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'Synthetic' marijuana is problem for US military


Well-known member
Last year, K2 and other blends containing JWH-018 and JWH-073 were really popular in my area. Available 24/7 in a wide variety of convenient stores. Since I was not living in a medical state, and between harvests, after experimenting with it, and finding that it worked incredible, I began a 6 month synthetic binge. Things were great for the first few weeks, maybe even the first few months. I was getting an incredible euphoric and psychedelic sativaesque high every single time. Then tolerance built up. Weed would not get me high, but it would taste good.

As a former opiate addict, and previously a cannabis activist, and daily smoker, these blends totally fucked with my personality. I went from someone who loved weed, to someone who saw no point to smoke it, as long as the blends were around. All along, I was aware of the hypocricy on my part, and on the powers that be's part. I guess it was my way of saying "fuck you".

For instance, I was able to wake up, get in my car, drive to a nearby store, purchase my potent blend, drive home without fear of being pulled over "riding dirty", go home and get high as fuck, and then if I wanted to, go out in public without having people smelling weed. Ironically I felt free and liberated as a stoner, even though in reality, it wasn't the case. The fact that I was smoking random plant parts and flowers, dyed blue, with all sorts of scents didn't matter to me. The only thing that mattered to me was that I was able to legally get high as fuck, whenever and wherever I wanted to.

After a few months, things started to drastically change. JWH-018 and JWH-073 were getting a lot of attention in the media, and companies started switching to different RCs and synthetic cannabinoids.

For example, when I started, one bowl would get me the most incredible euphoric sativa high. The same "brand" a few months later, upon the first inhale, my heart would start beating like crazy, as if I took a hit of crack, and I would get really strong and random heart palpitations. The high was no longer euphoric, and some blends felt NOTHING like cannabis. I became convinced that they were now just putting random non-cannabinoid research chemicals.

When I ran out, it became clear to me that it was not harmless and was more serious that I had initially believed. When I would run out, I would lose my appetite, become extremely depressed, no motivation to do anything except smoke another bowl. As those who have smoked blends know, they produce a lot of resin in pipes, and the resin is extremely potent. I would go around breaking my old glass pieces open, just to scrape the resin. I had never done anything like that through my 5 years of daily cannabis use, even when I ran out.

Soon, all the places in my area stopped selling my preferred blend, and started selling this random new shit. I remember purchasing it, tasting it, almost vomitting, and then flushing it down the toilet.

Afterwards, I got myself an oz of real medicine, and started the 2 week withdrawal process. By withdrawal process, I'm not talking about anything life threatening, but it was mental hell. No matter how much bud I smoked, I was not getting high. I recall making so much kief, and smoking bowls back to pack of kief, to no avail.

Slowly, but surely everything went back to normal, and I felt like I had betrayed my favorite plant and felt bad. I became angry that the media had basically promoted this synthetic toxic shit to millions of people, when a harmless plant is available for all.

Around the culmination of my synthetic binge, I noticed health problems that I didn't have before. It could just be a coincidence, but there's also the posibility it results from my heavy use. Strangely, the same effects were also noted by some of my friends who also smoked the blends heavily for months. Blurry vision for example. It still hasn't gone away, and I find it strange, because before it happened, I had 20/20 vision. So to this day it's a mystery.

After getting back on track, and not fucking with that shit anymore, I watched as my friends sampled different "new" blends. One day, my friend came over with some new blend, and offered me some. I declined, but watched him and my other friend smoke it. They got high, but they claimed it was different than it used to be, and extremely short lasting.

One of my ex girlfriends who I've remained friends with recently moved to a country in asia, where she has been unable to find any cannabis in over 3 months. She couldn't take it anymore, so she told me she ordered some new blend. I'm not sure what it was, she didn't tell me. I asked her how it was, and she told me it got her high as fuck for the first day, but afterwards it simply didn't work.

