If your house is large enough and stays reasonably cool, you might be able to exhaust the air into another room to get more air mixing. This only works if you can leave the doors open or provide some way for the air to move around (ductwork or wall vents). If you have to recirculate the same air in a small space continually, then you will need an air conditioner.


I haven't seen anything in your description about where the air is going once it leaves the tent. If the tent is exhausting into the room that it is sitting in, and you are pulling the inlet air from the room into the tent air inlets, then you are simply heating the air more each time it passes through the tent.

If your note on the drawing about "little window with tight grid" means that you are pulling air in from outside, then you need to provide for that same amount of air to get back outside. If your house is sealed up at all, you won't get any circulation pulling air from outside and exhausting it into the house - it's like blowing into a bottle.

If your house is large enough and stays reasonably cool, you might be able to exhaust the air into another room to get more air mixing. This only works if you can leave the doors open or provide some way for the air to move around (ductwork or wall vents). If you have to recirculate the same air in a small space continually, then you will need an air conditioner.
I can try to exaust the air not only on the top of the box, but then it will be a 5-6 meters tube and go just in the corridor. It's still good? or at least better than exausting the hot air right in top of the box in the same room?


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Getting the air further away and allowing the house ambient air to mix with it is going to be an improvement. Maybe use some fans to push the air around a bit, or anything to keep the same air from cycling back through your ventilation loop time after time.


Getting the air further away and allowing the house ambient air to mix with it is going to be an improvement. Maybe use some fans to push the air around a bit, or anything to keep the same air from cycling back through your ventilation loop time after time.

thanks a lot for the answer, i'll try as soon as i buy a pair of tubes.
My room is quite big so i need to do some serious ducting :D


You will not be able to get it lower than ambient obviously. However, the extra top hole needs to be closed and the fan at the bottom needs to be blowing inward to create an upward moving air current and negative pressure to remove the air through the top. Try moving the carbon filter to the middle of the tent so hot air can get to all sides. Apache Kush mentioned straightening your bends as much as possible, this is good advise. You can even remove some of the length. Rives idea to move the heat out of the room is also key. Don't forget to shade your windows and not heat up the house. No one thing is the solution but all will help if it's possible to grow. Running lights at night and for less hours is also common for summer time growing.


You will not be able to get it lower than ambient obviously. However, the extra top hole needs to be closed and the fan at the bottom needs to be blowing inward to create an upward moving air current and negative pressure to remove the air through the top. Try moving the carbon filter to the middle of the tent so hot air can get to all sides. Apache Kush mentioned straightening your bends as much as possible, this is good advise. You can even remove some of the length. Rives idea to move the heat out of the room is also key. Don't forget to shade your windows and not heat up the house. No one thing is the solution but all will help if it's possible to grow. Running lights at night and for less hours is also common for summer time growing.

Thanks everyone for the help!

I've managed to keep at least a 1-2 C lower temperature by shortening the tubes as they are retractable i used some tape to keep them shorter and i put both fan inwards one rotating and one straight on the lamp.

Seems the plants are enjoing that too.
I don't know if i can straighten a lot the tubes as the space is quite narrow but all you advices already helped me out a lot.

THANKS! :thank you:

Apache Kush

Thanks everyone for the help!

I've managed to keep at least a 1-2 C lower temperature by shortening the tubes as they are retractable i used some tape to keep them shorter and i put both fan inwards one rotating and one straight on the lamp.

Seems the plants are enjoing that too.
I don't know if i can straighten a lot the tubes as the space is quite narrow but all you advices already helped me out a lot.

THANKS! :thank you:

Que Bella!

Nice job making the tubes smaller.
^I like the only turn your lighhts on at night
idea, the other guy suggested.

My buddy does that now that I think about it.
It helps a lot with the temperature in the room.