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taste in coco

It tastes like Coconuts!!! :yoinks: jk

Seriously though, mine tastes great, no harshness or residue taste that I can detect. Burns smooth and doesnt leave a lot of ash. This was after about 7-10 day flush and 3-4 day hang dry for me.




coco is great when using additives...sweet leaf..and others..

also like how u can wash out nutes with r.o.water.

best taste and odor ive done was with organic tea's...in perlited ocean grown soil.


actually in my experience i think it might the combo of the fermenting coco and the coco specific nutes.

coco nutes tend to be less heavy on the flavour compared to for example hydro nutes. usually the coco nutes and the right conditions will bring out very aromatic nugs. but also properly grown soil nugs can get me surprised at times, but i find many hydro nugs usually a bit affected by the nutrients.

almost any bud usually taste good when well grown and flushed, and a lot is up to personal tastes.