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Techniques for making the very best dry sifted hash


lives on planet 4:20
imo...value should be exchanged for other value...but everything could be said...how can I put it.......*nicely*....yes nice is a nice word...in this case

why can't we all be more *nice* to each other at least in this kind of forum?

in the end anything which is produced and marketed as a *hash making device*...will be almost impossible to patent

so if SamS....you do finally create this *device*....and it really works and gives excellent results...it will be a very short time before you get *copies* from competitors for half the price

and I say this as a businessman who has been selling everything you can imagine for over 25 years

you *might* some money.....if you are lucky....but there is nothing that can guarantee profit.....only when you have that money in the bank...you can say I did it.....until then all else is pure speculation...and remains to be seen

and personally...SamS....I did not read anything that Chamba wrote to you...that could get such a reaction from a mature man as yourself

maybe you should stop smoking powerful trichomes...and go back to old style....just nicely rolled joint of you Skunk#1

at least that's what I think......about your immature reaction toward Chamba's text

and I dont know about you all but this grower from this site (foomar...i belive) is not patenting this device of his....so why should you yours?...lmfao
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I did not think you meant animosity, I think you do not think about what you say before you speak.

Again I ask you "How do you make a living? Do You sell any product or service? Why not give it away for free? Or give all your labor for free?"

Answer this truthfully and your hypocrisy will become evident.

You are suggest to me that I give away intellectual property that I invented, because it is special and having to do with Cannabis and could help others. I agree that I wish I could hurry up the development of my dry sift machine, and make it available to the public, but until then either you can go out and spend years to make one yourself and give it freely to the world, or realize that it is my invention and I have the right to do what I wish with it. And to be honest you have no right to tell me what to do with my work.

"in the end anything which is produced and marketed as a *hash making device*...will be almost impossible to patent"

Well now that you have spoken as a patent law expert, I guess most of my life was spent foolishly doing Cannabis R&D in the hope of learning more about Cannabis and maybe to get a patent or two. There are no restrictions in patenting a hash collecting device, regardless of what you think.
Try selling a copy of a patented medicine in the USA and see what happens.
Any body can copy and make a patented device for personal use and not get caught, but if they sell them on the open market, the company can be sued easy in court. And that is all I want to do, I don't care about people copying my machine for personal use. I just don't want them to sell a machine I invented.

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lives on planet 4:20
SamS....I don't want to get into patenting info.......first make it and then we will see...I just don't think cannabis should be made out to be more then it really is a *weed*...no more no less

yes I like being high....but when it becomes something more than it really is...like worshiping it or risking your life or the safety or your family...then a line has to be drawn imo

and I don't see this....many people treat cannabis as if it is something magical or something out of this world.....I just cosider it to be like good wine

If I drink two bottles of really good wine....I get about as fuc...ed up as of a good joint

I don't drink alcohol anymore....and like smoking weed....especially SSH...and Amnesia Haze being my favorite...and the first has (SK#1 and Haze...from you Sam..as I believe) in it

but the fact remains.....I do not worship it....and very rarely...compared to most...once a week...sometimes once a month...but when I do smoke I like getting high as hell....and mostly Sativa high


I don't worship Cannabis but I do consider it much different then a good wine, and much more then "just a weed".
I guess I mean that with Cannabis you can help feed and help cloth your family as well as even house them, and eat, smoke, for recreational or medical uses too many to mention.
Also I have not drunk any alcohol for 30 years, it makes me too stupid.
But whatever, I think everyone should have the right to grow Cannabis for any use, everywhere.
BTW, I have several Cannabis patents already and as far as I know none have been breached by others.


Sam i soul heartidly agree on you about it not being just a weed, cannabis has a presense about it that when im around it, it's like having a half opened box and a bright light shining out, but not being able to see completly whats inside yet.

I consider Sam a pioneer of many to come, because the cannabis field is still very much in its infancy.

Sam are your patents US or another countries patent? (idk much about patents sorry if this doesnt make sense)

Back to dry sift subject, obviously the maturity of the plant (trichomes) would matter in corralation to the size of the screen, so Sam on a personal and economic factor, do you like to make dry sift with plants that have reached around a certain maturity (obviously you will have different time frames for pure sat. pure indica and hybrids)?


lover of all things hashlike
this what you wanted chamba?

just a mentioning of a few things from HASHISH by rob clarke
Precision sieve stack
150 microns - large plant debris
130 microns - very large resin glands
110 microns - large resin glands
90 microns - medium resin glands
70 microns - small resin glands and debris
50 microns - very small debris and little resin
below that - very small dust and debris

^ it is assumed that these screens are taut when in use.

