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Sub's Super Soil


Anyone using Subs Super Soil? I'm looking to go back to soil and would like to use something that allows simple watering with plain water and/or teas. Also something that deliver's a nice fade at the end of bloom.

Does anyone have any experience with the super soil or can suggest another soil recipe that is decent. Looking for something fully organic or as organic as possible
Ive just got done with my first couple runs of subcools soil with just plain 6.5 dechlorinated water and it went fantastic

I just used the like 2009 recipe that was on google and baked it for 45 days or more before using.

I have another forum topic talking about some teas to try out this next run of mine, and I think the concensus is just a basic EWC ACT or earth worm casting aerated compost tea

My tea includes 1 cup EWC, 1 tsp molasses, 1 tsp humic acid and 1/2 cup alfalfa meal bubbled for 24-48 hours and I think im going to water it in every other time in flower

Just my 2 cents

Sean Price

My tea includes 1 cup EWC, 1 tsp molasses, 1 tsp humic acid and 1/2 cup alfalfa meal bubbled for 24-48 hours and I think im going to water it in every other time in flower

I would definitely not add alfalfa meal any time even near flowering. It has a a hormone*? in it that causes vegetative growth and can cause over-stretching. Great ammendment but make sure its all broken down before flower time.


Ive just got done with my first couple runs of subcools soil with just plain 6.5 dechlorinated water and it went fantastic

I just used the like 2009 recipe that was on google and baked it for 45 days or more before using.

I have another forum topic talking about some teas to try out this next run of mine, and I think the concensus is just a basic EWC ACT or earth worm casting aerated compost tea

My tea includes 1 cup EWC, 1 tsp molasses, 1 tsp humic acid and 1/2 cup alfalfa meal bubbled for 24-48 hours and I think im going to water it in every other time in flower

Just my 2 cents

when you add the alfalfa it is no longer a cmopost tea but a nutrient tea.

If you keep it to just EWC, molasses and water it is a compost tea.



Not sure if any of you arw familiar with humtea but this is what i intend on usiing for my tea throughout the grow and whe letting the soil cook. If you have not seen this stuff I suggest you look into it. Bountea is pretty amazing stuff as well.


Active member
I used both those tea products last year. Bountea is soooo thick it is a brewer clogger. It is also very expensive. The Humtea is a great product. To be honest, I think microbemans recipes are just as good for pennies on the dollar.


New member
I'm using Subs Super Soil. Its working awesome! I followed all the mixing instructions but changed up one thing. Sub recommends only filling the bottom third with SS the the rest, a 50/50 of good soil - FFOF,Roots Organic or similar and FF Light warrior. What I did different was I transplanted them into 100 percent Super Soil. Water is all I have given my plants. And itI looks good so far. Compost tea is also going to used, once or twice a week once I build my brewer. Anyway I highly recommend this style of growing because it is easy, and so far, trouble free.... (where's that piece of wood!?) I have a few pics up in my intro post in the introduce yourself section if you want toI see how things are going for me using this method. Good luck, happy growing!

mad librettist

Active member
i think sub got that detail wrong. the richer mix should be on top, the leaner one on the bottom. even better is a uniform mix.


Ganjasseur what did you use for the base soil? He basically says that FFOF and Sunshine #4 would be his last choices with FFOF being the better of the two obviously.


New member
The 100 percent uniform mix is working great like I said. I would be careful though, there is a chance you could burn your plants. don't put seed,seedling or new clones in the 100percent SS .

1st, Newly. Germed seeds and fresh clones are placed into small pots filled with only light warrior.

Then they go to My base soil, 50/50 FFOF, Light warrior. This is what I place clones and seedlings in for the 1st transplant.

Then next and if any future transplants are into 100 percent Super Soil. I leave a little room in the top of the pots to fop feed or freshen up down the road.


Nice bro but what is your base soil in your Super Soil. Do you use Ocean Forest as your base soil that is amended with what Sub suggest? How long did you let it cook? Did you add myco's? I have some great white shark, think i'll be adding it to the bountea or just straight to the soil mix.


just wondering if anyone has ever tested the ph of the soil used in SubCools recipe.

My concern was if i needed to ph my water or not. I assume that the soil mix will already be acidic.

Is anyone using Subcools recipe ph'ing their water?
His theory is your roots will grow into the soil as it needs the ferts. That is why on the bottom and not the top.

i think mad is looking at it from the view that if the stronger mix is at the top, watering will allow nutes to leach down and feed...

if anything both methods lead to optimization by evening out the mix in the pots and then cutting the ss with more base if its too hot.


Active member
i think mad is looking at it from the view that if the stronger mix is at the top, watering will allow nutes to leach down and feed...

if anything both methods lead to optimization by evening out the mix in the pots and then cutting the ss with more base if its too hot.

Yea, I get it.
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