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Sugary Supplements


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
People feed their plants sugars all the time without knowing it and not always understanding why. You give your sweetheart a bouquet of roses for Valentine’s Day and before they are put into the vase, sugar is added to the water to extend their bloom. Some “old school” gardeners will add molasses to their nutrient solution during the flowering period. Actually, just by adding fulvic acid, usually labeled “gold,” and humic acid, usually labeled “black,” to your nutrient mix you are giving your plants the building blocks for sugars.

Most growers do not even know that there is a meter, called a Brix meter, that is used to measure the level of sugars in the leaves of plants. It is generally understood that the higher the level of sugars within a plant’s tissue, the healthier the plant is and the better the yield will be.

Knowing this, the question should not be, “Why add a carbohydrate supplement to my nutrient solution?” but simply, “Why haven’t I added one already?”

To understand why you should give your plants one of the sugary supplements on the market, you should become a little more familiar with the way plants produce and use sugars.

Almost all plants use sugars as their main source of fuel. They transport these sugars along with water and other elements throughout their systems, either for food or to create amino acids for biosynthesis to fuel cellular respiration. Maple trees are a great example of how plants use sugars. Their sugary sap is famous at breakfast tables worldwide, but that sap is really the food the maple tree has begun to store to survive the winter to come.

Most plants are photoautotrophs, which means that they synthesize their own food directly from inorganic compounds using photons, the energy from light. They do this using a process called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis comes from the Greek word “photo,” meaning light, and “synthesis,” meaning to put together. The inorganic compounds are carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O), and the energy source is sunlight. The end products include glucose, a simple sugar, and oxygen (O2). The actual equation looks like this:

6CO2 + 12H2O + photons —> C6H2O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O
(gas) (liquid) (aqueous) (gas) (liquid)

Then, through a process called carbon fixation, ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and a high-energy molecule CO2 (carbon dioxide) are used to create sugars. Some sugars produced, such as glucose, are simple sugars or monosaccharides. They are easily broken down by the plant and are generally used for energy. Other sugars produced, such as cellulose, are complex sugars or polysaccharides. Polysaccharides consist of a chain of two or more sugars and are usually used for lipid and amino acid biosynthesis. Polysaccharides are also used as a fuel in cellular respiration. Cellulose specifically is used as the building material for all green plants. It is the main component of all green plant cell walls.

Through the examination of the process of photosynthesis, we learn just how important the sugars produced through this process are. The sugars and starches are vital to the plant. They are essential for cellular preparation, to maintain the plants metabolism and vigor. The sugars are even the building blocks that keep the very cells of the plant together. Now it is understood that plants have a great big “sweet tooth” and are specialists at making the sugars they need.

So why then should we be feeding them more on top of all this? Simply put, flowering plants are burning these carbs trying to make large fruit or vegetables, or big beautiful blooms, faster than a marathon runner trying to win a race. Not to mention that the process of photosynthesis, which produces the sugars, itself takes a lot of energy. By adding one of the organic carbohydrate supplements to your nutrient solution the carbohydrates that have been allocated to the flowering process will be replenished more easily. This will save your plant the energy it would need to create those sugars itself, and your plant can focus more of its energy on the flowering process.

Also, many beneficial bacteria and fungi (aka carbon-fixing bacterial fungi) will live on the sugars and will break down the sugars for the plant. This, again, allows the plant to use energy usually spent breaking down sugars for other processes. The more beneficial bacteria and fungi, the easier nutrients are absorbed by the roots. All this leads to improved flowering and overall health of the plants.

When choosing the supplement for your plants remember the old saying, “You are what you eat.” The same goes for your plants. Look for something organic because organic sugars will improve flavor and smell better than anything that's inorganic.

There are also some sugars that are more important to your plants than others. Xylose and arabinose are two of those sugars. Both are sugars naturally produced by plants. They are also monosaccharides, which means they are simple sugars and, therefore, used more easily by the plant.

