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'Synthetic' marijuana is problem for US military


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

SAN DIEGO (AP) — U.S. troops are increasingly using an easy-to-get herbal mix called "Spice," which mimics a marijuana high, is hard to detect and can bring on hallucinations that last for days.

The abuse of the substance has so alarmed military officials that they've launched an aggressive testing program that this year has led to the investigation of more than 1,100 suspected users.

So-called "synthetic" pot is readily available on the Internet and has become popular nationwide in recent years, but its use among troops and sailors has raised concerns among the Pentagon brass.

"You can just imagine the work that we do in a military environment," said Mark Ridley, deputy director of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, adding, "you need to be in your right mind when you do a job. That's why the Navy has always taken a zero tolerance policy toward drugs."

Two years ago, only 29 Marines and sailors were investigated for Spice. This year, the number topped 700, the investigative service said. Those found guilty of using Spice are kicked out, although the Navy does not track the overall number of dismissals.

The Air Force has punished 497 airmen so far this year, compared to last year's 380, according to figures provided by the Pentagon. The Army does not track Spice investigations but says it has medically treated 119 soldiers for the synthetic drug in total.

Military officials emphasize those caught represent a tiny fraction of all service members and note none was in a leadership position or believed high while on duty.

Spice is made up of exotic plants from Asia like Blue Lotus and Bay Bean. Their leaves are coated with chemicals that mimic the effects of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, but are five to 200 times more potent.

More than 40 states have banned some of its chemicals, prompting sellers to turn to the Internet, where it is marketed as incense or potpourri. In some states, Spice is sold at bars, smoke shops and convenience stores.

Sellers based in the United States and Europe advertising the incense on the Internet did not respond to emails or calls seeking comment.

The packets often say the ingredients are not for human consumption and are for aromatherapy. They are described as "mood enhancing" and "long lasting." Some of the sellers' Web sites say they do not sell herbal mixes containing any illegal chemicals and say they are offering a "legal high."

Service members preferred it because up until this year there was no way to detect it with urine tests. A test was developed after the Drug Enforcement Administration put a one-year emergency ban on five chemicals found in the drug.

Manufacturers are adapting to avoid detection, even on the new tests, and skirt new laws banning the main chemicals, officials say.

"It's a moving target," said Capt. J.A. "Cappy" Surette, spokesman for the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.

The military can calibrate its equipment to test for those five banned chemicals "but underground chemists can keep altering the properties and make up to more than 100 permutations," Surette said.

Complicating their efforts further, there are more than 200 other chemicals used in the concoctions. They remain legal and their effects on the mind and body remain largely unknown, Navy doctors say.

A Clemson University scientist created many of the chemicals for research purposes in 1990s. They were never tested on humans.

Civilian deaths have been reported and emergency crews have responded to calls of "hyper-excited" people doing things like tearing off their clothes and running down the street naked.

Navy investigators compare the substance to angel dust because no two batches are the same. Some who smoke it like a marijuana cigarette may just feel a euphoric buzz, but others have suffered delusions lasting up to a week.

While the problem has surfaced in all branches of the military, the Navy has been the most aggressive in drawing attention to the problem.

It produced a video based on cases to warn sailors of Spice's dangers and publicized busts of crew members on some of its most-storied ships, including the USS Carl Vinson, from which Osama bin Laden's was dropped into the sea.

Two of the largest busts this year involved sailors in the San Diego-based U.S. Third Fleet, which announced last month that it planned to dismiss 28 sailors assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan.

A month earlier, 64 sailors, including 49 from the Vinson, were accused of being involved in a Spice ring.

Many of the cases were discovered after one person was caught with synthetic pot, prompting broader investigations.

Lt. Commander Donald Hurst, a fourth-year psychiatry resident at San Diego's Naval Medical Center, said the hospital is believed to have seen more cases than any other health facility in the country.

Doctors saw users experiencing bad reactions once a month, but now see them weekly. Users suffer everything from vomiting, elevated blood pressure and seizures to extreme agitation, anxiety and delusions.

Hurst said the behavior in many cases he witnessed at first seemed akin to schizophrenia. Usually within minutes, however, the person became completely lucid. Sometimes, the person goes in and out of such episodes for days.

He recalled one especially bizarre case of a sailor who came in with his sobbing wife.

"He stood their holding a sandwich in front of him with no clue as to what to do," he said. "He opened it up, looked at it, touched it. I took it and folded it over and then he took a bite out it. But then we had to tell him, 'you have to chew.'"

An hour later when Hurst went back to evaluate him, he was completely normal and worried about being in trouble.

"That's something you don't see with acute schizophrenic patients," he said. "Then we found out based on the numbers of people coming in like this, that OK there's a new drug out there."

Hurst decided to study 10 cases. Some also had smoked marijuana or drank alcohol, while others only smoked Spice.

Of the 10, nine had lost a sense of reality. Seven babbled incoherently. The symptoms for seven of them lasted four to eight days. Three others are believed to now be schizophrenic. Hurst believed the drug may have triggered the symptoms in people with that genetic disposition. His findings were published in the American Journal of Psychiatry in October.

He said there are countless questions that still need answering, including the designer drug's effects on people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or traumatic brain injuries.

What the research has confirmed, he said, is: "These are not drugs to mess with."

I can't imagine the amount of head scratching it would cause the US military if some of these soldiers were also involved with the Spice Girls.......


