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okay people......where is POD RACER??

okay people......where is POD RACER??

allright has anyone heard from POD RACER since the hurricane Wilma roared into town? is it just a coincidence that he hasn't been online recently?

POD let us know you are a-ok......

sorry if i am worrying for no reason at all. i do that sometimes.

-kind regards, GP :wave:


FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida (CNN) -- Many Floridians could be without electricity for weeks, authorities said Tuesday, a day after Hurricane Wilma plowed across the peninsula.

I'm guessing that his power is still out. Sucks for sure. I hope he's able to salvage his grow.. :badday: He only had 3 weeks to go...


Well it is yet to be seen. Whew! Brothers...I am back.AND what a fuckin' nightmare it has been. They totally underestimated Wilma coming in, as they had warned us all it was only at max a Cat 1 storm. The second wall was at least Cat 3 if not 5 we aren't sure.

I have been without water and power for the past 5 days. We didn't have water for 3 days and its not drinkable yet. The electricity just came back on at 3 am this morning...I'm freakin' praying to Gia as we speak. :bow:

It was far worse than expected. I only lost my fence and gazebo, neighbors have lost their entire roofs which subsequently smashed into and ripped off their neighbor's roves. A twister went right down my street (taking my fence) and uprooting trees while piling trees up on other cars.

My little red sports car (As well as my glass top patio table) sat unmarked through the entire ordeal. It was insane.

Of course that is never the worse part of the Hurricanes themselves, it is the days that follow that are unbearable, as no one was prepared.

The lines to get gas are still 3 hours long, people are without power generators (I got one for $700 2 days ago - most the time sitting with no gas), no ice and no communications. We never even know what hit us for weeks. That part sucks ass.

It was ok up until yesterday when everyone started getting frustrated beyond civility, as some parts of the city have had power for 2 days while right across the street they are still surviving with generators or nothing at all. Gas is the hardest thing to get because by this point most people have run out trying to get it. Like myself, I was on fumes getting home after looking all over town and running my gen for a night.

I was most pissed off at myself, as I should have bought a gen when they were on sale a month ago and prepared better after last years debacle. I lost everything then and was draggin through to get back on my feet just like earlier this year.

Anyhow, I won't bore you with the long ass saga of how I had to try to save my grow while not only was I dead in the water but my neighbor behind me is dating a state trooper now so I had to wake up to a squad car sitting in-front of my patio window every-morning.


Learn from my mistakes. First, you could skip the gen. unless you need it, however I found a nice trick to save my ass (maybe a little too late). I spent the first couple of days trying to hand mist the roots and then finally when we had water (intermittently) I hook my rig up to the garden hose and ran it manually to waste outside for a day or so. This on top of visits from my neighbor the Sheriff Dep. and the Dike and her Girlfriend State Trooper.

The cop even offered to get me gas for my gen. (to run my grow...lol) Which was really sweet. However, I lucked out and a neighbor gave me 5 gallons as his work supplied him with a bunch. :yes: My neighbors Rock!

So, like I said. Worse thing that can happen is dried roots late in flower and so where does that put our PR? With dried roots in late flower—of course!

Here is the cool trick I finally figured out. I got a lift to pick up an inverter (luckily the old people around here don't know what that is) and I could use my car battery to run the dia. pump and bubblers for the moms on my cycler, so finally after 4 days of no light and no real active aerosol, they were back to at least timing at 1 minute on every 10 minutes or so. I was in survival mode.

The real solution I figured out would be to just get a Deep Cell batter (like Solar backup) and a Solar panel with an inverter. That little set up would cost me like about $200 bucks and would have indefinitely run my pump at least. The generator turned out to be a fiasco (I'm totally getting a Honda JAT) and to top it off the Gen. once working, blew my Horilux (so out another bulb as well).

The plants look surprisingly well despite having browning roots now and no growth at all in the dark. I finally got a rig of floros to hang over them once the gen had gas, but now I can run the MH.

You just don't know how much you take Hot water, phone and electricity for granted until you have to do without it for more than a couple days. Luckily I have lived in India and the Middle East, so I know how to rough it.

