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Swamp Grow - Inside City Limits - Smart-Crate


New member
It's that time of year again, where smokers wake up to their kief-scraped grinders, empty gram bags, and drool-covered pillows... An idea creeps in to the minds of many. Most will succeed, some will fail, but ultimately it is the idea we strive for.

What I'm talking about, of course, is the outdoor guerilla grow.

To start off, this will be an ongoing thread detailing the thoughts, planning, and problems of the season. Suggestions/feedback encouraged. I will be obtaining a camera by the end of May for documentation, after a good portion of vegetation has grown in at the locations.

Laying the Foundation

Strains: 10 Female Nirvana Bubblicious, 10 Dinafem Power Kush, 4 Mandala Speed Queen, 3 Bagseed
Environment: 50 degrees latitude, Humid summers, Expected harvest is end of September
Expected Germ. Date: ~May 5
Expected Transplant/Outdoors Date: ~June 22

Last years season was spent scouting and prepping for this summer. A good amount of time (~40 hours) has gone into the necessary work/surveying of the area, and I've have concluded that it is worth the effort/risk.

My main concern this season will be the amount of possible mold I may get with the strains/environment I'm working with. I'll be using custom foliar sprays throughout points in flowering to reduce the speed/amount of mold.

About the spot

Positives: Close to base (5 minute drive, 15 minute walk), High density vegetation/bugs (Thorns, tall bushes/grass/trees, manic mosquito/leech population), various swamps deep in the vegetation (where my spots will be located), ample sunlight, no signs of human litter/traffic 5 minutes in each direction of the spot on foot.

Negatives: Spots located approx 200ft from an inactive railroad, in which, on average, 1 person walks by every 2 hours.

Although this sounds like a deterrent, I'm confident the spots I've chosen are the most difficult, unrewarding places to venture. Knee deep ugly looking water infested with leeches, mosquitos, and ticks, along with a 10 minute pre-hike to get to the actual swamp through similar difficult terrain, with just as many bugs. If someone happens to follow their nose to the smell, they will be met with these challenges.

The Swamp-Smart Crate

My idea that sprung this plan into motion seems simple, and should work in theory (I know, MSPaint rules):


- 2 standard sized Milk Crates per 3-5 Gallon Smart Pot, Non degradable wicking material (nylon rope)

One crate sits bottom up and acts as a base/platform for the second milk crate, allowing a safety zone should the water level rise/fall. Kind of like a house at sea. I'll be trying to secure this to the swamp floor as best I can using those really long, U-shaped garden stakes you put in the ground, for added stability.

The other crate sits bottom down acting as a housing for the Smart Pot. This crate can also be used to secure chicken wire around the plant to provide much needed LST support/height control. Both crates will be screwed together once in their final spots to strengthen the integrity should a storm come through.

Multiple wicks will be directed from the smart pots down through the milk crate holes to the swamp floor. Hopefully this will enable a
steady supply of the right amount of moisture to the plants during all phases of our random hot/wet summer weather.

I almost forgot, my soil mix will consist of 60% Pro-Mix(Hanging Basket-Planter Mix)/20% Perlite/10% earthworm castings/10% various rich composts + Powdered Dolomite Lime.

My feeding regiment will consist of Bi-Weekly AACTeas with some of my personal favorites; Floralicious+, Humic Acid, GW Mychorrizae, Molasses, and various peoples garden compost to further enhance microbial diversity. I already have an onsite 85L rubbermaid that is buried in the ground near my spots to collect rainwater. It hides underneath some particle board with logs/leaves/sticks as cover, took me a while to find it which is awesome :D.

To take care of slugs I'll be putting a ring of copper tape around the base of each plant, and using strategic bait around the site to lure other pests/mammals away from my thc-covered ladies.

I'm interested to hear all input. I'll be checking in every couple of days at least, while I get my germination materials setup. Seeds come next week!!

Stay Alert, Stay Safe


hey dude!
sounds like youve thought this out pretty well,
swamps can be great. one heads up ive delt with is
rats chewing on the stems, and good thing your using nylon wicks,
i tried this with fabric and they rotted in a couple of months,
id suggest testing the material at home to see how far itll carry up water,
maybe braided
good luck!


I've only done wicks one time before and it worked great for a week long trip I took away from my girls, but my wicks entered the planter base from underneath, and then coiled in the bottom but not going in through the top. That looks like a long way for the water to travel. Are you sure you'd get enough wicking action like that? It seems like your countering the 'wicking' with gravity and if the top of the wick drys out (sun exposure), you'll lose the wicking action until it is all wet again.


