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tea+enzymes or h2o2 only in coco?


i have a litte autoflower (5 inch diameter) just a few days old in 11l coco. i wonder whats the best for rapid root development. i used compost tea in soil, but what about coco? ive read that tea and coco isnt a good combination because coco cant buffer the high ph of the tea!? so i looked around what i can do for best root development and came across h2o2. some swear by it and others dont. and when i use h2o2 i cant use enzymes, right? so what is the way to go in coco, tea+enzymes or just h2o2?
my basic feeding:
1/4 strength lucas
1/2 hesi root complex
5ml/gal pure kelp root booster
and some b1


Active member
Coco is much more pH sensitive than soil. H2O2 will kill all your beneficial bacteria, fungi, etc. It will kill the microherd in your medium. I use ACT in coco all the time with great health and success, but I control the pH of the tea.

I brew and check pH after about 12 hours and adjust pH down to about 5 by using an unsulfured molasses that is very acidic, like Earth Juice Hi-Brix or Soil Mender molasses. You can also use EJ Catalyst for this purpose.

After 24 hours I check the pH and use the tea when the pH is in range. I realize that when you interrupt a brew by dropping the pH back down, you may be killing a lot of the critters, but their dead carcasses will be processed by other critters into food for my plants. Good luck. -granger


thank you
molasses as ph down, first time i heard that.. and how much is needed to bring it to 5? molasses for bacteria growth and then molasses as ph regulator, and this isnt do much molasses? and what about simple ph-down, can i use it or will it kill the bacteria?

edit: and how do you use the tea, with chem nutes or organic? because i use the lucas formula, the best would be an compost tea with npk low as possible.
what do you think about this (goal is npk low, bakteria high):

1/4-1/2 cup compost
5ml kelp
1 tblsp. molasses
fulvic acid


Active member
To make your ACT, just use 1/2 to 1 Tbl/gal molasses and compost. Apply every 2 weeks or so without nutes. I would pay close attn to pH with nute mixes, less so with ACT. -granger


Ok thanks, but what about deficy when i just water with tea? And the potsize is 11l And the plant is very small so the Medium needs time to dry Out..


Active member
Well of course, let them dry sufficiently, but one tea feeding every, say, 5th time shouldn't cause deficiencies if your regular feed regimen is right.

After the plants have rooted to where you're watering every other day or so, you can tea them every 10 days or whatever works for you. Good luck. -granger


I brew and check pH after about 12 hours and adjust pH down to about 5 by using an unsulfured molasses that is very acidic, like Earth Juice Hi-Brix or Soil Mender molasses. You can also use EJ Catalyst for this purpose.

You have a little carbonate problem there.. ;) Listen to Granger, i like his posts - they are accurate from a smart canna-vet. The molasses will turn to vinegar via oxygen and bacteria. this is likely whats giving your "pH down" effect. Need to make those citrates'!

anyway, Chemistry degrees kicking in! Potassium carbonate and calcium carbonate will kick the pH level off because they are alky. adjust the pH with a citric or nitric acid. (i like citric best)
The byproducts will be calcium/potassium citrate or calcium/potassium nitrate AND carbon gas. As the carbon gas leaves the chemistry, it will allow the bonding of hydrogen and sulfur, the oxygen will eliminate much of the sulfur so long as the bacteria is not producing it. and.. you are set and your tea will stabilize. This is how my "Death tea" makes the best product. :rasta: bad critters, good critters, I know whats happening - all of it. edit - actually, it does not smell that bad! I can tell you it does smell a little like a sewer plant with a little death. but hey, plants love it!

ps... this shit about h2o2... hahahaha... for your sake, don`t use it.! it will kill your roots. my advise? GET SOLUBLE SEAWEED/KELP POWDER, it will add mega-loads of potassium without hurting your pH stabilization.