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super additive that increases weight


Iv tried a lot of additives from humboldts gravity to agricultural organic BLOOM (yellow bottle) and iv never been really pleased with any of them, Or i cant swear by them.
Has any1 tried a additive that they can swear by?

My current nutrients are
cutting edge 3 part, cal mag , silica blast, kelp products and molasses and Moab(pk boost) for the first 5 weeks and then shooting powder for week 6 . any suggestions to pump those buds up?
Triacontanol is probably what you're looking for. It is added in some nutrient blends. For example, Advanced Nutrients uses it. You can find just triacontanol at super-grow.biz. This is what they had on their website:
Triacontanol is a naturally occurring plant hormone that acts as a growth promoter. Triacontanol raises plant yield by improving photosynthesis and cell division.

I hope this helps you.
I love Humboldt's Honey ES. Its not the same company that makes Gravity.

Honey ES is a carb product....based on Molasses but with other beneficial, organic ingredients. I won't sit here and say its gonna give you 15 % more, but it def made my buds fatter, more aromatic and enhanced the natural flavors of teh strain, instead of imparting an unnatural flavor.

I love the Honey!!!!


Triacontanol is probably what you're looking for. It is added in some nutrient blends. For example, Advanced Nutrients uses it. You can find just triacontanol at super-grow.biz. This is what they had on their website:

I hope this helps you.

sounds interesting..


Iv tried a lot of additives from humboldts gravity to agricultural organic BLOOM (yellow bottle) and iv never been really pleased with any of them, Or i cant swear by them.
Has any1 tried a additive that they can swear by?

My current nutrients are
cutting edge 3 part, cal mag , silica blast, kelp products and molasses and Moab(pk boost) for the first 5 weeks and then shooting powder for week 6 . any suggestions to pump those buds up?

i've been looking for someone who has used the yellow bottles. you say you weren't impressed by them....which products did you use? did you use the whole line or did you just use one of their additives?


i used the ooze. weight was about the same . i cant really tell because every grow is a little different. nothing really noticeable except for a shit load more hairs..


they had to come up with a bloom booster for your bloom foods and now everyone has a special two or three days thoughout the bloom cycle were they add extra bloom nutes. funny bullshit marketing- read the reviews, most people who run the pk boost fuck there shit up or as most of u have testified cant tell one dam bit of differance, try more light, save your money from buying bullshit additives and just buy more light, even a 70watt hps should give u 40-100 grams extra budd if u know what your doing with it, no booster or carb load nonsense is going to do that, invest in real things, more light, co2, better water,,better air quality.


i used the ooze. weight was about the same . i cant really tell because every grow is a little different. nothing really noticeable except for a shit load more hairs..

well, that's what it's supposed to do, lol.......why not try the additives they have for increasing yield. anyway, do you grow in coco? trying to find someone who has used their coco nutes, they have so many additives and their feeding schedule consists of pretty much the whole line, so, it's hard for me to understand how you were not impressed if the ooze actually made your plants ooze trichs.......


Active member
You should try to be more condescending in your next response

You may not like his response, but you arn't going to find bigger yields in a bottle. Try more light, and bigger yielding strains. A lot more useful than trying whatever the latest majical nute/additive.

Ganja D

Big Bud advanced nutrients. It's the only non organic thing I use and It is amazing. My buds have a density I never though I would accomplish. I have some pics on an album at my member profile. I would give a link but I'm bad with computers and don't know how. I also have more pics showing huge arm sized bud to post later. I wish I still grew 100% organic but I can't lose what big bud does. With a good flush most people wouldn't know it's not organic anyway. I think it actually increases taste and potency as well as yield.
Hope this helps.


I have to ask, get ready for what some of you may call a noob question, is there any possible way to use hydro nutes or those super bud concoctions for a soil grow?
Was thinking maybe using it in place or along with regular nutes and just dilute it in a gallon jug?

I have no experience what-so-ever with hydro, so try to go easy on me lol.
I'd go hydro, put I don't have the funds for it, or for the electricity it'll use. Plus as you can guess I know next to nothing about growing hydroponically, so before I'd start I would want to learn about it, blah blah, you know.

Of course if they make a soil grow version that would be better, but I know of no such thing.

Oh, and I apologize in advance if I happen to hi-jack this thread, but I figured it better to ask here then make a new topic about it, but I might have to do that anyway.