Active member
Hey Fuzzy! I am planning my first swamp grow this year as well. I have thought several times of doing a wick system. Best of luck to you, I'm pulling up a chair. On the mold issue, I have read posts from a few people who swear by aspirin water. Add 1 aspirin per gallon and spray the entire plant once a week starting in August. Peeps say they get hardly any mold at all in the swamps with this method.

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
cool! I'm rooting for you Brother!

It takes big swinging balls to grow in the swamp: stink like a dead dogs asshole, skeeters the size of birds of prey, leeches with blood dripping suckers, snakes, SNAKES!, razor sharp grasses and mud that'll suck the boots off your swamp shriveled feet.

Here's a picture of my "swamp island."


I waded out (holding my big balls out of the water, of course :)-) ) and found a pretty little area about a foot higher than the rest of the swamp.


two heads

Active member
Welcome to icmag fuzzywuzzy. You've clearly thought this through and realized the many advantages of an urban swamp grow. I've been doing these sorts of grows for over ten years with only one rip-off in that time. Swamps are very secure. A few thoughts I hope will help:
1. Your greatest security risk is entering and especially leaving your swamp site. Exit very slowly, listening and watching for any dogwalkers, etc. Visit during foul weather and/or at dusk when you can exit as darkness falls.
2. Lime is important in the swamp but be careful not to over-lime. Your ProMix probably already has lime in it.
3. The stacked crate idea, using a wick, may be a bit unstable even with the crates bolted together (it will be top heavy). Consider a swamp tube set-up or a garbage pail or Rubbermaid tote. These will be tall enough that most of your soil will sit above the water line. A garbage pail or tote can also be moved as water levels change over the season.

Your thoughtful approach will serve you well. All the best for a bountiful grow!


New member
GeorgeW, thanks for that tip, going to try it out for sure along with my milk method to counteract the local deer.

Claude, sure does man, already ran into 2 snakes, 3 deer, and an eagle :S. I think he was trying to get the snake, actually ^_^

two_heads, Been taking your advice about security. Haven't seen or been seen yet, fingers crossed.

Had a few unexpected expenses that prevented me from getting the smart pots sooner.

Plans have changed a bit. No longer going directly in the swamp. I was able to scout the area when foliage grew in and opted to use surrounding vegetation/bushes for better spots. They are getting approx 9 hours of direct sun each day at the moment, f'in beautiful.

Got 10 - 10 Gallon Smart Pots shipped (Came to $180 after shipping/brokerage, fuckin bs!!)

Spent last weekend really prepping the spot, hauling in promix/compost/water. Been blazing sunny last couple weeks, no rain at all. Cant complain :)

Transplanted all of them out on July 13th.

2 Plants per 10 Gallon Smart Pot (Gunna really have to stake/support)
66% Promix, 25% Compost, 10% native leaf/fungi mulch. Cup of dolomite lime
Gave them a nice BIM tea of forest mulch, cow/mushroom compost, and floralicious+.
Foliar fed 1/4 strength of the same solution, along with homemade deer/pest deterrent remedy (cheyenee, garlic, onion, tabasco, mint, lavender, catnip, neem)

They look great as of yesterday. Popped these girls last week of May, so they are monsters right now (6-7 week veg). Topped 3 times each during veg/pinching, they're only 1 foot high but bushie!

Good news, might rain tonight and I have 2 30gal res's on site dug halfway into the ground to collect rainwater. Better than hauling 12gal of water at once through 500ft of dense bush.

Speaking of traffic, its been better than I expected. Haven't seen anyone enter the area. No visible signs of new trails, litter, or anything. Tons of mosquitos and ticks, though :). Found 2 ticks on me last time I came in, so I must be doing it right.

Anyway, still don't have a digi cam. Moneys been going to other much needed materials. Spent about $700 so far on various materials since start of project. Hope it will repay 10x :)

I'll be updating this thread weekly from here on out though. Hopefully will find a deal on a digi cam soon. They wont start flowering until ~first week of August anyway.

Thanks for stopping in everyone. Gunna keep this alive now that things are moving

Take care

(Is there a way to edit a thread title? It's kind of misleading now. "Guerilla 2011 Inside City Limits" perhaps)

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Pulling up a chair, Fuzzy. The words of advice from TwoHeads are worth their weight in gold, so note them while they are offered at no charge.

Bod Dole is another renowned swamp meister who may turn up later to offer some pointers.