While I am pro Drug..obviously...I banned that shit from my trimmers..They ain't got the brain cells to waste on my time... sittin ther droolin lookin at my nuggs,not trimmin??? I'll drop ya like a Zombie....

One Love 731

Senior Member
I guess to each their own. Spice is yuk and not as similar to cannabis as "they" would like you to think. The psychoactive effect has nothing to do with the "herbs" in the package and everything to do with the chemical sprayed on it. Its like comparing huffing gas to drinking beer. Guess we could all go back to heroin and blow, at least ya can test clean in a reasonable amount of time. What another man does behind closed doors should not be the next mans business. Be safe out there, don't get caught and a happy new year to ya all. 1:ying:


they let them group shower and sleep in each others bed why not let them smoke a little ganja.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I wonder if "Synthetic Marijuana" was created to help perpetuate the "Reefer Madness" Stereotype in this day and age of real marijuana being more recognized for it's medical value?

Whatever the case it does highlight/underscore the fallacy of prohibition. Instead of prohibition having the desired result of people giving something up, it ends up pushing people to "criminal" behavior and using things even more dangerous then the thing being prohibited.


Active member
Military money would be much better spent on alcoholism. Lots of alcohol problems in the military.


Active member
Interesting and informative post...Its a shame they have to resort to this kind of crap...Maybe they should all be taking some Detox pills every day...keep smoking pot, and enjoy life...
It worked for me...I got caught at work,lost position for 6 months, reduced pay for a year..but after that I still smoked a little on weekends, but never tested positive again, as the Detox pills worked till I retired...Just use intelligently in the situation you are in and you can get by...I also know a guy who retired from the Navy, smoked every day..would get caught short and have to piss in a flower pot at times..He was always pounding water...but he got away with it...I dont know how, but he did...

Keep smoking and enjoyin!!


Active member
I tried this stuff you can buy from the "Rez" in our area..called Yum Yum...I got a buzz, but wasnt the same as our organic grown...Wife wouldnt touch it..She says, " You dont know what that shit is, I'm not smokin that"...Just thought I'd try it for science...Nuff said..


joe fresh

Active member
in canada the naval ships have vending machines that sell cans of beer for 1$ 24hrs a day....

my friend is a botswain(spelling?) for the canadian navy, he is also an alcoholic...he was down in columbia doing boat raids and drug siezures, he told me he was drunk the whole time, the captain even let him drive the ship while he was still loaded from the night before....

i mean common, 1$ beer vending machines...lol


Old School Cottonmouth
That sucks I was first turned on to the synthetics by a soldier and a convict.

REALLY sucks for the prisoners. Back when it was legal my buddy used to sit in his cell and get blasted watching tv all day. Now they are back to toilet wine I guess.


the autoritys should just realice that people whantto/ need to get off theyr tits every so often, and no matter what they are going to. even if it risks getting punished over. so banning everything exsept alkohol is as poor a solution as there is.


Invertebrata Inebriata

"You can just imagine the work that we do in a military environment," said Mark Ridley, deputy director of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, adding, "you need to be in your right mind when you do a job. That's why the Navy has always taken a zero tolerance policy toward drugs."

That's pretty fucking funny. Back in the 70's, my friends in the navy used to bring back all kinds of shit, like Thai stick from Thailand, etc.
And be stoned all the time.


I'm sure the military still gives it's pilots and special operators "go pills".


Active member
I think they use Modafinil or something like it nowadays. Keep you up for days without the buzz or bouts of psychosis that come with amphetamines.


Active member
In this day and age when the media have been thoroughly outed and proven to be outright liars.......why would anyone take something like this seriously? Or as truth, without a HEALTHY dose of skepticism? I'm not seeing any skepticism amongst the replies here....and that worries me, considering there are other threads right here on this site patiently explaining how our media is completely owned and controlled by people who do NOT have our best interests in mind. All the information is out there, but in order for it to be effective, people need to see how it applies to the situation at hand.

One of the ways those in power maintain their power is by dividing the people against each other. Those stupid, crazy bath salt smokers.....when WILL they ever stop with their madness, and insane craving for getting high? What kind of depraved person would smoke these substances just to get around mandatory piss tests??

Every moral and just patriot agrees with mandatory drug testing, right? (We wouldn't want one of those SCARY pot smokers behind the controls of a cubicle, would we?) So those who insist on getting high regardless, and on substances we personally disapprove of, must be true scumbags! Since this article agrees with our preconceived notions, let's just cast away all doubt and agree wholeheartedly with the conclusions this "article" has fed to us......right?

So we've all heard these rumors of all this crazy stuff happening to people who use these DANGEROUS bath salts.....but.....who has actually witnessed it? Who actually knows someone who's had serious medical problems occur which can be directly attributed to bath salts? Who can name ONE person who actually turned schitzo and went crazy due to bath salts? Come on. This is Reefer Madness 2012.

I mean, since nobody in their right mind smokes this stuff (right?), who the hell knows what it actually does? Let's just believe the scary rumors, which are easy to make up and push with a straight face since nobody knows what it actually does. What better way to distract from the DEA's recent unpopular medical marijuana thuggery, than by pushing forward another evil menace (and class of evil people) to go after?

This sounds like more SCARE TACTICS (aka POLICE STATE PROPAGANDA) to me.

I'm sure we'll be seeing more on this. These type of articles never seem to pop up on their own; there's always a rash of them, right when some politician is trying to push some agenda. Funny how that works.