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Talk About A Slap In The Face


And progressive liberalism is a cancer slowly choking our country to death.

That might have sounded nice when Rush or whoever said it, but it completely ignores any reality of current US politics.

How many jobs have corporate giveaways and tax breaks to the richest 1% created??

Care to explain how whatever the opposite of "progressive liberalism" is plans to ensure that you have clean air to breath and water to drink??

Oh that's right- "the free market will take care of it"...


Our tax dollars at work buying and bribing their way to November 2012. So NORMAL has been bought and paid for. So they no longer need my donations.

"our tax dollars"??
We have publicly financed elections now?
When did that happen?!


Active member
zymos,i gotta disagree here,the bush tax cuts were re-instated by obama so you can thank him for that.

the free market would take care of it,see if govt didnt prop up two bad industries that perpetuate eachother ( auto aand oil),then we could say hay this stuff is killing the enviorment,and then not buy there product and those industries will fall by the way side,and then we could consider ourself energey indipendent and a clean earth will resault.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I'll vote for Obama when he Legalizes weed, lights up a joint and blows the smoke in the face of the head of the DEA as he disbands them, and tells them to fuck off on national TV. oh ya he also has to pardon all pot offenders in prison and release them. Then he has to pay reparations to them.

Cool Moe

Active member
As much as I would love to see Ron Paul as our next president, a vote for RP is a vote for Obama.

We need ANYONE who believes in lower taxes and smaller government, even Michelle Bachman or any Tea Party candidate would be a HUGE improvement.


dude nothing personal but if you really believe that you are one fuckin brainwashed loon


I'll vote for Obama when he Legalizes weed, lights up a joint and blows the smoke in the face of the head of the DEA as he disbands them, and tells them to fuck off on national TV. oh ya he also has to pardon all pot offenders in prison and release them. Then he has to pay reparations to them.

Color me cynical.But I would still think It was a trick..


Active member
then there needs to be a defintion of prgressive libralisim,cause hes certainly toting the name proudly. even if hes a socialist hes making you look bad.


Game Bred
thats part of the problem..
today's "conservatives" are anything but.
todays "liberals" don't resemble the high liberal ideals of old.

they all look like corporate shills.


The same Michelle Bachmann whose anti-Gay clinic has received over $137,000 in federal Medicaid funds? Who is a partner in a farm that has received over a quarter of a million bucks in federal farm subsidies??

If she believes in smaller government, that just means she wants you and I to have less...


then there needs to be a defintion of prgressive libralisim,cause hes certainly toting the name proudly. even if hes a socialist hes making you look bad.


"Socialist" is what the right wing uses as an insult, not something HE identifies with.

I think it's safe to say that a large percent of the people who voted for him WISH he was a socialist...


Game Bred
The same Michelle Bachmann whose anti-Gay clinic has received over $137,000 in federal Medicaid funds? Who is a partner in a farm that has received over a quarter of a million bucks in federal farm subsidies??

If she believes in smaller government, that just means she wants you and I to have less...
the only people who believe todays "conservatives" are either mouth breathers or braindead...

you forgot about all the grants/welfare she received fostering all those kids.


Active member
no kidding? shes reprisents the establishment of goons ,on both sides wich is a paradigm you need to stop looking at, its either good or bad for one and all.

the media chose her as a electable idot puppet,not the voters,remember that.

and the reason she got anything is because of govt subsidies given by liberals.

"If she believes in smaller government, that just means she wants you and I to have less... "

the govt doesnt provide anything i have or want. if you want the govt to provide everything in life for you then yes she is a obsticle ,but a dumb/manipulitive one.

i dont endorse her either


Active member

"Socialist" is what the right wing uses as an insult, not something HE identifies with.

I think it's safe to say that a large percent of the people who voted for him WISH he was a socialist...

so all the people who voted for him wish he was socialist,thats saying alot!

i voted for change and thats all i have left.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
thats part of the problem..
today's "conservatives" are anything but.
todays "liberals" don't resemble the high liberal ideals of old.

they all look like corporate shills.

that's right on the money. Both major political parties in the usa are owned by there corporate sponsors. That is why there should be term limits on every office. It prevents career politicians. When something is your career you depend on it. Being a representative is supposed to mean being a public servant, it is not meant to be a money making career. Even neighborhood Police should be elected and given term limits.


Active member
If anyone believes that Obama, or even either of the Pauls, father or the son, will legalize weed is dreaming the big fat, pie in the sky, rose colored glasses, everything is beautiful, type of big fat fuckin chance dream.

Ron Paul will legalize it!


ICMag Donor
The number of dispensories have quadupled since Obama became President. And I've yet to see one raid by the Feds that didn't involve another crime such as tax evasion or selling to people other than med patients. Can anyone show me one Federal raid where it was because 215 rules were being followed?

So I guess if some of you want to spin your stories because of your political beliefs, then have at it......

And I look at it as a positive that he would advertise on the NORML website.....

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