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Study Accidentally Finds Chemotherapy Makes Cancer Far Worse



BioHazard..good points..and A.S..grow up??Why?For having my own opinion..its not twisting someones words when they leave you a douchbag negrep without giving you a chance to explain yourself,or better yet,engaging that person with a smart,respectful battle of debate..that we can ALL learn from...you dont just leave someone a negrep..and thats what pissed me off..

BioHazard,I have read all about the nutritious qualities of hemp seed..and yes it can make: rope,food,paper,ethanol,medicine,etc,etc..

Believe me,you think I like living in a world where you have to watch what you THINK,lest you be thrown into a 8x8 cage for a few years...

However,It would be VERY naive to say that if cananbis was legalized tomorrow,that it would solve all of modern societies problems..let alone "have prosperous lives without depending on the government for food money and electricity."

I will not engage in further debate on the matter,and wouldnt have even bothered coming here making myself look like the bad guy..had it not been for the immature negrep left by BoneQuicha...this started with that..nobody else...that's all I will say on the matter...
if getting negative rep on an internet forum causes you to be severely upset, you probably deserve it. Back to the main topic. People are not a plague to th earth, the only ones that are a plague to the earth are the ones that think that they are. I personally believe humans can make the world a better place than if we were never here at all. After all our world wouldnt even exist if there werent eyes to view it and make it into a conscious reality. Plenty of people live off the grid without the help of the government. You remind me of a washington politician the way you talk and lack of hope you hold for the future. Im glad that there are people in the world that look forward to a brighter future. Feel free to become one of them, No one is stopping you. And the further you believe the illusion that someone is stopping you from believing in a brighter future the more desolate and lonely your life will become.:thank you:


Now THAT my friends,is mis-quoting someone's words...when did I ever say there was no future,and no hope..never..just you sound really naive by your comments,and the negative rep you left me for no reason,other than disagreeing with me.

Yes neg rep affects me,NOT because of the reputation,but the FACT that sombody took their time out to leave a negative rep..its people like that,that make me world a bad place...oh you dont agree with me,so negrep me...call the cops on me while your at it..you see my point,disagreeing with people is human nature,ACTING LIKE AN ASS,is not...

to say that the average joe can go one day living a "normal" life,then growing pounds of weed the next..all while maintaining that same way of life..

and not needing the assistance of outside resources..is naive...yes people live off the grid..because they can afford land to farm,and have the skills to do it.

what happens to those who don't??...what happens when everyone and their mother grows pounds of weed,it will become WORTHLESS,with no barter or monetary value..then what??...how will billions of people survive

so lets see...a world that has NO monetary system,no barter exchange system..no government or police presence...no way of creating wealth,whether resource wise or monetary wise..what does that make..ANARCHY..

anarchy on earth..

oh but NO..we'd all be nice and high,happily surviving on rats and hemp seeds...nobody would be hungry..nobody would starve to death.....because we'd all be growing pounds of weed...




my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
Cannabinoids and Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic cancer ranks as one of the most fatal forms of cancer, and therefore, new strategies aimed at improving the prognosis of this deadly disease are warranted. Recently, it was shown that cannabinoid administration leads to apoptosis of pancreatic tumor cells via CB2 receptor and ceramide-dependent up-regulation of p8 and ATF-4 and TRB3 stress–related genes ( 7). Another study showed that CB1 receptor antagonist AM251–induced cell death in pancreatic MIAPaCa-2 cells occurred via receptor-independent manner ( 19). Although the two studies describe contrasting mechanism of action of cannabinoids, both underline the importance of cannabinoids for the treatment of pancreatic cancer. In depth studies are therefore warranted to identify the mechanism of action of cell death induced by cannabinoids in pancreatic cancer.

thanks for this info...

I have a family friend that was recently diagnosed with having stage 4 pancreatic cancer after being misdiagnosed as a type 2 diabetic at first.

I recommended Cannabis and Cannabis oils and that I would provide them for her at no cost, but she is morally against it and she also believes that the doctors know best... so she is currently undergoing Chemo and suffering from it a great deal... still refusing to use cannabis.

