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humidity and mold/bud rot


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
i have a dehumidifier in en route but i would like to know what's the highest their flowering room spiked WITHOUT getting problems with mold. my room was keeping it all nice until we had HORRIBLE humidity for a week straight. during lights off humidity was spiking at 65% most days and even 80% once. each time lights go on it would bring it back to 30% or so.

basically, am i fucked? or is that high humidity CAN cause mold but not ALWAYS.

sorry, just venting a bit lol

p.s. can you see mold from outside the bud while its still growing, or do you just discover it while breaking open buds?



I made few harvest with 2-3 weeks before put in jars
The only thing i would say would be to take care the very first days, when buds are full of water, by keeping a large open area the cab, and then reduce it days by days; i dont use any fan and didnt had any problem even with a very sensitive ICE.
To detect problems it i just put my big nose in those buds and inspiring deeply, detecting any disturbing smell.

im very few experienced but i wannabe an helper :)


Hi, it's not the ice btw it's some 1 plant test i made in hydro


Whatever i dried all my harvests in the same condition, keeping humidity as long as possible. After that it's hard to answer to such "humidity and mold/bud rot" question, as example linvin in a area with much mold spores, or the middle low temperatures like 15° // 60 F that is really appreciated by some fungies etc... much things you know better than me... etc.. blah :)

Ty Ty-Stik :)


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
if one were to construct a "drying box" complete with ventilation and a hepa filter would that pretty much prevent moldy buds?


65% humidity is not going to cause bud rot in most cases. I have a dehumidifier, but where I am from the relative humidity is like 80% or higher in the summer so I struggle to stay around 50. I have peaked around 70% humidity also, and have not once had a problem.

Typically the bud rot happens at the end or when drying/harvesting. So just turn your humidifier on full blast at the end and you should be fine. Also, make sure the pots are dry the day you harvest, and then humidity will be lower naturally.

I just started the 72 hours of darkness before harvest, and my RH was 65% this morning and I havent watered in 3 days. You are clearly worrying to much about it, you just need some airflow and you will be fine.

My first grow I was living at my parents house and I cut the buds and put them in a large tupperware bin and put them in my closet for a week or two. After about the 1st week I saw some mold but didnt really have any options to let them air out. So I just let the mold grow and you know what, I smoked it and it didnt really seem to have any negative effects.


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
i don't know about smokin moldy buds....

but everything else you said put my mind at ease. sorry, first harvest jitters lol

still got a week or 2 left for the first couple