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Suggestions for staying safe while transporting?

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Take a lawn chair and some smoke and manicure the weed in the patch. 40lbs of buds is a much smaller package than the 150-200 lbs of wet weed your transporting., Dont haul shade leaves/trunks or anything else you dont plan to smoke.

In the US, the number of highway patrol officers and the number of stops or tickets on sunday morning between the hrs of 6:00am and 11:00pm is non existent. There is no such thing as a road block sunday morning at 10 oclock and normal enforcement officers on the highway drop by over 60% when compared to the number of officers on duty during peak hours. Crime rates are lower sunday morning than any other time of the week. Church goers are the traffic on Sunday morning.

A large chest cooler is designed to keep air out and the cold in. The smell doesnt escape the air tight cooler either. My 2 igloo coolers will hold 12 lbs of weed. The weed/smell is safe for several hours even when the trunk heats up' No smell.
First things first..and I recomend this for ANY outdoor geurrilla activities..is your COVER UP..whether your harvesting..planting..sowing..preparing..doesnt matter..what I mean is this..

Look like your actually doing something..have binoculars on your neck,a book about birds/plants...lots of fishing equipment if your by a lake..make it look like your going camping..fishing..doesnt matter..have a cooler full of food and drinks..all that crap..so IF your puled over..you can just point to the back and say "we just came fishing/camping/hiking....So you look less suspicios..than lets say two "typical" stoners,alone,in the middle of nowhere,with no excuse...

If your tranporting clones/seedlings..use a cooler..and throw some extra crap on top..if bud..use DOUBLE strong HEFTY bags!!!
Just as a note I know someone who almost got busted in Ontario Canada transporting. They didn't realize the new no cell phone while driving was in effect and got pulled over. Luckily they had it in 2 hockey bags and just said they were on the way to a tournament in Toronto and they were asking for directions on the phone. Got fined but got away safe. MAKE SURE YOU ARE FAMILIAR WITH CURRENT TRAFFIC LAWS,
Gonzo, if you are going to rent a truck put some random crap in it, take it by the dump and toss in a shitty couch, or some empty barrels/pieces of plywood. Put a few real bags of garbage near the door, week before you go harvest leave some tuna eggs and cat/dog crap in a garbage bag in the heat and add that in too. If you get pulled over and they want to look in the back "your hauling garbage". 100% if they open a bag or two with that mix in it they will fuck right off :)
One tip for keeping smell down. Get a box of latex gloves, 4 or 5 dollars at Walmart for a box of 50. Use these when harvesting and trimming. After a few hours working on plants it is a lot easier to just throw a pair of gloves away than it is to try to get the smell off your hands.


Don't do anything stupid like have Grateful Dead or Phish stickers on your car. Pro-Life, military branches, "I support our Police", stickers like that are much better.
In the US, the number of highway patrol officers and the number of stops or tickets on sunday morning between the hrs of 6:00am and 11:00pm is non existent. There is no such thing as a road block sunday morning at 10 oclock and normal enforcement officers on the highway drop by over 60% when compared to the number of officers on duty during peak hours. Crime rates are lower sunday morning than any other time of the week. Church goers are the traffic on Sunday morning.

A large chest cooler is designed to keep air out and the cold in. The smell doesnt escape the air tight cooler either. My 2 igloo coolers will hold 12 lbs of weed. The weed/smell is safe for several hours even when the trunk heats up' No smell.

Great advice there. Also the earlier part about rain. Cops don't like to get wet either; I've always figured the speed limit goes up about 5 or 10 mph when it's lousy out.
Keep it in the trunk, keep fido growling at leo, and dress like a republican not a deadhead.


Active member
i hide mine in my sea kayak .there is an airtight compartment. i also smoke a huge cigar. never had any problems

Ganja baba

Active member
hi mate you may wanna try these , they can be bought in big sizes ,

different companies make similar things , just shop around . even if you can not suck the air out with a vacume cleaner ,

you can use a handy vac or just seal them by hand and push the air out , you cant smell a thing .

best for bigger amounts .

heres the link http://www.spacesaverbags.net/

space saverbags . net


I usually cut the branches and put them in a trashbag. When it's full i tie it and put it in another trashbag. then the bag goes in either a paintbucket:

or a small barrel:

Absolutely no smell, I even travelled rush hour trains with it. :biggrin:


I know for a fact that the cops set up roadblocks looking for weed transports in the fall. Northern Maine is one big working forest. It is wide open. All roads through the woods lead out onto the few main roads heading to towns. During harvest season cops and game wardens do "fishing" exams on all cars. Under the guise of checking for illegal trout and salmon they will tear your vehicle apart. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES carry fishing or hunting gear. That gives them prima facia to do a search. And a COOLER, that is the first place they will check for fish. A kayak or canoe is the ticket. Perfect cover. Lots of camping and hiking gear. Smelly woodsmoke camping odors. A messy interior with lots of gear strewn around. I knew a guy who moved weight out of the woods and he always used waterproof canoe stash bags. They are for when your canoe capsizes and your gear stays dry. Double trash bag, then into the waterproof bag. It just looks like more camping shit.


good advic bro with the canoe. how much do uesed canoeds goes for? shit it can be nasty and have holes for all i care,might just grab me one

Mr. Stinky

"only break one law at a time".

do most of your trimming out at the plot. its much easier trimming fresh. get the turkey sized oven bags and a 5 gallon bucket. the bags fit the bucket as a liner. when its full, get some gloves on and seal up the bag. i do mine with the dew on, or after a rain. the wet buds trim much better without anything sticking to the scissors. the turkey bags stop all smell, same with emergency blankets. for longer trips with finished/dry stuff, bag it all in oven bags, box up those bags and tightly wrap the boxes with emergency blankets using the clear packing tape.


What about transporting at rush hour time? so many cars on the road and shitload of traffic. cops dont really mess w/ people then.


i usually just make like ten trips with a freind and we both have those hiker bacpacks.it dosent take long though considering the grow site is a half hour walk from my house...and bring a dog knowone thinks a thing when you got a cute doggy with you

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
I'd have more than one vehicle loaded so if one gets stopped the other will be ok. Also you should have somebody driving ahead looking for popo. They can be clean and relay you the message. So I guess I am saying 3 vehicles, 2 loaded and one scout.
never put all your eggs in one basket, one time i did not do this guess what


The other important element is to have a well rehearsed story. You come out of the woods and hit a roadblock. Cop comes over and asks whats up, where have you been, what have you been doing?? You can't just say, "I've been camping". What if they ask you where, exactly. Game Wardens know all the campsites. They know where people park. You need to have a narrative ready to go. "I was up on Crocketts Ridge. I hiked the West Ridge Trail. I parked at the turnout near Grover's Creek> I have been up in there since Friday afternoon. I saw some deer and signs of bear. It was cold as hell Saturday night". That kind of thing. Be prepared. Know the area so you can sound plausible. These guys are not stupid.
Imagine this: its the end of the outdoor season, the plants are ready to be harvested, but the main concern is getting them home safely. What suggestions do you have for getting it from the guerrilla patch to the safe house?

Whats the best way to package it without it getting mold or damaged etc?
Work traffic is best....early morning.If you have to be on the freeway run with the traffic.Dont stop until you get home.Wear a hardhat.....put a lunchbox where it can be seen.Use your imagination....lol.....ol briar

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