But let me just say through the entire ordeal EVERY FUCKIN' THING THAT COULD FUCK UP DID! What a fuckin' nightmare, to the tune of the leads not comin' off my battery without a fight, to just being shy 1" to make a connection that required hours or redoing, that sort of bullshit. Every fuckin' single chance it fucked my ass if it could. It has been an exhausting fight. Thank Gia I had AK-47 through the entire bullshit ordeal.

I missed you guys the most.

PS - We've already dealt with Swimmer if no one remembers? Just ignore him like whatshisass that keeps popping up time to time. They just stop by to start shit with you guy. That is why I don't trust any posts whose owner has only posted 11 times and no pics of their grow. They are usually just trolling.

My pups did swimmingly, however, they were totally awesome even if they didn't understand it all.

Queerist thing (beside the fact that it brings our neighborhood closer together every time) is I'm like really super tight with a Sheriff Dep and Trooper now. :yes: An neither has made any motion towards suspecting anything, and the Dep talks my ear off for hours. They are both Gal cops, one an Irish Lass (we get along, lol) and a bulldyke Trooper.

The Trooper's car keep freaking me out every-time I go to walk my dogs as the house is somewhat open with my fence now down no A/C. We have to leave the windows open or die. The grow room just sat like a storage room in the dark and luckily low odor that was masked by gasoline and general annoyances.

Once I got through all of that I felt a lot more confident in my stealth techniques, though I'm sure no one understand why I was so panicked to get some form of power back. We'll just have to see how they held up.

The 2nd Wall was really intense. The biggest problem, besides the lack of response to restoring power every time, was that last year they over hyped and dramatized the hurricanes and this year played this one way down.

It was worse than the others last year by far. 2 million are still without power tonight, but we are recovering. Just no one prepared for this hit as we were told it would be mild. They were very wrong. Wilma kicked our asses back to the stone-age and how. :biglaugh: Barefoot and living under a rock. Christ! It has been a freakin' nightmare.

But, that is over...and whew...I sigh a big sigh of relief that I can once again be back with my buddies and soon I'll be rockin' and rolling again.

I'll have to make a major TAG grow, however, as I'm out like $4K from this fuckin' ordeal with lost business and buying shit at rape-U prices. But my Diet Coke is Cold, with Ice (hurray!) and I'll have a hot shower tonight...:woohoo:

Glad to be back my friends.


And as it is now 4:20 here I'm going to smoke a bowl and post the pictures I took the morning of the hurricane before all hell broke loose. :biglaugh:

I had some point I was illustrating, but now I forget what it was... sorry. Except how surprising well the HOG mom is doing compared to the other strains. She would be a good one for crossing for strong, nute def. resistant, development. I'm really shocked as there are really no dead leaves compared to the others that looked like shit from the prior abuse.

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Damn bro, sounds like you have been through a lot. When you didn't post that next day I knew you were without power. I have a couple friends who were stuck in Ft. Lauderdale on business and they said it was insane!

Looks like the grow is doing fairly well though, I am surprised. I thought forsure I was going to have to send you a big ass cola so you had some smoke!

Those Honda generators are badass. I would still recommend getting one just incase. I like the part about the cop offering to get you gas for the generator, that's a classic!

Overall, good thing your place and car didn't get fucked up! Good to have you back!
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Ever notice that Manna and Canna are a lot alike..lol

Ever notice that Manna and Canna are a lot alike..lol

Thanks all, it was ..and to an extent continues, to be a major PITA. However, I have power (which is like fuckin' manna from heaven) so I can relax now. I have to say I am as equally surprised about the grow. But here again, as I stated before, they aren't as fragile in TAG as people think. The humidity in the pod kept them alive I'm sure. Having a good seal so they loss little water and I misted them and their roots often to keep at least a minimal amount available. They just think its a drought. :D

But starting soon they'll be enjoying the 1K again. Just sucks I lost my HPS on it. I think it had something to do with the 'modified sine wave' as I'm finding my inverter is the 'modified' type. I'll probably purchase a pure sine inverter and some Deep Cycle batteries for next time...if there is a next time.