So, basically, at one point it was good in effects. Now, there's so many different synthetic cannabinoids, and so many different RCs that you really have no idea what you're getting. In the past, like a year or two ago, it was different. The synthetic cannabinoids were completely legal, so the brands could actually advertise what it contained, and you could make your own.

Now, as another result of prohibition, this time on the JWHs, you dont know what youre getting, or what it contains. I find the whole situation fucked up. I'm just glad that I learned my lesson. Don't get me wrong, I had some great times on synthetic blends back when they actually worked and were comparable to a good sativa. But like usual, they had to fuck it up for everyone, and now the blends are even more dangerous and unknown.

Looking at some other websites that have forums for synthetic cannabinoids, is like looking at a forum for hard drugs. The new popular synthetics are evidently extremely addictive, complete with physical withdrawals.

I think it's time that the world finally gives cannabis the respect it deserves. It's really fucked up and science-fiction-esque that people are going around smoking flowers and plants, with synthetic cannabinoids sprayed on, all because the natural safe plant is illegal. Its really absurd.


High Grade Specialist
In this day and age when the media have been thoroughly outed and proven to be outright liars.......why would anyone take something like this seriously? Or as truth, without a HEALTHY dose of skepticism? I'm not seeing any skepticism amongst the replies here....and that worries me, considering there are other threads right here on this site patiently explaining how our media is completely owned and controlled by people who do NOT have our best interests in mind. All the information is out there, but in order for it to be effective, people need to see how it applies to the situation at hand.

One of the ways those in power maintain their power is by dividing the people against each other. Those stupid, crazy bath salt smokers.....when WILL they ever stop with their madness, and insane craving for getting high? What kind of depraved person would smoke these substances just to get around mandatory piss tests??

Every moral and just patriot agrees with mandatory drug testing, right? (We wouldn't want one of those SCARY pot smokers behind the controls of a cubicle, would we?) So those who insist on getting high regardless, and on substances we personally disapprove of, must be true scumbags! Since this article agrees with our preconceived notions, let's just cast away all doubt and agree wholeheartedly with the conclusions this "article" has fed to us......right?

So we've all heard these rumors of all this crazy stuff happening to people who use these DANGEROUS bath salts.....but.....who has actually witnessed it? Who actually knows someone who's had serious medical problems occur which can be directly attributed to bath salts? Who can name ONE person who actually turned schitzo and went crazy due to bath salts? Come on. This is Reefer Madness 2012.

I mean, since nobody in their right mind smokes this stuff (right?), who the hell knows what it actually does? Let's just believe the scary rumors, which are easy to make up and push with a straight face since nobody knows what it actually does. What better way to distract from the DEA's recent unpopular medical marijuana thuggery, than by pushing forward another evil menace (and class of evil people) to go after?

This sounds like more SCARE TACTICS (aka POLICE STATE PROPAGANDA) to me.

I'm sure we'll be seeing more on this. These type of articles never seem to pop up on their own; there's always a rash of them, right when some politician is trying to push some agenda. Funny how that works.

the fact is these synthetic marijuana blends are very young research chemicals, they have no history and noone knows what long-term effects these substances show. you dont even know WHICH substance exactly is in those legal-high blends because the producers wont give that info up and will give some bullshit how its a mix of herbs.

even with a substance like mdma or amphetamines or heroin/cokaine or whatever, this stuff is known and has been consumed by decades. so when you do that stuff at least you know what you can expect. but this other shit is new and noone knows about it. so if you buy that stuff you basically play guinea pig for a couple of corporations who wanna make a quick buck. now personally i wont touch that shit whith a ten-foot pole no matter if theres scare tactics involved or not.

i read an article on resarch chems and most of this stuff apparently is coming from china, a lot of is produced and synthesized on demand. so basicylly companies come up to them and order a certain amount of a certain substance. or they even order a completely new substance to be synthesized, if old ones become illegal in their target countries. this is really not a source i wanna trust with my health.

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