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Strategy for hauling Huge bales of moss/soil to grow spot?



that concept is good, good enough to be done by 1 person. two people is to many!


natural medicator
sniperscope said:
my strategy for hauling bales of promix would be to put black garbage bags around 3 bales stacked, duct tape them down and place them on a dolly. move the bales at night and just throw them into the bush. (lazy man way)

that or get a long pole similar to a squat bar and just put bales on the end, carry one on the back if you can. the bar would just rest on your shoulders and you walk with it. if you tied it with rope, make sure its fairly secure cause the bales might get annoying if they are moving alot. the plastic is fairly strong so depending on how much it can withstand, you could probably get away with 4-6 bales a time. lol this one is good exercise and faster if you're a tank, just make sure everything is black so you camo a bit lol the bales stand out like a mother fucker.

4-6 bales at a time? we're all talking about those 3.8 bales right? From waht I remember, those are between 60 and 80lbs a piece. Maybe I'm just a weakass person, but I know at least I won't be trying to move any more than 2 at once, no matter how comfortable a carrying postion, if I am to move any kind of distance with any kind of speed.

Maybe you're a linebacker who pushes entire teams on sleds daily though....

I think the 3 best and most realistic ideas on here are the freighter frame, the deer cart, and the zipline/pulley system if we're talking one man doing the work.