Go for it. This buds for you.
hahaha, balls indeed the swamp takes. I've given up on the waders, to much trouble and I still get wet everytime. I just strip down naked now. I can only imagine how that newspaper article would go down if I ever get bopped, but damn do I feel like a bad-ass walking barefoot and naked through a swamp to grow pot.


swamp ballin'

another tip, if it applies: as you emerge from the brush back onto a path or road that might have people, be fiddling with your pants or shorts like you were just taking a piss, looking down. don't pop out with your head on a swivel.

two heads

Active member
Schwilly - I used that one with a cop one night when I pulled over at night to run a bag of lime into the bush. I was gone but a moment on a deserted road when the cop roared up the road and stopped to check out my car. I thought, shit I can't just stay here in the bush. He'll run the plates, or worse, come into the bush to see what's up. So I hollered out "I'm just having a pee" and walked out. It worked but I never use a car if I don't have to anymore and never park anywhere near my site if I do.

Another good tip - carry a dog leash. You let your dog off the leash and he ran off into the bush, swamp, whatever and you're trying to find him.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I would be scared of Lyme disease from the ticks. Good luck to you.


New member
Hey everyone

Shortly after my last post, we had a massive heat wave (100+, UV10) with no rain for 2 weeks. Our weather channel was calling for rain, but it never came... Just blazing heat.

I made a simple, yet crucial mistake in judgement that cost me 2 PK's and 1 Bub. The smallest/weakest ones got fried to a crisp.

Should have placed them underneath a bush/nearby trees for the first week of being outdoors to get them used to the sudden shift from 250w of CFL's to 44,000w of UV 10 Sun.. LOL... Oh well, I know for next time. Thank goodness only 3 were lost.

New plant count is 8 Power Kush's and 9 Bubblicious.

Went out every 3 days to water/foliar during the last 2 weeks to keep them happy. Plants are BEAUTIFUL and BIG (as of this morning). I'm very grateful they came back from the heat. They are all about 2-2.5ft tall. Short compact bushes with tons of foliage. No bug/deer damage what so ever. Very dark green still with no signs of nute burn, just sunburn on a few.

Swamp_Thang, Thanks bud :), have been working hard to keep em happy. The advice is greatly appreciated, I feel safe(r) when I'm out there.

Leroy_Brown, LOL! Speaking of naked.. I went out this morning for a routine checkup.. Had no toilet paper and went #2 for about 15 minutes next to the ladies. I feel a lot better now. A bond has been formed between my hairy ass and their souls.

Schwilly, I keep reminding myself of what you said every time I go out there now. My head is not as bobbleheady/swively as it was. I park my mountain bike semi-close to the road, in the bush of course. As I come out, I pretend to finish taking a piss.

Two_heads, Funny you should mention that. I went last week during the blazing weather, and as I was exiting I could hear a dog barking near the road, and a couple had their car parked, looking for theirs who ran into the bush. Luckily, it was on the opposite end of my area, about 400ft away. I exited unnoticed. Hope they found their pup, though!

Yesum, Same here. I've been feeling some of the symptoms that describe it, but I'm still a young lad in my early 20's. Gunna bring this up with my doctor at my next physical.

Easy, Ugh!! I was thinking about that over and over, how to line my crates. Felt that the crates would end up being too small overall for the amount of soil/size of plants I wanted to support by the end of the season. I hear you though, $20 > $180 any day.. Lol...

All in all, everything is going great thus far (not to plan, but in our business nothing ever is)

Flowering should be starting in the next 14 days. I'm pinning the week of August 7-14 as prime time to initiate the flowering/foliar recipe. Does anyone have any tips as to what I can do besides a high PK (molasses) foliar to kick start bud formation?
I've been giving them rain water since transplant, they are still very dark green. Maybe a soil drench of molassess as well? I'm not worried about bugs/animals. Been taking solid streamlines/shits everytime I go.

This next couple weeks should be fun. I've never had the pleasure of standing next to a plant in flowering outdoors. I want to do everything in my power to make sure they get what they need when they need it.

See everyone soon!


New member
Hey all, short update.

Everything is going great. Weather hasn't been so hot, rain every 3 days, and no signs of bug/deer damage one bit.

Fed them 25 gallons (2.5~ Gallons each) of full strength bloom 6/16 Micro/Bloom solution. Also gave them a foliar feed of molasses and bloom when I went today.

Should be seeing pistils by this weekend/full flowering by this time next week. Gunna be watering them every 2 days now.

They're about 3 ft tall and 2.5ft wide and they haven't even stretched yet -_-. These 10 gallon smart pots have not disappointed one bit!

Pics will be up soon

Stay safe everyone!