And yes, a silent generator as well. It would have been worth investing 1K upfront rather than 4K after the fact, which is always the lesson here. I've learned that if you don't do it the right way first (like GN there) you'll pay 4 times as much just to fix your cheapass shortcut. :biglaugh:

But like I said, we are running on pure sine now, so the 1K MH can come out and play now that we have stable power and the girls have gotten their roots moist again. I still have 2 weeks on the indies...and the Peacekeeper hasn't moved. It is as though I just left a week ago and they haven't moved. I'm at least glad they are not dead.

But JAT I might need clones if I can't get my moms up or the Skywalker alumni to re-veg..but I will I'm sure. Its just going to be a long, expensive and grueling re-build again.

Turns out she was a Cat 3 storm across the state, that was the problem. They were expecting her to weaken, but she stayed Cat 3 all the way and the second wall was packing the entire force of the Gulf of Mexico (hot air). It was impressive to watch however. Gia does an awesome job of pressure cleaning herself with just a little sunlight, wind and water. Amazing how much power is harnessed in something so huge that can just dissipate into thin air in hours. Truly to be humbled by that power, it is amazing to behold.

But your Pod Racer is back on track and accelerating back up to hyper-speed. Hopefully I'll meet you all at the finish line with something to show for myself.

JAT those trees of yours should be doing some nice tricks about now, eh? God..I missed you guy...really. Big gay group huge, k? Love ya bunches.
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Wow, crazy for sure... Glad you've made it okay considering all that shit. If you need anything to get going again just lemme know, it's yours.

You may be able to finish this one, start fresh and still race me and my 10 week strain that I'm only gonna start flowering tomorrow..lol



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hola POD...

you know its not like i'm into kaballah like madonna or anything (hehehe) but in the Zohar there is a description of something called the "holy of holies" and it is a quite detailled description of some sort of apparatus with multiple chambers and golden pans where the priests added certain liquids at certain times and evaporated strange concoctions etc.....so it is maintained by Kaballists that the description of the "holy of holies" is actually the detailed plans for a "MANNA-making-machine" that allowed the Jews to survive as they wandered in the Desert for 40 years. This machine was stored in the first temple along with the Ark of the Covenant and how it was created is a mystery. Some say it was borrowed from another civilization (possible Atlantis?), some say the Jews invented it, some say it was given to the Jews by God along with the Ark, some say it was given by Aliens.....so who knows?
Anyway, regardless of who invented the Holy of Holies, the machine was actually a POD which manufactured Spirulina, a blue-green algae that is very high in protein. The instructions for the Holy of Holies describes how to add the Spirulina powder to one "golden pan" and incubate it until the entire tribe of Israel could eat and sustain themselves while wandering through the desert. So this was the first POD!! What we do today in our TAG devices is just a modern-day version of the manna-making-machine. So perhaps it is no coincidence that the words "MANNA" and "KANNA" are so similar!

I bet you didn't expect this answer, did ya?......or maybe our minds are psychically linked and you subconsciously KNEW that someone would receive your mental transmissions...... :yoinks: :yoinks:

yer pal GUINEAPIG :woohoo: :woohoo:


Happy 4:20 Y'ALL

Happy 4:20 Y'ALL

I expect nothing but pure genius from you GP. :biglaugh: That IS an interesting correlation. I've actually studied not one thing on the Kanabalism of Alla (Kabbalah) I'll have to 'see' further into it as well. But please, GP....shed light my friend. I am always willing to travel down that road. Find me something new. :yes:

I decided on this nickname because of that exact thing however. POD. Very like GOD no? lol But with a "P" and the beginning. (Family Guy ref...sorry) It occurred to me that a 'Pod' was the creative cradle of all life and that the incubation of any 'seed' should be in a faux 'womb' environment. That is what led to the creation of the TAG concept as the actual 'pod' part of the system where the roots are is the primary focus...not the lights and scrogging.

Like all organic systems the best means of travel for any species is the pod. The seed pod to be specific. Sperm is just a seed pod with a tail, seeds themselves are just pods carrying the future incarnation of that fruit.

