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Sweet and Sour Kush


ICMag Donor
sorry but i don't plan any more kush releases, hope you will enjoy the sweet freebies!

Sweet kush is ISSxPTK & the Sour kush is SourDxPTK

lasko - nice pic dude :D

Raco & esbe - Thank you bros

this is sweet kush (on the left side) & a sour kush ...both from clone... will be flowered on the balcony




Pull my finger
a few more pics...

pretty boring still, but the excitement grows. 1 week down, should start seeind flowers soon. then the fun begins. profile pics this week.

effin nice pics XyZ! a few of mine have that red leaf stem as well. if they turn out like that, woooo hooooo!!!!

thanks for the opportunity my brotha. i swear my private stock beats the pants off the commerciallt bred stock. (except f13 :)
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Pull my finger
a few questions

a few questions

what kind of flowertimes are to expected? i put all of them into bllom at the same time. should i expect to harvest at the same time as well? gotta mark the calendar.

they seem pretty simlilar in shape and size, leaf shape etc.. (the sweets, then sours respectively) are there any phenotypes to look for or should they all turn out similar?

i plan to keep these around for awhile, i noticed they clone easily and root fast (3 days) my interests have changed direction now to private breeders after being unimpressed with "most" commercially available strains.

i think the PTK will have a flavor i have been craving for a long time. there is too much candy in the nug market right now. i hope to find a little old school dankage in these. fingers crossed.


Active member
swampdank, in the Sweet Kush info thread in the seedbay forum, Xyz said he expects the Sweet Kush to go around 8 weeks. not sure on the Sour Kush but i would think around the same. i too am very excited about the piney kush taste im hoping the PTK will bring. from what ive seen so far, i will also be keeping it around for awhile.

btw, heres the thread about the Sweet Kush


Well i cut down mine at 75 days and sweet looks like wanting some more days, sour was done in that time. Similar structure, main central bud with almost no branches, perfect for SOG :D


ICMag Donor
hey swamp ...nice kush garden... should be dank soon :wink:

the sweetK shows a bit more variation in flowering than the sourK ...not all plants are keepers... so be sure and take some clones if you want the best or simply reveg the most desired individual after harvest. both hybrids are flowering longer than expected (9-10 weeks rather than 8) but are producing nice resin and strong flavors. the central bud is fat & dense, extra ventilation is recommended in the last weeks.

2 different sweetK nugs




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Pull my finger
looking good(once again)

i have a sweet kush that reeks of pine already. i am pleased about that as i have been trying to get some old school flavors on board.

i snapped a few pics tonight while screwing around in the garden.

sorry about the low quality (better ones soon,next watering) but you can get an idea of the explosive growth on these things. the hybrid vigor is there for sure.

these plants clone easily, and root faster than anything else in my lineup. 3 days in rapid rooters. no shit. they rooted so fast it caught me off guard and sent me scrambling for pots.



Pull my finger
a few more shots

a few more shots

sorry bout the neckbreakers, i didnt take the time to rotate em. these last two shots show the progress at 30 days on the dot.


ICMag Donor
dank swamp!

indoors they are hungry monsters and need a lot for the fat bud production ..lookin'good so far... you will enjoy dude

here is a sweet kush from clone on my balcony ..just in early flowering... but already has a nice piney background :D




Yes xyz sweet kushes are diferent. The bud samples you sent me was more indica looking, what i have is more sativa, buds not so compact as yours, diferent bud structure, but taste and stone very similar :D, sour kushes are more uniform
I put sweet on reveg and after 4 weeks i can cut down cuttings :D, so reveg is not a problem :D


Active member
lookin real good guys! i got 1 good pheno and 1 ok pheno it looks like. heres one from my better plant at day 51.


ill get a better shot of it next time i pull her out of the cab. delicious smell though, like a fruity pine smell i think, hard to pinpoint.


Pull my finger
X: man i love the pics! i am going to follow siut and get more natural light into my photos. it seems there is no better way to improve the shots taken on a little digi. they are too hard to work with using a flash. the plants are all getting massive quick. it's easy to see the logic in feeding them buffet style. my soil should have enough charge in it to gettem by for another week while i brew a batch of tea. i gotta admit, i did have to spike thier drink with a little nitrogen this past week. they might get one more. so far so good. im loving the aromas. they all seem to have a similar nose so far. almost identical to mandals satori, which is one of my favorite flavors. more pics soon.

lasko: im glad to hear these respond well to the reveg. i have been wanting to try that and see how weel the final product compares.

tng: lookin good so far. trimming might be a breeze.


ICMag Donor
yes swamp ...the natural light is imo best for pics... but nice garden you have there, plants look happy! :wink:

here are more shots from my sweet kush on the balcony
...slowly but surely it's starting to smell like sweet pine :D


& this are some hanging buds from a few indoor sweetK clones (i make the second triming after drying:)


Pull my finger
great minds trim alike! everything is blooming well. most of the phenos seem very desirable. i am having some issues with a few plants. i cant put my finger on it but i am guessing that i didnt blast em with enough P. you can see the problem in the pic below. it looks like major leaf burn but it isnt from too much nutes. i am using the same organic soil mix i always use and am sucessful with. i think they need more P than i planned for. you are right bro, they are hungry plants for sure. sent me running to the grow shop to get a bloom booster( i dont usually feed with liquid nutes). they are still craving nitrogen but i am going to taper off the food anyway. they are at about 40 days bloom in the pics below. i really wanted to get some natural light pics but with us losing a minute of daylight everyday, my light schedule isnt jiving. the pics arent the best but you can still see how much they have grown since the last post. i think i will see the heaviest harvest yet in my new room. they are some bud-monsters for sure. they are responding very well to my supercropping expiriment. the pine flavor is very strong, almost overwhelming. i am loving every minute of it, i cant wait to try a ripe sample. very nice cross XyZ. and to everybody else who doesnt have these, better try to get em. the old school flavor has the older cats lining up to puff one. it's nice to have a true "dank" stash. it's been awhile.,

i love the smell X! i cannot discern between the two by the nose as they smeel identical. they are relly starting to reek now and the flavor from a premmie tester bud is pure pine. i love it!!!

here's a few pics...

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ICMag Donor
Thanks swamp!
Yes i love the pine aroma as well, it's really something different if comparing to all the similar-sweet dutch strains...

& you observed good, they need a lot of NPK & water for the fat colas, but for best taste just don't forget the final flush'

The identical smell you were talkin about will separate in late flowering. believe me i know the intense odor you have there in the whole room. you touch 1 bud and than it's practically not possible to smell any other plant for awhile. near harvest time some plants stay strongly pine with a hint of sweetness and others get a soury tone. both have the dank-kush flavor in the background though (at least if grown indoors:)

Here are now some new pics from the sweet & sour kush testing on my balcony. both hybrids love the sun and are flowering better than expected for such low night-temps. sour kush is showing some purple on the leaves and the sweet kush is absolutely green so far. they already are dank but will need at least 3 weeks more for maturing (guess they will finish in the last week of okt.)






in the evening sun

