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Stupid reporter injects THC for documentary!



bullshit...nobody injects pure thc they are trying to prove that something that nobody does could be harmfull.i can make one hundred videos with me drinking 20lt of coca cola,with me injecting 10 aspirins,drinking 10 red bulls etc and provide terrifying results..should then coca cola be scheduled as a class C drug?i don't think so...
can't understand why they are fighting cannabis so much...


Sneak attack critical

This seems like a stunt used to justify the re-criminalization of cannabis.

Who shoots up weed anyways? You'd think that they'd want to make a legit study of the drug so that they could know the TRUTH about it.


She said: "Nicky fully researched the subject and undertook the trials under supervision, with medical advice. She has not suffered any ill effects since filming finished.

There is the answer to the whole study right there. I wonder if they will give that "fact" the coverage it deserves.

Floro Joe

I bet if you shot Diet Coke into a vein,it would also be intense and unpleasing.

The test proved one thing if any.

Broads shouldn't mainline pot.
British_Hempire said:
I saw someone who didn't smoke eat an eigth of squdgy black hash once, it was 94 and I was at university, he ate my hash and then we had to carry him home, he didn't even wake up when we dropped him once, that cat was putting out the zzzs for a whole day. He said he had some mad dreams about pink clouds chasing him down the street...

quite a chunk isn't it?
Dude slept easy atleast haha,talk about narcotic effect

as for the report..I would have to agree,shooting up anything is going to be unpleasant and dramatic..what a slanderous skeezer.
and is this crazed reporter going to stop us from growing or smoking de herb?


Yes, I am sure injecting pure THC is going to give an accurate portrayal of the effects of cannabis use ... :rolleyes:

Maybe these idiots should study the effects of injecting air into the bloodstream while they're at it, and then we can hear about the negative effects of air!


Active member
This is the new record-breaking low. :badday:

I bet if she got injected ( :D ) with some of that Sadhu I grew awhile back, she would forget what the term unpleasant means!
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Active member
Still guys why ya'll against injecting it???

Injecting heroin is one thing... that'll kill you.

But will injected THC kill you? Probably not. Get me a clean needle & I'm game.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
what a fuking asinine thing to do.... they fucking fully know that nobody injects thc.....
and the scientists should fuking fuly well know that thc on its own does not a cannbis expericence make


Anime n Stoner Aficionado
RudolfTheRed said:
Still guys why ya'll against injecting it???

Injecting heroin is one thing... that'll kill you.

But will injected THC kill you? Probably not. Get me a clean needle & I'm game.
personally i'm not into needles... it's the line i wont cross. IF injecting pot was the only way to enjoy it i wouldnt be, but we all know that is NOT the case so... i'll keep tokin! :joint:


Active member
asa42 said:
personally i'm not into needles... it's the line i wont cross. IF injecting pot was the only way to enjoy it i wouldnt be, but we all know that is NOT the case so... i'll keep tokin! :joint:

Part of the fun of weed is the smoking experience, at least in my opinion. Vaping might be nice also, but unfortunately, I haven't tried that yet.

:joint: :wave:


My little pony.. my little pony
I cant wait till she tries the same thing with some nicotine. That I know will kill her.