The Racing part came from the fact that we accelerate the speed of the pods development and 'turbo' load it with gear to make it like a time machine. At the time I just saw 'POD' everywhere I looked and it established itself as an auspicious word. You'll find I do that a lot, of course, as being a wordsmith is my hobby. I love the connective fiber between things. Here is another really fucked up realization I had during the hurricane. (I continued to work on paper by candlelight)

The Om Ra equation in our most primitive symbols.

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JAT - Those look excellent! :yes: Excellent, you are going to have a really good harvest. Can't wait! :lurk:


Active member
wow! :yoinks: really nice root-porn JAT.....is there a correlation between plant size and root size in a TAE? or are plants with the largest root structures not necessarily the largest? i've heard it just depends on the strain as to how extensive the root structure becomes, but perhaps y'all have noticed a trend......-kind regards, gp :wave: :wave:


It is interesting to see that JAT's tables still grow like a bush shape. :chin:

But GP the roots reflect the growth above in almost mirror like fashion. This is why we go for pom pom roots as it creates pom pom buds rather than long stringy roots with long stringy buds.

Its an hour-glass shape you are going for. With correct TAE and PAE (Perfect Atmospheric Environment) you'll have a perfectly formed 18 inches of thick roots and 18 inches of thick bud. :yes:

When the taps have to travel to seek adequate supplies and the laterals have to extend out as well you'll see the buds get longer and more airy as well.

I've found, oddly enough, that each side has almost an equal balanced half. All the way down to the trichomes. There are Main fans that feed the the stems = Taps that feed the stems, the sub-leafs on the shoots themselves (3 leaved) that power the shoot's bud production = laterals off the tap lines on the main roots, and then finally trichome glands appear at full maturity = these little things that look like trichomes I find on my roots with TAE.


So you can see that the perfect balance of a tight circular, rather than elliptical, balance creates the most ideal and most efficient buds. That is why I spend so much time talking about all this other Ærocanna shit. It is all related if you practice the Om-Ra balance of power. All Circles are perfect in harmony and potential energy is the least (which is what you want). Any time you go elliptical you have to compensate with extreme measures where if you can pull your elements into a nice comfortable balance, they can even survive in a TAG through 5 days without power or light. You see its all about understanding the systems and identifying their needs. Balance each system and eventually you have a perfect Eco-system that supports itself.

Hope that helps GP. :wink:

PS - the tichs are just pubic hair..if you don't mind the graphic image. :biglaugh: Its a sign of maturity, just like in animals. Dark hair, adult plant.

Interior structure of a trichome.
Trichomes, from the Greek meaning "growth of hair", are fine outgrowths or appendages on plants and protists. These are of diverse structure and function. Examples are hairs, glandular hairs, scales, and papillae.

Root hairs

Root hairs are tubular outgrowths of trichoblasts, the hair-forming cells on the epidermis of a plant root. That is, root hairs are lateral extensions of a single cell and only rarely branched. Just prior to the root hair development, there is a point of elevated phosphorylase activity.

Root hairs vary between 5 and 17 micrometres in diameter, and 80 to 1,500 micrometres in length (Dittmar, cited in Esau, 1965).

Root hairs can survive for 2 to 3 weeks and then die off. At the same time new root hairs are continually being formed at the top of the root. This way, the root hair coverage stays the same.

The ability of the root epidermis to absorb water from the surrounding soil is the same with or without root hairs, but the root hairs enlarge and extend the water absorbing surface.

There are also plants lacking root hairs, mostly water plants or marsh plants, such as duckweeds (family Lemnaceae), and gymnosperms.

And just some more FYI cause knowledge IS power! lol
Trichomes and cannabis

Quite possibly, the most important reason for the evolution of the THC laden capitate-stalked trichomes is the intercession of man in the natural selection process, favoring genotypes that produce copious amounts of THC laden trichomes. In addition, THC has very high UV-B adsorption properties, thus cannabis evolution may have favored the evolution of genotypes that produced these THC laden capitate-stalked trichomes as a built in 'sun-screen' for protection against UV-B light rays. The dried trichromes of cannabis is also called kief.


