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synthetic to organic

would it stunt a plant to be fed synthetic nutrients as a seedling (beer cup) and then transplant it into an organic soil mix such as lcs mix bone/blood/kelp


They will be fine.

I take clones from 'synth' growers all the time.. While I don't use the specific blood/bone recipe that you do, I just transplant into my 'cooked' soil with some myco fungi, and we're off and running..

Just because its been poisoned as a seedling doesn't mean it should be poisoned the rest of its life.:)
I bet they will be more than happy to get some that Organic love. Make the switch asap!


Active member
Just because its been poisoned as a seedling doesn't mean it should be poisoned the rest of its life.:)
I bet they will be more than happy to get some that Organic love. Make the switch asap!

LOL. You can always add some fish nutes on top of your bone/blood/kelp mix if you think you need to...... no worries.

I do at times.
With all the organic bashing going on in another thread I just had to.
Call me a hater.

funny thing is i actually labelled the cuttings i fed synthetics as "P" for poison lmao

thx guys, the plants i fed synthetics grew larger leaves then any other plant in just 2 days

by synthetics i mean GH flora micro grow bloom and sum b52


Just add a source for microbial life such as a handful of healthy living organic soil.

The difference between chemical feeding and Organic soil is the life in the and around the roots.


Living with the soil
Man.....over and over with this Chemi/Organic mine is better than yours crap. I have Organic plants that grow at massive rates...never a problem that can't be managed in a simple way. Never touch a ph meter,mostly just plain water...unless I hit them with a mild Act tea here and there...but then they grow Waaaay too much for my space.........I don't get the Chemi yields,but if I hit 'em with more light I do.

To each his own with this BS
We're all growing herb...some people just need to grow up.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
I'm taking the plunge!!!!!!

I'm taking the plunge!!!!!!

I bought 20 of these units for my upcoming transition from organics to synthetic/chemical fertilizers.


For my 'nute program' I'm going to mix my own with chemicals from Hydro-Gardens.com because they've got all the basic chemicals - nitrates, chlorides, phosphates, sulfates, hydroxides, et al.

The kind of place where real manly men source their chemicals to dial-in their operations. With this resource and the growing chambers I'll be installing I'm hoping to harvest as much as 8 oz. per cycle.

Maybe I can figure out the secrets behind 'Open Sesame' or 'Cha-Ching' and create a new line of products. "Salmonhead Meets Rain Brain"

I'll work on another name later................



Living with the soil
WOW! That's an awesome site CC....I'm wondering if I get the little rake and shovel too.
"Slammin' Rain" would be an appropriate title for the target group.....Funny stuff CC
You should have experienced the "NEW" hydro-store out in your neck of the woods I went to the other day......Used car salesman types like I've NEVER experienced before in a grow store in my life..


Since this thread has turned into a joke, i have a question that somehow i've not been able to find the answer to on the internet (i guess my google searches have all been mis-termed...)

All of my horticulture plants (at school) are started in this terrible, synthetically fertilized soil, when i take them home i hesitate to put them in the garden due to the chemicals creeping out from the rhizosphere's and killing micro-organisms all over my garden. So what i currently do is [1] pull my plants out of the pots, [2] shake off as much soil as possible, [3] then i run it through a stream washing as much of the dirt off as possible. [4] Once all the nasty ferts are off it gets planted into one of my gardens.

My question is how, once all the slow releasing fertilizers are broken down, long would it take for the me to take the infected soil, and then throw it in with my compost to actually use it again?
It's a shame to think i can't recycle tainted soil... most of this stuff i'm just planting cacti and herbs in.
any link to studies or experiments on this would be much appreciated i just really cannot find any scientific information on the subject for some reason.

peace, ngen.

Clackamas Coot

Active member

Perhaps if you flushed your soil with clear water and let it dry out for a few days and then hit it with an aerated compost tea to reintroduce aerobic microbes into the soil you might find it helpful.

Just an idea.


Clackamas Coot

Active member
The unit should have a 'flush' device like a toilet to really maximize the synthetic growing experience don't you think?

I just need to find a retired tool-and-die maker perhaps!