" gland size also can be influenced by environmental conditions. the mature resin glands of Moroccan cannabis range from 60 to 70 microns in diameter. resin of varieties bred for seedless production usually ranges between 80 and 110 microns, and some varieties from thailand have glands up to 120 microns...."


Papulz "this what you wanted chamba?"
.....thanks, but not really, the technique of simply stacking 6 screen frames on top of each other and shaking the material won't get you full melt dry sift most of the time, (unless you only work a small amount of the material at a time for twenty seconds each time then resift the resin several times) ....the technique I described in this thread takes dry sift to the next level of purity..

surely Clarke described more advanced techniques of dry sifting in his book? (if not, that was amiss of me wasn' it!, I should advertised my recipe in High Times and called it "Sadhu Chamba's Secret Dry Sift Full Melt recipe..please send $10 cash in a self addressed envelope to 420 Kif street, Sativaville....lol)
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"I think everyone should have the right to grow Cannabis for any use, everywhere"

I'm pretty sure everyone here agrees with that statement...

"Again I ask you "How do you make a living? Do You sell any product or service? Why not give it away for free? Or give all your labor for free?

Answer this truthfully and your hypocrisy will become evident."

If you bred a recreational strain that was better than anything out there, I'd be the first to agree to sell seed packets of it for as much as the market could handle..I do the same myself with items I design, produce and market.

but if you had bred a strain that was perfect for making MS patients lives much better, would you give it away to those who need it or Patent it so you and some big Pharma co could profit off it?..

....I think this is where we differ greatly.

but perhaps that's easy for me to say or ask..I wasn't a pioneer cannabis breeder that sold or gave away true breeding strains that became the building blocks of all today's strains ......when perhaps in hindsight you could of done things differently, profited much more and now feel this time around you would or will?
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Chamba said:
"Again I ask you "How do you make a living? Do You sell any product or service? Why not give it away for free? Or give all your labor for free?

Answer this truthfully and your hypocrisy will become evident."

If you bred a recreational strain that was better than anything out there, I'd be the first to agree to sell seed packets of it for as much as the market could handle..I do the same myself with items I design, produce and market.

but if you had bred a strain that was perfect for making MS patients lives much better, would you give it away to those who need it or Patent it so you and some big Pharma co could profit off it?..

....I think this is where we differ greatly.

but perhaps that's easy for me to say or ask..I wasn't a pioneer cannabis breeder that sold or gave away true breeding strains that became the building blocks of all today's strains ......when perhaps in hindsight you could of done things differently, profited much more and now feel this time around you would or will?

Its not that I needed to profit more from my work, rather it is my work and I should decide the where when and how if I care to do anything with it. The development of my dry sift FMCD machine is not needed by anyone like your examples of MS patients, that are dying. This will just make very very high quality dry sift for those who care enough to waste most of the yield in a quest to get the very best FMCD dry sift.
BTW, you are not even close to how I make it, but I find your posts amusing so keep trying! It has nothing to do with which clone I use, I can do it with most decent clones that have good effects and resin. I have many times.

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lives on planet 4:20
SamS....I believe I read somewhere about someone asking you about this hash making invention of yours...some time back...I respect you wanting to patent it and make money from it...since it is your time and your creation

but, what I want to know is it possible just to give a clue what is it about?....or that would give it away and create a problem with you patenting it?


Sam_Skunkman said:
It makes dry sift that is 100% resin heads.

Sounds interesting, ive got one of them scuffbuzzers and if used correctly can produce some excellent product..J


Active member
there are a lot of SE Asian strains with big enough trichs that they cannot even be used in "bubble bags" - not sure how big the biggest gauge on a bubble bag is


How could they not be used in bubblebags?
Smaller mabe, big large trichs?
I believe the biggest is 220u.Which is the work bag,the next 190u and is usully disgarded.
How would big trichombs be a problem?
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Active member
I've never used a bubble bag man - maybe I've got this arse about front - but according to a friend he was unable to make any bubble hash from the Thai strains he grew out... the plants were covered in trichs... I guessed it was because the trichs were too big or something... certainly trichs on SEAsian are often very large - so I guessed they were too large to work with bubblebags ... friend found it very difficult using a bubblebag with a strain called Yarkoum which had v. large trichs
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but if you had bred a strain that was perfect for making MS patients lives much better, would you give it away to those who need it or Patent it so you and some big Pharma co could profit off it?..

Its not that I needed to profit more from my work, rather it is my work and I should decide the where when and how if I care to do anything with it. The development of my dry sift FMCD machine is not needed by anyone like your examples of MS patients, that are dying.

ok, don't answer the question.......so by your answer, do I take it you do have a strain for MS patients and have not released it for business reasons?..I bet you don't have a relative or friend with MS

This will just make very very high quality dry sift for those who care enough to waste most of the yield in a quest to get the very best FMCD dry sift.

I remember last year you mentioning that 97% of the resin on the plant is wasted......seriously though, how many machines do you really think you would sell if the buyer had to put a kilo of bud in there with a potential 120 grams of resin on it and only return 7 grams of dry sift?....lol......yeah, they will be lining up by the million to buy that machine!
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lives on planet 4:20
Sam_Skunkman said:
It makes dry sift that is 100% resin heads.


that would be the greatest invention......since sliced bread SamS.....looking forward to when it comes out.....just like many people that love smoking some quality stuff like that

maybe you could answer one question for me Sam.....if you had to pick one strain to make dry sift with.....what would it be? You could write more then one if you want.....but at least give us one that would be your *best* ....thanks


Some strains make hash really easy, like Skunk #1.
Others are a bit harder or lower yield but the effects are preferred, like Orig. Haze or Orig. Haze/Skunk #1
I don't know if you like Sativa or Indica weed.



Chamba said:
but if you had bred a strain that was perfect for making MS patients lives much better, would you give it away to those who need it or Patent it so you and some big Pharma co could profit off it?..

ok, don't answer the question.......so by your answer, do I take it you do have a strain for MS patients and have not released it for business reasons?..I bet you don't have a relative or friend with MS

I remember last year you mentioning that 97% of the resin on the plant is wasted......seriously though, how many machines do you really think you would sell if the buyer had to put a kilo of bud in there with a potential 120 grams of resin on it and only return 7 grams of dry sift?....lol......yeah, they will be lining up by the million to buy that machine!

I have not designed any strains for MS, if I did yes maybe I would patent it.
I guess you are trying to say that if a MS patient could benefit from my work then I have no right to keep it from patients? I think this kind of thinking is pretty fuzzy and to put an albatross like this around anyone trying to work with Cannabis is to be helping prevent research into Cannabis that could help people everywhere. If it takes big corporations to get the varieties of medicine that helps patients into the patients hands, so be it, the sooner the better. A good example is CBD the second most common Cannabinoid, where can a patient find a high CBD variety? The buyers clubs don't have them, so where can a patient find them. From YOU? No you are to busy handing out advice to make a high CBD variety available to the patients. Why don't you do the work to make one? Don't say it costs a lot of money and time, the patients are waiting for YOU.
BTW I have many friends that are patients, some with MS.
As for how many people would buy a dry sift machine that wasted 97% to make very high quality FMCD. Why did you want one? Or I guess you would not want one? If I have to answer that for you maybe you would not want one?



As for how many people would buy a dry sift machine that wasted 97% to make very high quality FMCD. Why did you want one? Or I guess you would not want one? If I have to answer that for you maybe you would not want one?

Huh? ...you debate and twirl things around just like a polititian! but I'll have whatever you are smoking Sam, it must be wickedly, brain twistingly, alternative reality inducingly good!

I didn't want one...not now or last year when you mentioned it..I wanted to know how you made your top secret legendary purest dry sift until I heard about the measely returns and ridiculous wastage.

...as I've mentioned above, if it prevented some silly punk from blowing himself up with butane then you did a good thing.....

but also I think it is utterly insane that anyone would want to waste 10K ~ 20K Patenting the idea, buy that machine or even use a method that wastes 95%+ of the resin and yields eg 7 grams per kilo of bud!.....how many hectares do you grow each year just to get enough dry sift for personal smoke! lol

If it takes big corporations to get the varieties of medicine that helps patients into the patients hands, so be it, the sooner the better.

good point.....let's hope it happens sooner than later...the trouble is Govenments often move slowly to approve new drugs and I can't see the US approving any cannabis based drugs anytime soon!..if by some miracle they eventually did then they would only do so if penalties for recreational growing and use are heavily increased.

here's a funny story...back in the 60's when the (birth control) Pill was invented, just about every country in the World had it on prescription.... except Japan, the real underlying reason was the controllers didn't want their woman to be sexually free...it took decades of trials and knock backs (and probably massive bribes) before it was eventually approved and widely available on prescription ...when Viagra was invented it was quickly trialed and approved in about about 3 minutes flat! lol
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