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STUNG!!! How to cure those Bee & Wasp Stings!



Getting stung by bees and wasps hurts. Here's how to take the sting out.

Soak the affected part in white vinegar. Now, don't dab some on and think it will work... SOAK it for a few hours. A rag dripping wet applied works good.

The sting and swelling will go away and you will be pain free!

The acidic pH of the vinegar cancels the alkaline venom!

I'm allergic to bee venom and it even works on me!

Got stung yesterday, wanted to share the cure with ya'll!

Smooth B

When I was young, I bush-hogged a hornets nest. I was hauling ass on that tractor. I got stung in the eye. Looked like I was in a bad fight when I went to church. Do you think my tractor's sexy? :D

It really turns her on
Shes always staring at me
While Im chuggin along
She likes the way its pullin while were tillin up the land
Shes even kind of crazy bout my farmers tan
Shes the only one who really understands what gets me
She thinks my tractors sexy
(Courtesy of Kenny Chesney)

Ok, enough of that incoherent babble.

A few nights ago, my leg started itching. I was scratching my legs in the dark. (Not like Yummybud in his closet :smile:) I felt a bump. Must be a mole or something. I finally got up after the itching continued. A tick. SOB had bit me twice between my legs. Got any remedy for this? Lot's of beer and weed is easing the pain. :rolleyes:


Yes, mix a couple drops Clorox bleach in a shot glass 1 oz of water, mix...

put on affected area to make it quit itching....

at least that is what Grandma said....

Just be careful! Only 2 drops! No more!


Non Conformist
I went to the woods one day with my dad to clean up some tree tops that were left over from cuttin saw logs. I jumped outta the truck, reached in the back and had a chainsaw in each hand about half way outta the truck, when somethin started ta sting the shit outta my face and nose! I had to take a step back before I could drop the saws, otherwise it would have scratched the truck all up. Holy cow I couldn't get em off me fast enough! My dad got that "oh shit" look on his face and took 2 steps back. lol They were wasps! I got most off on the first swipe, but not the one on my nose. My dad said one of em grabbed on to my nose and stuck his body/stinger up -in- my nose! I nearly broke my nose the second time I swiped at it!

My eyes watered fer an hour after that! I got stung twice on the forehead, once under the left eye, and I don't know how many times in my freakin nose! Man did my face swell! I ended up barfing, it being a 100 degrees with high humidity didn't help any.

I got sore at my dad cuz when it first happened he laugh his ass off ( fucker! ). lol... He ask me later didn't you know there was a big nest of em between the cab and the bed of the truck? I told him hell no I didn't know, how would I, I didn't live there. The truck was jus used to haul wood, otherwise it sat. But yeah, there was a big nest in there, it was those big dark redish brown wasps too. Damn things are about 2 inches long! I'll jus bet they were nice an stirred up from the quarter mile ride through the fields to the woods too! lol.... I still get the willies every time I think about it.

Anyhoo, I'll keep the vinegar thing in mind for next time I blunder into a swarm of wasps! lol Take care... BC


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Now we're talking :D I need a swim soooo bad right now lol

Can't wait till I see him in Aug :D

Big D

Once while pissing in the woods, I pee'd on a ground wasp nest. The wasp's swarmed my penis stinging me all about the head and shaft.
My penis swelled alot.
When the swelling went down my wife asked if I remembered where the nest was and suggested that I go let them sting me again.


Active member
MSG works a bit better IMO but most don't keep it around. Had many bouts with yellow jackets and wasps.
Never heard that one - how do you apply it?
I think we still have a baggie of MSG in the kitchen although we rarely use it for cooking (I PRefer liquid Maggi if I feel like cheating, hehe)

But man I hate those wasps. One day I was walking in the forest with my girlfriend and my daughter and one of those huge red hornets was buzzing around a tree stump. I just told them to back off and showed them the animal - I've heard they can get quite territorial if you're close to their nest so I don't take any chances, especially with a child at my side.

Or perhaps it's just because we don't have any gators or really venomous snakes / spiders around here that we need something to be scared of, dunno :)

Dirt Nasty

you make a paste with a bit of water and put it on. It dries up and sucks up the poison and neutralizes it. Really seems to work.


My little pony.. my little pony
Mmmmmm paste.



Non Conformist


Brother Verite is back in the house! Very good to see you man! ...but you can't eat the paste, or the crayons, and ya can't run with scissors either. You jus can't have any fun around here anymore! BC


gets some
Wish I had known about this last summer. While picking wild blackberries in my backyard I got stung on the back of my legs by two black wasps. They went up my shorts! One hit each leg at almost exact same time. It hurt like a bitch and swelled up real bad for two weeks. Then one morning a week later I woke up broken out somethin ugly in hives. That lasted for another week. Those wasps are no joke and Ill keep some vinegar on hand for this summer just in case. Thanks for the tip! I do NOT want to go through that again.


Ya'll are welcome.

Since I have no insurance, I had to find other ways to combat my allergy to insect venom!

It works great! If you leave the vinegar (WHITE) soaking on it for a few hours it will be like you never got stung in the first place!


ICMag Donor
Once while pissing in the woods, I pee'd on a ground wasp nest. The wasp's swarmed my penis stinging me all about the head and shaft.
My penis swelled alot.
When the swelling went down my wife asked if I remembered where the nest was and suggested that I go let them sting me again.



Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Then one morning a week later I woke up broken out somethin ugly in hives. That lasted for another week. Those wasps are no joke...

Yeah, no kidding. While we're on the subject of 'things to do next time,' if you or anyone else gets a case of hives after a sting, don't @%&# around... get to a hospital. Stings can kill you if you're sufficiently allergic, and I mean for-real dead. Myself, I am allergic and I'm lucky to have survived a sting as a child.

Nearly didn't.

Some don't.


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