I have a basic understanding of the modes of action...( anti-mitogenic, anti-angiogenic and pro-apoptotic etc) but i find it difficult it relay it to people in ways that don't go directly over their heads, I don't have any long term case studies to prove to people that it works. Most people seem to feel as if their doctor knows best and since Im not a doctor then why should they believe me over their doctors... not realizing the profits that are made in chemotherapy is used to perpetuate its use through the education system. (medical history is amazing... so much of it was either poisonous, dangerous or useless... and it continues today a kind of trial and error)

I would really like to help her and others that I know that suffer from symptoms that cannabis has been shown to help yet continue to use pharmaceutical, low efficacy/ high side effect medications instead.

But I don't know how to open/change these peoples mind towards cannabis? As most people see medical MJ as a loophole for stoners and practically laugh at the idea of it actually having health benefits...

Do I need to bring this type of information to their doctors and see what kind of responses they have?

any advice on how to go about helping someone that doesn't believe cannabis will help and is morally opposed to it, will be greatly appreciated... thanks!


Sat X RB

Sat X..do yoo feel that hemp oil did indeed cure your psoriasis?..i have heard many rumors that hemp oil can cure cancer,prevent it,aw well as many other diseases..do you feel the same way?

what were your methods of not only making the hemp oil..but taking it?..were you taking ANY other medicine..is your disease 100% cured,in remission..has it improved?

Have you ever taken hemp oil for any other diseases..if so,how did it work out for you..

and finally,what other diseases do YOU feel hemp oil can cure/and or prevent...

thank you.[/quote

thanks for yr question ...

there is a cannabis trial being conducted presently in Oz by Mullaway Medical Cannabis. (look in the Aust/NZ Forum) the Director's name is Mr Anthony Bower.
I was accepted onto this trial suffering from erythrodermic psoriasis. I had suffered from this for about 8 months when I received my first batch of medicine from Mullaway.
as soon as I began taking the medicine my pain was eased perhaps 80%!!! as the time went by the symptoms of my illness seemed to improve day by day.
a detailed explanation of my symptoms and their degree is beyond this scope of this post.
it is not possible for me to empirically state that hemp oil will cure e/psoriasis because the illness is episodal. it comes and goes ... sometimes with years between episodes. it may be that I had simply come to the end of an episode synchronous with taking Mullaways medicine.
further I was deregistered from the trial by Mr Bower for reasons I don't understand. it may be that Mr Bower considered I was not taking the trial seriously enuf because I did not fill out all the sheets of research questions.
today I have what might be called 'residual' symptoms. traces of the previous symptoms the degree of which I don't want to talk about because I receive a disability pension from the government as a result of my illness ... and what I say may compromise that pension.
however if you research this topic on this site there are pictures of cures including a cure of psoriasis vulgaris and pictures of a cure of severe skin cancer.
if you are a newb in regard to medical cannabis google 'rick simpson' and read up what he has to say.
thankyou for yr interest!


Active member
thanks for this info...

I have a family friend that was recently diagnosed with having stage 4 pancreatic cancer after being misdiagnosed as a type 2 diabetic at first.

I recommended Cannabis and Cannabis oils and that I would provide them for her at no cost, but she is morally against it and she also believes that the doctors know best... so she is currently undergoing Chemo and suffering from it a great deal... still refusing to use cannabis.

I have a basic understanding of the modes of action...( anti-mitogenic, anti-angiogenic and pro-apoptotic etc) but i find it difficult it relay it to people in ways that don't go directly over their heads, I don't have any long term case studies to prove to people that it works. Most people seem to feel as if their doctor knows best and since Im not a doctor then why should they believe me over their doctors... not realizing the profits that are made in chemotherapy is used to perpetuate its use through the education system. (medical history is amazing... so much of it was either poisonous, dangerous or useless... and it continues today a kind of trial and error)

I would really like to help her and others that I know that suffer from symptoms that cannabis has been shown to help yet continue to use pharmaceutical, low efficacy/ high side effect medications instead.

But I don't know how to open/change these peoples mind towards cannabis? As most people see medical MJ as a loophole for stoners and practically laugh at the idea of it actually having health benefits...

Do I need to bring this type of information to their doctors and see what kind of responses they have?

any advice on how to go about helping someone that doesn't believe cannabis will help and is morally opposed to it, will be greatly appreciated... thanks!

Just keep pushin out facts to them, just as much as the TV does when they sale pills. One of the most intriging thing people who dont like MJ for spiritual, or governmental reasons, you need to make em aware or remind them God made the plant, and to deny that fact, you might as well deny all of God. I posted some very great videos on the history, and studies done on MJ, they have helped open the door to people who are reluctant to even listen.:tiphat: