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Taping buds to a fan to dry.


Hi i wanted to dry my buds fast so i came up with this idea to tape them to my fan. I know ppl are going to say no b/c its in the light and light degrades thc, but when i think about it, all the plants are in the light 12 hours a day anyway so light cannot degrade thc or how would we get high. I really dont see how this could hurt the potency, i do understand that it will be harsh smoke b/c it needs time to break down the chlorofil and such, but it should still get me high seeings how the buds were loaded with white trichomes.



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but when i think about it, all the plants are in the light 12 hours a day anyway so light cannot degrade thc or how would we get high. I really dont see how this could hurt the potency

but its different when the plant is no longer living

Green Supreme

Sounds like a great way to get rid of your trichomes, hmmm wonder how you would collect them after, then you might be onto something. Ack that fan looks nasty. Peace GS


By looking at the fan and all it's built up gunk, it's gonna pass over your buds......yummy....... Now for the obvious reason, a slow dry & proper cure will produce a better product......have fun


tried the microwave method and didnt like it. btw guys these are only a couple little crappy buds nothing serious. ive actually used a similar method and loved it. What i used to do before i got a laptop, when i had a pc i would just open up the case and put a bud on top of the computer fan. 1-2 hours later it would be crispy dry, with no loss in potency.

The part i dont understand is, people say light and heat kill thc. If light killed thc, how could the plant grow in the light all day and still have thc. If heat kills thc, then when u use a lighter to spark the bowl wouldnt that eliminate all the thc? Vaporizers work based purely on heat, wouldnt that kill all the thc if this myth was true? In the past, when ive bought some wet buds, i used to just put them on the dashboard of my car in the sun on a hot day. Come back an hour later and its crispy dry, WITH NO NOTICABLE LOSS IN POTENCY. I really think the heat and light thing is a myth, where is the scientific proof?


New member
Put a pan with some water on the stove, place a plate on top and your cut up bud on top. Boil the water a few minutes and you got dry harsh weed without the dust. :p

Or at least clean the fan.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
but when i think about it, all the plants are in the light 12 hours a day anyway so light cannot degrade thc or how would we get high.]

Live things and dead things react differently with identical stimuli. You live and thrive in warm air every day with no ill effect. Let your corpse sit in warm air and it will rot pretty quick. The corpse will last indefinitely locked in a freezer which will kill you dead were you locked in there alive.

And, yeah, clean the fan. Who wants buds covered with that ... stuff.


Haha i know i gotta clean the fucking fan. Im a procrastinator but i WILL do it... tomorrow.

Well, im going to sleep, when i wake up in the morning it should be completely dry and ill smoke it and leave a report.


Smoke away, but I hardly think it worth the ascii for the report on the smoke.
I can't imagine anyone really wanting to know how that turned out.


OP, I know how it is to need to dry some buds on the quick! What I do is use scissors to cut the bud up fine, put on a glass plate, and put that on top of a running TV. Won't take long!

Good luck, don't inhale too much dust (dead skin).


New member
If heat kills thc, then when u use a lighter to spark the bowl wouldnt that eliminate all the thc? Vaporizers work based purely on heat, wouldnt that kill all the thc if this myth was true?

Not too much of a myth. I'll admit to setting some popcorn on my router or the back of my huge CRT monitor but the taste is notably inferior than that of a 2 week cure.

As for the heat. I've heard it said that around 25 percent of the thc you burn actually goes up in smoke, the rest just chars and is left behind. No hard info on that though, heresay and scuttlebutt.

No science there but it's the same with nicotine, about 10 percent is smoked and the other 90 wasted. Then again, eat a cigarette instead of smoking one and you'll probably get about as sick as smoking a pack in an hour. Pretty sick if you ask me. Either way, I just eat most of the small trimmings and little crap all through the grow. mmmh... peppery.


Well, i went to smoke the bud this morning and it still wasnt dry. I wanted to get high so i just stuffed the smaller of the 2 buds into my pipe and kept lighting it until i got a hit. I smoked the whole bowl and im high, its like a creeper high like it hasnt taken full effect yet. I get this effect alot from homegrown weed, especially outdoor it seems. At least im high, thats all i care. The crystals seem to be 75% white and 25% clear, with a few hairs just starting to turn red.

The other bud i put on top of my radiator which is what i prolly shoulda done in the first place. Its almost fully dry after an hour. I let u guys know when i smoke it.

For anyone who wants to know if they should tape their buds to the fan like i did, i dont know how well it will work when they are finally dry but this is not a quick dry method. Judging by how much my buds dried overnight i would estimate that it would take about 3+ days to be dry uning this method.

Edit: Yea its def a creeper high, im guessing b/c it may be slightly premature. 20 minutes after smoking it im ripped.
oven 275f, set the dial and put buds in buy the time it heats up they are dry if you need quick smoke.. But as others say i agree why rush it, "green" weed taste not good, 1 week min, 2 weeks preferred for me. :) now that you got a buz go clean that fan! and pull it out of the box first !! Lmao


OK, smoked a bowl of the bud that dried on the radiator. Im wrecked off my face from 1 hit. Pretty much confirms my personal theory that heat and light do not degrade thc. If they do, i think it would be over a long period of time. Like if you put a jar of bud in the sun in high temps and left it there for weeks or months. I really dont believe it will degrade the thc very much in 1 hour. As im typing this i feel grrrreat! Things actually appear brighter to me. And it feels great to smoke free bud that i grew myself! The only reason i did this is b/c im broke until next week, once i get some money ill just buy a bag of weed and let the other plants finish and dry properly.

Green Supreme

Wow nothing like a properly prepared and controlled experiment. LOl. Guess you got what you wanted. Peace GS