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Sweet Seeds Fast Bud


New member
I ordered 6 feminized seeds. They arrived a couple days ago and I started the germinating process immediately. Today, 4 out of the 6 seeds have tap roots. They have been put into party cups in the shade with sandwich bags covering them to keep the moisture in. I'm using FoxFarm Ocean Forest for my soil, filtered water from the sink(tested ph at 6.0) and MaxiBloom when they start to flower.

This is my first grow outdoors. I'm pretty new to growing. I'm going to keep it as simple as possible. No LST, topping, etc. Just watering the plant until its time for nutes. I chose these seeds because they were cheap and I wanted some bud to toke on while I wait for the growing season. I'll post pics when they sprout and then every week or so.

Tarus Bulbar

Im interested to know some info on the Fast Bud!
Who is the breeder and where did u buy them?
Cheers bro


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
topping is not an expert technique that is as simple as pinching off the top tip. I think you should at least try it on one plant, to compare. It will produce more cola type buds, which is good.


New member
Greenadian - Pm'd you.

skullz - about how long do you think I should wait before I top? This is a fast finisher, finishing in 60-75 days.


Is this the original Fast Bud? Or the newer Fast Bud #2?

Good luck


New member
This is the original Fast Bud.


Edit..Just checked on my party cups and two of them were knocked over..it's been pretty windy here today. One of them seems to be okay. A good chunk of soil fell out of the other one into the sandwich bag. I carefully set them both upright. Pretty sure I'm going to lose one of the two if not both. :(


For future seed popping you should start your autos in whatever pot your plannin on finishing them in.... Starting them in keg cups will def hurt your final yield....


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
2nd or 3rd node if its growing well... I did it with a Him Diesel and it was a pretty small plant (10" at finish),, it was about the same yield as the untopped tree next to it. So, if you get a really small plant you may not get much loss/gain. For a slightly bigger plant with good lighting you should def yield more with the topped plant. The fast bud HeadSeed has growing on another thread suggests to me this plant would do great with a top.


Unless you know the genetics of Fast Bud (which I dont) stick to the 3gal. Keep the 5gal reserved for larger autos such as auto AK47 crosses.


Active member
I have a fast bud in about a 1 gallon hempy with a raised keg cup. All perlite. 3 gallon soil grow should be fine. Perhaps mine may have gotten bigger in a larger container, but I'm fairly sure a hempy bucket allows for a lot of root mass, especially all perlite. :rasta:

good luck k4rts I'll keep an eye on this one!


New member
Thanks headseed. I think I'll go with the 3 gallon.

Nice grow, rocket.

Checked on my party cups and none have sprouted. I put the seeds in a hole the length of the eraser and metal thing on the end of a pencil. Too deep maybe?

Tarus Bulbar

Thats def not too deep k4rts!!
They need high humidity n warmth and
within a few days should be breakn the
surface lookn for light!!
Be patient bro!!


New member
3 days after planting, 5 out of 6 have broke the surface. I'll post pics when they open up. The one that hasn't sprouted was in the cup that got knocked over.


New member
03/06 - Day 1. All 6 have sprouted and opened up. The 2nd pic is the cup that got knocked over and dirt spilled out. The 3rd pic is a plant my buddy gave me because he got paranoid. It was flowering when he gave it to me.


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