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Tastiest Animals to go Extinct

Green Supreme

Well-known member
I would wonder at the ones that got away. There must be a lot of tasty animals gone extinct and not just because they were tasty. Many of the planets larger fishes, for instance are on the verge of extinction because they are tasty.

I know there is a part of the food industry, catering to almost extinct animals. Last chance kinda thing. Pretty lame to me really. Could they be that tasty, to be willing to be part of making them extinct? Peace GS


Bear gallbladders, they are not even using the whole bear. Peace GS

not saying you don't have an excellent point but why are bears special?

sea otters
every animal that looks cool on a fur coat

every one of those got slaughtered because people needed a small part of them

meriwether lewis wrote about flocks of passenger pigeons that blocked out the sun and they are ALL gone

the one and only thing the human race always excels at is trashing everything around them

fucking sad


not saying you don't have an excellent point but why are bears special?

sea otters
every animal that looks cool on a fur coat

every one of those got slaughtered because people needed a small part of them

meriwether lewis wrote about flocks of passenger pigeons that blocked out the sun and they are ALL gone

the one and only thing the human race always excels at is trashing everything around them

fucking sad

Very sad

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
I know there is a part of the food industry, catering to almost extinct animals. Last chance kinda thing. Pretty lame to me really. Could they be that tasty, to be willing to be part of making them extinct? Peace GS

You should check out this movie called "The Freshman," it's pretty decent, and it is about exactly that. Marlon Brando is in it, and Matthew Broderick.


Movie Info

In this farcical comedy, Matthew Broderick plays Clark Kellogg, an aspiring director who arrives in New York City to attend film school. However, moments after he arrives in the city, he's robbed by Victor Ray (Bruno Kirby), leaving him no money for the $700 in books required by his instructor, Arthur Fleeber (Paul Benedict). A few days later, Clark runs into Victor and demands his money back, but Victor has already lost it (on a horse race in which he wasn't entirely sure the animal he bet on was a horse). Instead, he offers to fix Clark up with a job with his boss, an "importer and exporter" named Carmone Sabatini (Marlon Brando), who bears a stunning resemblance to Don Corleone in The Godfather. Clark's adventures with Sabatini are just beginning when he's instructed to pick up a package from the airport. Clark is expecting it to be contraband, and he's right, but not in the way he figured -- it turns out he's accepting delivery of a komodo dragon, which is to be served at a "gourmet club" specializing in dishes prepared from endangered species. Marlon Brando's hilarious comic variation on one of his best-known roles is the highlight of this film, but Bruno Kirby and Paul Benedict also deliver fine comic turns, and Matthew Broderick copes nobly with his role as the film's lone normal person. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi



Well-known member
ummm, RIBS

ummm, RIBS

........ I remember reading years ago about pre-historic mammoth kill sites where they found that only the ribs had been taken back to camp and cooked, the rest of the animal was just left there to rot.:yummy:


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Saying of the Cree Native Americans

Saying of the Cree Native Americans

“When all the trees have been cut down, when all the animals have been hunted, when all the waters are polluted, when all the air is unsafe to breathe, only then will you discover you cannot eat money.”
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not saying you don't have an excellent point but why are bears special?

sea otters
every animal that looks cool on a fur coat

every one of those got slaughtered because people needed a small part of them

meriwether lewis wrote about flocks of passenger pigeons that blocked out the sun and they are ALL gone

the one and only thing the human race always excels at is trashing everything around them

fucking sad

I completely agree with this post 100% and thats a small example
We're a disgrace, us humans

Green Supreme

Well-known member
Bears are the largest land predators. That makes them special. Peace GS

ps. it was just an example to kick things off


Bears are the largest land predators. That makes them special. Peace GS

ps. it was just an example to kick things off

i'm with ya boss

apex predators in any ecosystem have been hammered pretty good by mankind

i read somewhere that the ONLY native animal that's range has expanded in north america since they found the fuckin place is the raccoon ........ and only because it will eat our shit and not eat us so we tolerate them

Green Supreme

Well-known member
Much larger than both. Making it the largest land predator. As in Highlander, there can be only one. LOL. Peace GS