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Suby Fights Cancer

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burnt out og'er
Saw this in another thread in this forum, looks to be a good read...

We just wanted to let you know that we have published a free medical cannabis book on line called, "Sick of Suffering". It is written by my son David who, himself, is a medical cannabis advocate and campaigner here in Australia. This book is very informative, entertaining (includes poems and parodies), in places funny, but mostly the voice of a medical sufferer who is denied the right of his own choice of medication, that he knows works for him.

Although this book is free to read, it is still copyright. However, we want as many people to read it as possible, so please feel free to pass the website onto anyone else you know.


Regards, David and Jean

Keep fighting suby


Active member
Suby, I'm wishing you peace, positivity, and the speediest possible return to good health. You'll beat this thing.


Pull my finger
Hey bro. I just learned today. You will beat it bro. You have a lot of life left in you. You have a lot of friends that care about you. I know every body says it but I mean it when I say, If you need anything, hit me up. I mean that shit when I say it. You have taught me so much in the short time we have known each other. You are pretty much my organic mentor and I hope everything works out for you. We are praying for you brother.


natural medicator
Hope you're doing well. You have prayers and positive vibes coming your way all the time man. Keep strong and keep fighting this. You can beat this!
Update us on how you're doing when you can.



Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Hey suby !

hope everything is going well for you !!!!

stay strong, and you ll be able to beat it... mj will help you for sure, together you re a lot stronger ;-)

lots of positive vibrations from france



ICMag Donor
we are all prayin for ya suby!!!
Thinkin of you and hoping your okay!!
gooooood vibes to you bud :D


**AWD** Aficianado
Well the last 2 weeks hav sucked, my body has taken a beating but on the whole I'm getting better.
My treatments are over until my body recovers, then I am an outpatient, I'll be getting lighter chemo from th exterior oncology ward.
I figure I get home/released around the 23rd, I am going absolutely crazy trying to fill my days, I have slept alot, watched movies, had bisits, but I am scraping the barrel now and getting a little depressed in this room.

Thank you all for your continued support, I still need all those well wishes, I am not out of the woods yet for sure.

I will try and keep you better posted, I have been discouraged and haven't been doing lot of E time.

Lots of love,



Active member
You're going to make it Suby :D

Glad to hear you're nearly to outpatient and hoping you get the least amount of boredom until then. :D

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
O Suby
Glad to hear from ya !!!Sending more love and vibes your way Brotha!
You are a very strong person and will be back in good health in no time.

Love / Peace


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
Great to hear from you Buddy. You hang in there. Your friends here are constantly thinking of you.


Active member
Hey Suby,hang in there Bro.
I may not have a good connection with the lord,but I'm gonna say a prayer for you.
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