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Swapping light cycles


Right now I have a bunch of plants 22 days or so in flower outdoors where they get light from about 6AM-8PM. I just finished setting up an indoor room and want to finish flowering them indoors. Only problem is my AC works best at night cooling 8KW and I want to switch the lights on cycle from 6AM-8PM as they were outdoors to 10PM-10AM indoors. I was thinking of bringing them in and giving them 24 hrs dark then starting the new light cycle. Is this the best way to go? Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Don't quote me on this but;

I think there is more light outside than you can reproduce inside. If your flowers have been outside i believe they will not do well inside. moving them inside could kill them or at the very least stunt them. you will change their photo period. i tried to switch flowering plants that were on night hours for the AC to day hours because it was cool enough. I changed their photo period and they burned.

I don't suggest you do what you are suggesting i think you will have lots of trouble

Please feel free to correct me. i have never brought plants in from outside :thank you:

I have seen them burn putting them outside from being inside
I'm not sure how changing the "lights on" time frame can burn plants.......and i personally have never brought exterior tree's into the inside........BUT.......giving them one day of total darkness, then back on the 12/12 cycle i the easiest way to transition them. Too much light is stressful, but extra darkness won't harm them.

Good luck dude


I'm not sure how changing the "lights on" time frame can burn plants.......and i personally have never brought exterior tree's into the inside........BUT.......giving them one day of total darkness, then back on the 12/12 cycle i the easiest way to transition them. Too much light is stressful, but extra darkness won't harm them.

Good luck dude

Yea this is my logic as well, I am a little concerned about the adjustment to indoor lighting but I think it should be ok, the smallest plants are 5 feet tall at least and the tallest ones are over 6 foot so they are pretty much trees. Only thing I am a little worried about is the light intensity is going to be alot higher than ourdoors, 8KW vertical barebulbs in a 16' x 19' space. But we shall see how it goes, 24 hrs dark then back to it.

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