The Capitate-Stalked trichomes of the cannabis plant.
Bulbous: The bulbous type is the smallest (15 to 30 micrometre). From one to four cells make up the "foot" and "stalk," and one to four cells make up the "head" of the gland. Head cells secrete a resin - presumably cannabinoids, and related compounds which accumulate between the head cells and the cuticle. When the gland matures, a nipple-like protrusion may form on the membrane from the pressure of the accumulating resin. The bulbous glands are found scattered about the surfaces of the above-ground plant parts.
Capitate-Sessile: The second type of gland is much larger & is more numerous than the bulbous glands. They are called capitate, which means having a globular-shaped head. On immature plants, the heads lie flush, appearing not to have a stalk and are called capitate sessile. They actually have a stalk that is one cell high, although it may not be visible beneath the globular head. The head is composed of usually eight, but up to 16 cells, that form a convex rosette. These cells secrete cannabinoids, and related compounds which accumulate between the rosette and it's outer membrane. This gives it a spherical shape. The gland measures from 25 to 100 micrometres across.
Capitate-Stalked: Cannabinoids are most abundant in the capitate-stalked gland which consists of a tier of secretory disc cells subtending a large non-cellular secretory cavity. During flowering the capitate glands that appear on the newly formed plant parts take on a third form. Some of the glands are raised to a height of 150 to 500 micrometres when their stalks elongate. These capitate-stalked glands appear during flowering and form their densest cover on the female flower bracts. They are also highly concentrated on the small leaves that accompany the flowers. The male flowers have stalked glands on the sepals, but they are smaller and less concentrated than on the female bracts. Male flowers form a row of very large capitate glands along the opposite sides of anthers.

Active ingredients

THC:delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol & delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol - THC mimics the action of anandamide, a neurotransmitter produced naturally in the body, which binds with the cannabinoid receptors in the brain to produce the ‘high’ associated with marijuana. THC possesses high UV-B (280-315 nm) absorption properties.
THCV: tetrahydrocannabivarin - prevalent in certain South African and Southeast Asian strains of cannabis. It is said to produce a ‘clearer high’ & seems to possess many of the therapeutic properties of THC.
CBD:cannabidiol - previously believed to be psychoactive, or to contribute to the high by interacting with other cannabinoids, conversely the most recent research indicates that CBD has negligible effect on the high, it is however a strong anti-inflammatory, and may take the edge off some THC effects, such as anxiety. CBD as a non-psychoactive cannabinoid appears to be helpful for many medical conditions. CBD biosynthesizes into cannabinol (CBN) & tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
CBN: cannabinol - a degradation product of THC, produces a depressant effect, ‘fuzzy’ forehead.
CBC: cannabichromene - non-psychoactive , a precursor to THC.
CBG: cannabigerol - non-psychoactive, hemp strains often posses elevated levels of CBG while possessing only trace amounts of THC.
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Super Circle Theory ...lol

Super Circle Theory ...lol

Now I said, 'survive 5 days' not prosper...:biglaugh:

But here is a look at my roots after 5 days of no power and no light. Not too shabby, I'm really impressed. The Peacekeeper is warped..but all are still as they were, or close too it, about a week ago. :yes:


I've got the Full Spec MH up and running. :yes: So they are loving life again, let's just hope there isn't a lot of fall out as it takes some time to register the damage. Fingers crossed they pull threw with little trauma.

My moms...well...we need to get them into ICU stat! :yoinks: They've been soaking in a bubbler for 5 days, well...water for 4 bubbles for 2. Looking shitty, but I'll get them up and running too. :D

Glad to be back on the tracks with my friends. Long live the DOA!

PS - I thought I already posted this...lol, you can pretty much tell what sort of bud/flower development is above these roots I think—just from the roots alone. :smile:

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Check this out. I just blew through my first 5L bottle of DM1. So I went to the local hydro store to pick up a new bottle. It said "One Flower" on it, so I didn't even think to check the NPK ratios. Get back and toss it in the rez and it's taking more than usual to give me my desired TDS levels. So I look at the label, it says 1.8-0.5-3.1 where as my original bottle said 4-4-8. PR - what do your bottles read? I check the chemical breakdown on the back, and everything looks to be the same. I don't know whether this is a newer bottle, or an older bottle.

Any ideas anyone?
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