Glucose should be the main ingredient of the product because it is the main product of photosynthesis. Glucose is a monosaccharide that is used for energy and for starting cellular respiration in the plant. The name “glucose” comes from the Greek word “glykys,” which means sweet, with the suffix “ose,” which denotes that it is a carbohydrate. Glucose is critical in the production of proteins and in lipid metabolism. Glucose is also used as a precursor for the synthesis of several important substances, such as starch and cellulose. Starch is a way in which plants store energy and cellulose makes up most of the structural parts of plants.

Fructose is also a monosaccharide and is a main component of most tree fruit, berries, and melons. It is the sweetest naturally occurring sugar and is twice as sweet as the disaccharide sucrose, which consists of glucose and fructose bonded together.

The disaccharide maltose is also an important sugar because enzymes break it down into two glucose molecules.

All of the above sugars are produced naturally by plants. By adding a supplement containing these simple and complex sugars to a well-balanced nutrient, a plant will increase the levels of sugars in the leaves and throughout the plant. This will let the plant use its energy more efficiently, allowing more energy to be focused on producing large fruit and bigger blooms. These sugars will also improve the taste of the end product while giving fuel to beneficial bacteria and fungi.

Using sugar supplements with carbon-based fulvic acid and humic acid bring great benefits to your plants with no downside. Knowing this and how the plants produce and use these sugars makes using them simply “carbo-logic.”
great thread gpb, as I have just started trying additives nd I was looking at the sugar daddy nd floralicious plus 2 choose between because of what u said above.
I ended up going with the floralicious plus but now i think they're kinda different nd was wondering could i benifit frm using both of them?



Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
Super Concentrated Nutrient Enhancer

Its all in there! Floralicious Plus is a super concentrated blend of plant, marine, and mineral extracts. Floralicious Plus is a one part nutrient additive to be used throughout the plants growing cycle.

Floralicious Plus contains the natural building blocks of life and is used in addition to your regular fertilizer program.

Floralicious Plus enhances mineral nutrient uptake and transport in your plants. The active carbon technology facilitates the conversion and biosynthesis of complex secondary aromatic compounds. Floralicious Plus enhances metabolic growth, promotes flower development, encourages fruit swelling, and facilitates essential oil production. Floralicious Plus will also encourage beneficial microbial activity in the root zone.

Floralicious Plus means plants with incredible flavor and extraordinary yield!


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
SugarDaddy is a revolutionary plant nutrition product that supplies essential carbohydrates and all twenty amino acids in a rapidly available form which greatly enhances the fragrance and essential oil production of flowers and fruits during all stages, and ensures continued rapid growth rates throughout the flowering stage as nitrogen levels in your fertilizer formulas are lowered. SugarDaddy is suitable for use in soil, soiless, and hydroponic based gardening mediums and is fully compatible for use with all Technaflora products or any premium quality soluble fertilizer.


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
great thread gpb, as I have just started trying additives nd I was looking at the sugar daddy nd floralicious plus 2 choose between because of what u said above.
I ended up going with the floralicious plus but now i think they're kinda different nd was wondering could i benifit frm using both of them?


they might be the same thing different brand. But If you do use both (which i dont think is a bad idea) use one then water then the other then water and so on.


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
I may be wrong but im pretty sure roots can only absorb inorganic ions and not whole molecules which sugars are. So how does the sugar in the soil get to the plant tissues. It seems more likely that your just feeding the microherd which provide nutrients for the plant.


+1 for C21H30O2. I know sugars, etc are good for the microbes but I'm not understanding how they actually "jump" to supplement plants' own sugars...

I'm curious because I'm inorganic and wondering if Molasses, etc. is really that beneficial (beyond feeding the microherd) or if it's just one more thing to add to my nute mix...


wholesome sweeteners organic molasses:
per 1 tablespoon

potassium: 730mg
calcium: 115mg
total carbohydrates: 14g
sugars: 10g
iron: 15%
magnesium: 8%
vitamin b6: 10%

this has worked well. actually ran bucket w/ only myco tabs and molasses. no other ferts. comparable results to gh fnb+floralicious+kool bloom.

plenty building blocks in molasses, readily accessible and effective. ~npk 1-0-5.

enjoy your garden!


