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Super Duper Funny Picture Thread # 3

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Hank Hemp

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btw, whenever you see a melon like this, busted yet repaired by the fruit itself, buy that friggin' melon!!!

I mistakenly bought one for our catering melon salad stock, I noticed it as I set it down on the kitchen counter. When I carved it up I tasted the rich red colored flesh, it seems that as it repaired its rind the pink flesh was supercharged all along the split with extra nutrients as well.

It tasted as sweet as a watermelon Jolly Ranchers candy.

Hank Hemp

Active member
I agree with my boy Wiggs D. BUT we all could have done without that last boo boo you made.
The few times I forced myself to watch that show I couldn't help but think, you have to get a license to have a dog but anyone can have a baby. No training needed. Hell that made me forget the picture.


Active member
I used to like Marijuana until Seaf0ur posted all them pics , now I`m giving it up before I look like ET or some crack whore & anyway who has needles big enough to inject bud ?
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