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Security camera set-up



The software looks ok. I don't do apple, so ...

But I am not sure if you are confused or what, but that is software that you download and install on a machine in your location. It doesn't go through that site at all.

So if you want 'remote viewing' over the internet or from your phone, you are going to need to open up your router/firewall to allow you (and everyone else) to connect to it. Depending on what they are using for the web server and how secure your credentials are, determines how long it would take for someone to break in to it.

Make sense?


Active member
yeah i see. i guess i am confused. i just burned one.

so if i can get in, so can anyone else. if so, then what is your setup?


If ~I~ were to go about this, I would get an offshore VPS (virtual private server) turn it in to a VPN endpoint, set up my internet connection at the op to ONLY talk to the endpoint. All traffic to and from the site could only be accomplished via encrypted channels, either from another endpoint at my house or a mobile 'throw away' netbook.


Hub = VPS (hosted/offshore virtual server)
Spoke = House
Spoke #2 = Op
VPN client = cellphone/netbook.



Active member
here is the info about remote monitoring for security spy:

SecuritySpy has a built-in web server for monitoring your system from a remote location, over the internet or over your local network.

You can access SecuritySpy’s web interface from any web browser running on any computer or mobile phone, including an iPhone or iPod Touch. You can also view live video from a Dashboard widget, a screensaver, or a second copy of SecuritySpy.

When accessing your system from a web browser you can view live and recorded footage, including audio in browsers which support Java. You can also control cameras with pan/tilt/zoom support and modify SecuritySpy’s settings and preferences.

You can keep your system private and secure by creating password-protected accounts, or by limiting access to specific IP addresses.

You don’t need to purchase a second license of SecuritySpy for remote monitoring, unless you intend to connect cameras to one copy of SecuritySpy and record footage from another.


yep. read that. but what IP address is your cell phone going to have? How about your laptop from starbucks?

Always going to change.

Regarding username/password, again that is up to you and how strong their authentication mechanism and software is. You would be surprised at how many home routers are exposed on the internet with the default usernames/passwords. All because someone ticked the box that says 'allow remote administration' or some other misconfiguration.


so cellular nic card you couldn't find my street?

Definitely harder.

Surf to that link in the post above from your phone. It will be wherever the carrier decides to dump it out on the internet, not necessarily anywhere near you.


Not sure I would want to try and watch live video over it though.

Downloads are ok on 3G and smoking on 4G, but this is PUSHING the data, not PULLING it. Big difference. Similar to DSL, downloads are ok (which is what most web surfers do), but MUCH slower uploading anything.

Panama Red

Active member
tequila_sunrise said:
sorry... if they really want that data on the drive, they are going to be able to recover it even if it gets soaked in soda. That will only short out the PCB on the HD not destroy the data on the platters. If you are trying to stop plain thieves I think that the encryption is good enough.

They're gonna have to have a religious resolve to de-gum that motor/head mechanism and spin those discs at the correct speed to retrieve the encrypted data.
I'll ship you one of my leftovers at the end of the run if you want to give it a try. All of our machines are left behind (in thousands of pieces) when we leave anyway.
Clean fans? Hahahahahaha, these are $150 salvage machines that get sledgehammered in November when the lease runs out.


I don't see why this thread has turned into tracking someones IP.... wtf? Anything can be hacked, cracked, or tracked with enough time. Don't be naive and think otherwise.

Let's help the OP, add value to the thread, or stfu and take a bong hit!

johnnyla Confused by what you're asking. You want a security system for your grow room, or for surfing the net and hiding your IP? Use JanusVM, or TOR if you want to surf anonymously.

For grow room remote viewing you need to think about security! You dont want any unwanted persons being able to gain access. You will need redundant securty if you want to be able to securely view your grow remote. Secure VPN tunnels are a great start.

For the cam I posted earlier in the thread, I can restrict access to all but persons on the internal network, restrict net access etc.

Bong HITS!!:bongsmi: :) :joint:


Well-known member
just to kind of bring this back to basic security, the hacking stuff reminds me why i am wary of a computer setup for security
the simplest,cheapest setup idea i've had so far is a simple cell phone with camera that has a good trigger system
when triggered it dials my carry around cell phone, would let me see the driveway/entrance, and talk to anyone that is there
can't get much cheaper and pretty much unhackable


just to kind of bring this back to basic security, the hacking stuff reminds me why i am wary of a computer setup for security
the simplest,cheapest setup idea i've had so far is a simple cell phone with camera that has a good trigger system
when triggered it dials my carry around cell phone, would let me see the driveway/entrance, and talk to anyone that is there
can't get much cheaper and pretty much unhackable

Just about any of the IP cameras can send you an email with images or the video when its triggered by motion. No computer hookup necessary, after the initial setup.

If its not 'streaming live' its no different than sending an email from your laptop, security wise.

You are not going to find any 'two way' audio/video system that can do that ~without~ having to open up a port or two on your internet connection allowing inbound access to the device itself or the controller itself (zoneminder, etc.).

Edit: I stand corrected. There IS a device that does what you want.


Pretty interesting little device. Going to have to do some more reading up on it.


Active member
i just wanted email notification if alarm tripped and remote dumping of video and stills during tripped alarm to remote server. i don't need to watch live or yell at my potential intruder i just want to know if someone is trying to rob me and to secure off site video of events.


Well-known member
Edit: I stand corrected. There IS a device that does what you want.


Pretty interesting little device. Going to have to do some more reading up on it.

yeah, i've seen a few like this, pretty juicy price tag
could be good for the outside grow situation
there's just so much stuff out there
Just to reiterate, what I need to do is get a notification when someone is either checking out the building entrances or windows.Would like to have video of their movements. If they get inside I want to be able to watch their movements also. Biggest concern is rolling up on the building only to find PO PO swarming over it. If I am unable to wipe the system clean remotely then I will go with throw away cell phones. Seems to me the key piece of equipment is the DVR,am I wrong?


Well-known member
Just to reiterate, what I need to do is get a notification when someone is either checking out the building entrances or windows.Would like to have video of their movements. If they get inside I want to be able to watch their movements also. Biggest concern is rolling up on the building only to find PO PO swarming over it. If I am unable to wipe the system clean remotely then I will go with throw away cell phones. Seems to me the key piece of equipment is the DVR,am I wrong?

with a reasonably powered computer, you don't need a DVR, you can stream video to the computer(within reason)
as a prior poster mentioned, you can setup the disk to be encrypted(which is fairly easy with a Linux setup)
this is better than a cleaning signal because the disk is always in an encrypted state


Just about any of the IP cameras can send you an email with images or the video when its triggered by motion. No computer/DVR hookup necessary.

If its not 'streaming live' its no different than sending an email from your laptop, security wise.

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