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Suby Fights Cancer

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Welcome back Suby. Good luck with the upcoming test. We all miss you brother.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Awesome news bro!!! Fuck a bunch of chemo. This last bone marrow biopsy will be will be all clear. I imagine they run a cytogentetics molecular test on your biopsy to ensure no chromosome abnormality.

I wish you all the best for your recovery. My only advice is kind of take it slow. I tried to go hard charging back into my old life as soon as I finished and it set me back some. It takes a bit for the body to recover after such long exposure to trauma, but you almost there bro. A few months and you'll be completely back to normal. Welcome back brother.



Suby, I'm new here, but I'm so happy for you!! Please continue to heal and stay healthy! God Bless you. I'll keep you in my prayers, that you stay healthy. WHICH YOU WILL!! Again brother, many congrats.


**AWD** Aficianado
Thanks guys for all the nice words.
I am feeling alot better and have been keeping myself busy and out of the house as much as I can.
They start me on pill for chemo for they call a maintenace phase for about 2 years.
I get lumbar punctures every 2 months, a light chemo every month, andI get bone marrow tests every 6 months for 5 years.
It's amazing to me that would seem like a break but it is lol.
No news on the bone marrow test yet, not sure what type of test they run.
This treatment cost the canadian medical system somwhere around 1.5 million by the time I am done, I got excellent medical attention and I even recived financial aid.
I am pretty impressed with our medical system, it's not perfect but it's getting there.



burnt out og'er
Welcome back Suby we've missed you

Welcome back Suby we've missed you

It's great to see you back :dance013:



Wow that's a lot more to it than I knew.

Well are you allowed to toke still?


**AWD** Aficianado
Bone Marrow is Clean :)
Thank Jah for that :)

JTG yeah I can use and abuse lol, I use a vape because plain toking burns out my lungs.
The daily chemo pills can give nausea so while I had planned to quit the herb for awhile it looks like we will be getting back together...
I've cut way down but it did really help me on the last 2 treatments.
I am so on the fence with this, on one hand you can't trust any of the studies and on the other I wprry about the immune supressing nature of MJ that has been painted by some of these studies.
I will do more resaerch on immunosupression and MJ but so far I've turned up aloy of weak articles at best.

Thats great Suby, Stay positive man. I really hope all of this is behind you soon enough, no one deserves to go through this. Take care man.


**AWD** Aficianado
Hello all,

This will be my last entry to this thread.
My health is getting better each day thanks to my family, friends (online and off), doctors and nurses in my area.
My test show good results and essentially I am in what they call a maintenace stage for 2 years which is chemo in pill form and other treatments, nasty ones but whatever.
I wish I could better express how touched I am by all you support, you have been like family to me.
I cannot say when I will post again, I will keep my account running but I find it very hard to chat about growing when I can no longer do so.
In a week I will have this thread deleted, I want to move on and not feel sick anymore, those who have been dangerously ill will know what I mean.
I am chocked up as I write this, I love all you guys, you put out alot of love to someone you barely knew which is more than I can say for some friends.
Peace to all, I wish you all the best with alot health and happiness.
Make each day count.

Love and Respect,



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Stay safe bro! I'm so happy to hear everything worked out for you. It's something you go through that changes the way you look at the world. I can totally understand wanting to delete this thread and move with your life.

Enjoy everyday!


Great to hear you have made a complete recovery Subs.

Enjoy life Brother.

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