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Suburban Jungle. Timewarpxlowryder, Guerilla gold, Manitoba meds,and many others.


Active member
hey johnny , that is not possible in my case cuz the native soil sucks donkey dicks:D

i could however try to cover the holes from this year guerliia plants so i can reuse them for the LR's next year althought i think the natural vegetation will swallow the holes once i return in spring

for next year guerliia grow i will make new holes and i will put guerliia gold again + frisian dew and some danish genetics


Cannabis Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
Hey Thc, I think you should reuse the holes that you have already dug, just ammend them. I always reuse holes and patches when I can. Your place is looking like a jungle:smoke:


Active member
yeah i want to but i will have to wait and see if the native vegetation will swallow the patches every time i go there i don't see any pathways leading to them cuz everything grows so friggin fast there.

Strange thing is i never had any bug damage whatsoever on guerillia whereas at home i do have lots of bugs


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
i got a patch of sour d x og k f2 and also some uk cheese. it lookin good johny, i gave them the final boost yesterday.

i will b going back to check on the other patch also and getting pics tomorrow i hope.


Cannabis Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
Hey Thc other vegetation will grow in the wholes just clear it again and mix in some organics.

Hey Dsg im pumped for you bro, your first outdoor crop is looking nice , dannk varieties too.


Cannabis Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
Hey Shroomy thanks bro:smoke: I think the best is yet to come, weather is real good now lots of sun.:woohoo::woohoo: Peace shroomy.


Hey Thc123 you are correct my plants where stolen. Thanks for the compliment on the nuggs, I am gonna try and get some better pictures of various nuggets:smoke: Hey thc how is the lowryder 2 ? hows the high?

Hey puffster thanks for stopping in and the kind words. I am pretty picky about strains, if you couldnt tell I like my outdoor early, Next years strains havent even been made yet. I will be working with mdanzigs blue streak, breeding it dj' shorts blueberry, and many others.:biglaugh:

Hey hulkbogan, thanks for stopping by. I have high hopes for the texada x bbjam to be an all out producer, both strains very heavy and potent. I made a simmilar cross years ago... patchworks timewarp x dr a blueberry northern lights, this was probally the best cross i have made , after few puffs of the weed with a grow buddy, he insisted the strain be called the primo, cause the shit was primo. We will see what happens with my current version.

Here is a pic of the old version of texada x dr's blueberrynorthern lights, from a few seasons ago.

Beautiful picture.

The Timewarp bud structure looks like it was dominant in the cross.

If you dont mind me asking what latitude are you at?

I was going to get some legends timewarp x blueberry but I doubt that it would be in before the rain starts. Some of my warps last year turned into what looked like grey and purple furry rats on sticks ... I hate mold!:mad:


Cannabis Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
:smoke:Hulkbogan thanks for the kind words, I really like that picture also. I love timewarp, I just wish i could get my hands on the clone. Where you growing the clone??

Im at 46 north, I would love to grow timebomb, I have some of dj's blue berry and some timewarp f5 seeds on the way id love to blend those too. Sorry to hear about ur timewarps last season.


I grew the F5's from next generation. I am sure I could source the clone If I really wanted it but from what I have heard (Same words from a few people actually) is that the original timewarp clone just isn't what it used to be and has suffered from genetic thinning from being recloned for almost 30 years. That being said almost all the outdoor farmers around here are working with Timewarp crosses ... Seawarp and Pinewarp seem to be the most common. Definetely a staple around here.

I was fascinated by how sativa the plant looked yet it flowers before any of my indicas :s


Cannabis Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
Hey holkbogan beautiful picture bro. I love the sativa high of the timewarp, my favorite timewarp came from patchworks wich is supposidly based in texada i wish they still had there version around. getting some more ngs tt f5's to find a new mommy, the nuggs are just so heavy and frosty. Ive heard the same about the clone being tired, but i still want to see what the original is like, since I have grown so many of the hybrids. Peace.


Hey holkbogan beautiful picture bro. I love the sativa high of the timewarp, my favorite timewarp came from patchworks wich is supposidly based in texada i wish they still had there version around. getting some more ngs tt f5's to find a new mommy, the nuggs are just so heavy and frosty. Ive heard the same about the clone being tired, but i still want to see what the original is like, since I have grown so many of the hybrids. Peace.
You can get a 20 pack of patchworks timewarp for $50 here!

Ever seen/heard/grown polecat? Haven't heard much about this strain but it's really impressing me so far.


Cannabis Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
Bogan your the man i have been looking for these. Its awsome they come in a 20 pack thanks a lot. Cheers!


hey johny!!! i was reading back a little and i am sorry about the thieves!!! looks like you had a pretty nice haul anyway!!! peace djxx


man i just looked at aaa seeds and there prices are fukn higher than i have seen ever!!! i guess if you just got to have it!!peace dj


Cannabis Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
:rasta:lol hey dj thanks man, I think most of the weight is still out there on my bigger plants. If growing outdoor the timewarp is a must have in my oppinion. Peace.


Cannabis Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
Hey whats up everyone its been beautiful and sunny just wanted to share some pictures from today.

Romulandiesel x lowryer from seed.



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