Active member
Molasses and Sugar products are mainly for the microbiology of your medium. Although they also contain roughly 1-0-5 NPK and a bunch of trace minerals. Sugars are produced after nutrient uptake has occured as well as through photosynthesis. Theres really no need to supplement molasses unless your using organic nutrients and/or soil. The molasses will greatly enhance the activity of your microbiology but if your using chem nutes there is no need for it.

edit: ^Ah I see you had the 1-0-5 npk in your post good one.


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
those NPK #'s are a miss. Dont know exactally what products you looked at. But I actually went to my hydro shop and asked and said show me what there is and how they work!


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
Clearex is another!
Product Description
Another product from the Botanicare Line, Clearex is a drenching solution that unlocks the ionic bond between the nutrient and the grow substrate. Thus, correcting the problem of nutrient salt toxicity and lockout. Clearex contains specific electrolytes and selected mono and disaccharides, fructose, and sucrose that give high energy and amplifies metabolic compounds to plants. Recommended as a pre-harvest treatment for enhanced flavor of fruits, vegetables, and culinary herbs.


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...

Original Berry
Sweet organic carbohydrate synthesizer contains organic acids, vitamins, amino acids, esters, essential secondary and trace elements which are utilized for the bio-synthesis of crucial compounds to maintain optimal metabolism.


Sweet Citrus is scientifically formulated for the bio-synthesis of crucial compounds to maintain optimal metabolism and contains: Select carbohydrates for amplified energy, increased sugar/brix content and plant bio-mass. Esters and bio-polyphenolic compounds for increased flavors, aromas, and fatty oil synthesis. Crucial secondary trace elements for enhancing photosynthesis and respiration.


CarboLoad outproduces competing formulas that only contain one or two simple sugars. And those competing formulas have sugars that aren’t organically derived, so you can’t use them in an all-organic garden. Contrast that with your CarboLoad, which contains 100% organic complex and simple carbohydrates so your plants have immediate extra energy for better harvest production right away. CarboLoad has special forms of glucose, arabinose and xylose, combined with Fulvic Acid.

Similarly, when your plants are on a water-only diet after a Final Phase cleanse they’ll consume materials you don’t want in your crops at harvest time.

This means your plants get sugars in just the right forms so that the flower boosting power is immediately available. And Fulvic Acid has its own benefits, making your plants roots more efficient, helping carbohydrates to be absorbed by your plants more easily, and protecting your plants from drought, oxygen-deprivation and stress.

You can almost see your plants perk up and become machines for bigger flowers when the CarboLoad’s simple and complex carbohydrates channel into every plant cell where they stoke the fires of your plant’s metabolism so flowers swell up ripe and full.

Not only that, but CarboLoad’s sugars translate into your floral sugar. You heard it right: CarboLoad fuels your plants’ internal pathways so your plants produce more aroma and taste.


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...

Sweet Leaf is an all organic super concentrated flavor and aroma enhancer. Sweet Leaf increases the rate of essential oil production while simultaneously enriching those oils with higher concentratons of phenolic oand terpenoid compounds (the elements that make up the aromatic properties of your plants). By supplying three of the richest tasting sugars along with an abundance of amino acids, organic acids, esters, and vitamins, Sweet Leaf pumps up the flavor of your favorite fruits through flavor molecule precursors to build more aromatic compounds. In addition to flavor enhancement, Sweet Leaf increases your plant's carbohydrate reserves to build larger, heavier fruits during the flowering phase.


Wet Betty’s organic surfactants move more nutrients into your plants faster than regular feeding does- so you get improved growth and bigger yield.

Betty contains organic extracts that sweeten plants’ taste and aroma while making them better able to handle stress and other adverse conditions. Wet Betty’s special organic ingredients fight fungi and other invaders that can injure or kill plants.

Wet Betty makes crops taste, smell and cure better. It's 100% organic, and easy to use with your regular hydroponics feed program.


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
Now this one's a weird one


Liquid Light is a radical new foliar spray that dramatically increases the amount of light your plants can process by more than 66%.

Using a select blend of amino acids, carbohydrates and metabolites, Liquid Light accelerates your plant's photosynthesis, giving you thousands more lumens of usable light - instantly!

The increased plant sugar that Dutch Master's Liquid Light generates stimulates more growth, stronger plant development and ultimately more flower or fruit yield.


ICMag Donor
here is another...


General Hydroponics Flora Nectar Liquid Sweetener

* Optimizes the greatest transfer of sweetness and aroma into your fruits and flowers
* Contains all natural raw cane sugar, molasses, malt syrup, select plant based esters, L-amino acids, organic acids, polyflavonoids, vitamins and essential minerals
* Promotes sturdier plant structure to support heavier yields during the vegetative phase when high levels of nitrogen are present
* Balances rate of respiration and photosynthesis to ensure optimal metabolic rates occur during flowering and fruiting when nitrogen levels have been reduced
* Fulfills the additional energy requirements of your plants throughout all phases of growth and during stressful times of transition


I appreciate the info at the beginning of this thread. GPB - Are you endorsing and saying these products work or are you just copying the product descriptions? :confused:


ICMag Donor

Diamond Nectar Liquid Premium Organic Humic Acid
General Hydroponics Quart DIAMOND NECTAR™ Liquid Premium Organic Humic Acid

* Diamond Nectar will increase the up take of nutrients in the root zone and increase use of nutrients by the plant.
* Diamond Nectar can be applied to all cultivated plants including fruits, flowers, vegetables, trees, vines and ornamentals. Add to fertilizer mix for plants growing in soil, potting mixes, soilless rooting media and hydroponics
* Apply to all cultivated plants including fruits, flowers, vegetables, trees, vines & ornamentals
* Add to fertilizer mix for soil grown plants, potting mixes and soilless media for hydroponics


those NPK #'s are a miss. Dont know exactally what products you looked at. But I actually went to my hydro shop and asked and said show me what there is and how they work!

Dry Molasses
Dry molasses isn’t really straight dried molasses. It’s molasses sprayed on a grain residue carrier. It’s an excellent carbon source that stimulates beneficial microorganisms. And, it repels fire ants.

Molasses Sweet syrup that is a carbohydrate used as a soil amendment to feed and stimulate microorganisms. Contains sulfur, potash, and many trace minerals. Approximate analysis is 1-0-5. Molasses provides food for microorganisms and is a source of carbon, sulfur, and potash. It is a good, quick source of energy for the soil life and microbes in a compost pile, and will chase fire ants away. It is a carbon source and feeds beneficial microbes creating greater nature fertility. Liquid molasses is used in sprays and dry molasses is used as an ingredient in organic fertilizers. It contains sulfur, potash, and other trace minerals. Excellent foliar feeding material and can be mixed with other organic liquids. Use at 2-4 quarts/acre for soil application. For foliar application on broadleaf plants use 1 pint per acre. For grasses and grains still use 1 quart per acre. Blackstrap molasses is the best choice because it contains the sulfur and iron of the original material.

Molasses is the best sugar for horticultural use because of its trace minerals. Blackstrap is hard to find but is the best molasses because of the sulfur and iron, but any kind will work. Molasses is a carbon source and feeds the beneficial microbes creating greater natural plant fertility. Molasses also has a nice side benefit. When used with compost tea and orange oil, it kills fire ants and other insect pests. By itself, molasses repels fire ants effectively.

Molasses Residue: 0.7/0/5.32
Molasses Waste: 0/0/3.0-4.0


Molasses residue (brewing) .7- -5.32

enjoy your garden!

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