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TAG Journal Featuring Dual 345W LED's & Sour60 Autoflowers


Active member
The Room: 4' x 4' Mylar lined Grow Tent from eBay! The room includes a TAG system, (2) 345W LED Grow Lights (310W actual power draw each), and a CO2 Enrichment System (will turn on 02-07). A water chiller is being installed 02-06 to keep the reservoir temps at a constant 67-72 degrees, and an oxygenation pump will continuously enrich the nutrient solution. CO2 will be run at 1500ppm, the room temp will be maintained between 80-90 degrees Fahrenheit, and the humidity will be maintained between 60-75%. A circulation fan will be installed next week as well to make for sturdier plants.

The TAG System:
4' x 2' x 1' TAG (true aeroponic gardening) tray made by Hydro-Grow. TAG is the most advanced form of aeroponics, utilizing high pressure pumps and fine mister/fogger nozzles to create a moisture and oxygen rich environment for explosive root growth. TAG systems generally run on a cycle timer, allowing the misters to turn on for 30-45 seconds, then off for 3-5 minutes depending on the gardener's preference and the number of misting nozzles you have. The cycle repeats continuously, creating a fog like environment inside the grow tray and allowing the roots to dry out partially between watering cycles. TAG systems use far less nutrients and water than other forms of hydroponics, making them the most economical for the gardener. A member on these forums by the name of PetFlora recommended that we build a TAG system several months ago, and provided us with quite a bit of information on the topic. This will be our first grow utilizing this exciting new form of aeroponics, and we hope it lives up to all the claims. :biggrin:

Nutrients: Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice Bloom, Bud Candy, Big Bud. We may also get some Bushmaster, Gravity, and PurpleMax as well, but it's currently undecided. We will be sure to post if we do use it ;)

Strain: Sour 60 Autoflowers by MDanzig (fellow ICMag sponsor). The seeds were supplied free of charge, so a BIG THANK YOU to MDanzig :biggrin: This will be our first time EVER growing an autoflower strain, so this grow is certainly an experimental one for us on several levels. We chose the "Strong" phenotype as labeled by MDanzig, and planted 17 seeds on 01-26. All seeds popped their first root within 3 days (many within 24 hours), which is a testament to the quality of his seeds. We will weed out the males in a few weeks when sex begins to appera, and hopefully end up with 8-10 healthy females in the end. We look forward to seeing what they can do!

Grower: My wife will be performing this entire grow!!! I will be taking the photos and posting it on the forums, but this time it's her turn. It will be her FIRST time ever running a bloom room, as that has been my job primarily over the last several years. I will be running the 205W ScrOG grow that will be online shortly ;)



Active member
Seeds Started 01-26 (yep, he sent a LOT!):



Grow Tent (on right) Started 01-30 with (1) 318W:




This is what I consider Day 1, when the plants shed the shell from the seed and sprout their first leaves:





Active member
The 345W Units arrived today! Here they are on 02-03:





Some Up-Close shots of a few of the plants on Day 4 from Sprouting:




A bit of root porn :biggrin:





Wow, This looks very exciting. I really like the way you setup the table, Thanks for lifting the lid :) I can't wait to see the results..... I know, I know, patience. Do these units run cool also? Thanks LEDGirl.


Active member
The unit itself runs cool since the reservoir has an external pump which runs intermittently (currently set at 45 second on, 5 minutes off). Since the pump is not kept inside the reservoir, if you keep the reservoir outside of your tent (or other 80+ degree grow space), temps should be fairly easy to regulate. We will do root photos throughout the grow, as this is a new TAG experience for us and we want to document it for anyone else interested in advanced aeroponics :)


Active member
I was actually refering to the lights, shoulda been more specific. Thanks or the info on the system.

The 345W lights run a bit warmer than our other models, as they pack a lot more wattage onto the same board. I don't have my temp gun at my new home, or I'd go ahead and get a readout on the panels to see how much warmer they operate. The Chinese are currently on vacation, so any modifications to the design (say bigger heatsink) won't be accomplished until after they return in about 2 weeks.


No Longer a Human Watering Can
Wow ... i must retract some statements i had made previously about led lights , or at least rephrase it ...The Led lights i purchased are lame compared to what you bring to the table ... after going through your gallery and threads i stand corrected ...... amazing lights ... i cant wait for brother Hazy to get his hands on the testers ....peace L G keep it up ...


Active member
After the 345W's arrived, the lights were placed at approximately 9" from the plants. The temp in the tent got a bit warm (not to mention the timer malfunctioned several times leading to dry roots), so we have left the door to the tent partially open for the last few days and I've been checking the timer a LOT. When CO2 gets turned on that will change, but for now it'll be open. Hopefully we'll also get some new Sentinel timers soon, so we don't have any more of those issues. Anyhow some of the plants show some tip burn (likely due to the heat and dry roots), but just in case my wife will be adding magnesium from Humboldt Nutrients (still have some left over) to the reservoir tonight. She also raised the lights to 12". A few of the weaker plants have died, so she planted a few backups that should be ready in a couple of days. Anyhow, enjoy the pics!

These images were taken 02-09 (day 10 from sprout):



Some up-close shots of a few plants:






Some Root Shots:


