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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Prefer either apple pie or cherry bop flavored moonshine. Plain white lighting on it's own isn't bad but it does take a few sips to get past the taste. As far as scotch goes, it taste like someone distilled a kettle full of rusty nails with swamp water. don't know how anyone can develop a taste for that stuff.
thats because you have no class:)


Rubbing my glands together
How much class you reckon ya need to have that tat under ya arm? Able to count to 9? Constant use of single syllable words? Thinking that if a girl ain't goodnuff fer her on family she ain't fitting fer an outsider? Using words like, axther, orthar, and uonto, Used in a sentence--
I axther, I saays, uonto go orthar and show me whatin you got twintx yourn legs but she said she didn wanto.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i was referring to being able to appreciate the subtle complexities of a good glass of scotch,it requiring a certain level of refinement not often found in holler dwellers such as yourself...in other words....cleetus,get away from that wheelbarrow,you dont know nothin about no machinery!


Rubbing my glands together
See I can't read either. just can't stand the taste of it. I don't care if its 21 day old scotch or 80 year old scotch. 1's smoother than the other, both still taste like distilled rusty nails.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
well,unless its single barrel i cant stand the taste of most bourbon,and i absolutely hate jack daniels,which is technically sour mash and not bourbon,i do love some makers mark and booker's....and dont get me started on that vomitous bilgewater called canadian whiskey....

i like the super peaty scotches too,especially the ones that taste like salty wet dog fur around a peat fire...mmm mmm.... when i was in london the hotel i was staying at had 78 single malts on the menu,i racked up almost a grand in bar bills in 4 days....

captain planet

Active member
Ardbeg, caol isla, Laphroaig FTW! Highland park can be ok, lagavullin for posers with money, and it's still damn tasty...still have to try the kilchomen..... Doin it all onsite, growing barley, using a malting floor, distilling, barreling, and aging! Pretty cool stuff!!!

captain planet

Active member
Ardbeg10 and Laphroaig 10 are my favorite, with Laphroaig having me on nostalgia, and ardbeg being for the naturalist who doesn't want e150 caramel color added


Rubbing my glands together
NOT a jack daniels fan either. Would rather have Evans Williams over it any day. Makers Mark is decent for sippin. But not a big bourbon fan and I fuckin can't stand white tequilas either. Anejno's go down quite nicely. I have to admit, I do like to sip on Crown Royal from time to time.


Rubbing my glands together
I don't drink a lot either. If I did I'd look like jw and have problems similar to his. Guess what I'm saying is, if he can still get it up it's on somebody else


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Got to be a prison tat.. Bet that thang stanks after a long hard sweaty day too.
seems like that would just be a way to end up with lots of guys fucking your armpit,although i suppose its slightly better than old fashioned prison ass rape....

I don't drink a lot either. If I did I'd look like jw and have problems similar to his. Guess what I'm saying is, if he can still get it up it's on somebody else

thanks for another image i cant unthink!

captain planet

Active member
Huh! I'd be efffn dude missionary style lickin that ish up, pretending I was in some wicked threesome. :) like give more some more of those fermented fruit juice boxes.... I'd lose class fast in there I'm afraid muahaha