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teenage mutant ninja turtles

teenage mutant ninja turtles

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sorry but I thought they were so lame, hated them intently, and wondered what was wrong in side of the heads of all that liked them. I came here initially because I thought it was a thread critical of a certain member here who was "voted on" recently, and drives me nuts. Not "hate", just my opinion. I am glad you liked them, but to me they were one of many things that annoyed the living tar out of me. Now I suppose you'll tell me you liked Barney the pink dinosaur too! :D

whats something from your past that you like then mr. fang? (or ms.)

Red Fang

Active member
not much, even much of what I liked then I hate now
GNR for instance, some lame late 80's rock bands, and so on.
Tom Petty was ok, a couple of those eccentric 80's bands were ok also.
mainly was an admirer of certain women's fashion of the time although some was dreadful (gaudy overall or leotard thingies for instance), but the tight white jeans were nice, there was these shiny silver astronaut-like pants too. and whatever happened to unlined (in both senses: no racing stripes and no liners) nylon pants that were silky and as soft as tissue paper? I was fond of those things! :D
Sorry you asked? :D :D yeah I can't think of much good from then. I liked the 90's better, Pearl Jam and so on, and ah spandex, back when women were thin enough to look good in it!


Active member
that's a good question ragnarokyoshi

I like tom petty too.. freeeeee fallllllllllllllllllllllllling

90s > 80s

gotta say after the 90s.. shit went down hill
i'm happy I got to go through those years

man you guys remember renting video tapes ??? (vhs)

or when it was worth it to wake up early on a saturday night to watch shows
all the movies and music.. ah nostalgia


Active member

i loved these games

Red Fang

Active member
free fallin, free ballin whatever you like! :D
both at once sounds good! :D
and I agree 90's were much better and after that mostly sucked.
I can't believe what passes for music now, dreadful whiny crap, boy bands and a wide assortment of crap. Why no more bands like SOD, Static-X, Slipknot, and so on?


Active member
great song

im actually gonna go listen to it now and go finish season 3 of weeds
great show!
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Red Fang

Active member
and I guess the turtles were better than those power rangers, couldn't stand that although my younger brother loved one female one (well loved how she dressed).
the power rangers are so uncomfortably eerie it makes me nautious.

do you remember the cross over they did with power rangers and the crappy live action tmnt show they had....


Active member

but one thing about power rangers
black was black
asian was yellow
white girl was pink
blue eyed guy was blue

sort of weird I wonder if it was thought out
not much, even much of what I liked then I hate now
GNR for instance, some lame late 80's rock bands, and so on.
Tom Petty was ok, a couple of those eccentric 80's bands were ok also.
mainly was an admirer of certain women's fashion of the time although some was dreadful (gaudy overall or leotard thingies for instance), but the tight white jeans were nice, there was these shiny silver astronaut-like pants too. and whatever happened to unlined (in both senses: no racing stripes and no liners) nylon pants that were silky and as soft as tissue paper? I was fond of those things! :D
Sorry you asked? :D :D yeah I can't think of much good from then. I liked the 90's better, Pearl Jam and so on, and ah spandex, back when women were thin enough to look good in it!
what about the talking heads, elvis costello, dead kennedys, and the pixies to name a few great 80's bands. there was alot of junk but come on.
oh and fang...your cool. you too rabbit.
the music some people listens to now a days makes me so angry i wish for 1000 little kitty heads to explode...i heard the other day on the radio people comparing lil wayne to hendrix....and how my chemical romance is the next Queen...just typing that makes me want to headbutt my laptop.

mmm kittay:cathug:

Red Fang

Active member
what about the talking heads, elvis costello, dead kennedys, and the pixies to name a few great 80's bands. there was alot of junk but come on.
yeah talking heads I liked for sure, the others not sure well elvis costello I think so but think I regretted it later! Didn't regret the "hollywood pants" as my late mom said at the time, oh those were the daze! now where was I?

Red Fang

Active member
oh and fang...your cool. you too rabbit.
the music some people listens to now a days makes me so angry i wish for 1000 little kitty heads to explode...i heard the other day on the radio people comparing lil wayne to hendrix....and how my chemical romance is the next Queen...just typing that makes me want to headbutt my laptop.

mmm kittay:cathug:
ok that's where I was thanks man! yeah this corporate whiny bullshit that everyone buys without question as "music" makes me sick too.

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