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strangest/most ingenius way you've smoked?


whats the most ingenius method you've come up with to smoke some bud when a piece wasnt available?

the other day i was hiking and i forgot my rolling papers so i made a chillum out of a piece of bark and a bowl piece out of a pine cone. it hit nice and it made the hike much more enjoyable to say the least

i saw a hippy once at a fair trying to smoke a bud by lighting it on fire and breathing in the smoke that came off it hahaha. pretty sure he was already HIGH



Hmm.I was pretty good at turning just about anything into a bong,but for me i would say making a chillum out of a potatoe....tasted as bad as it sounds. oldman


Seriously, Solar tokes. Every time, it really gets to me, I love the way it lights the bud, unlike a flame would, I can't explain it. Out of bong is the best I feel.

Personally,somehow I think it it gives a positive effect.
Edit: Wrong thread.

damn I didn't read. well you could still light a nug on fire with a magnify glass and suck the smoke up, maybe with a straw like device?.. sorry bout that.

Wallet=loose rolling papers.

Carrots are a personal favorite of mine, you can use them to smoke a j out of to, pretty Convenient



Swimming pool, 60 gallon rubbermaid. 3" Diamater stem , bowl big enough for 3.5 grams of Romulan.

Flashlight, 2 friends on either side of the rubbermaid, 1 outside the pool to burn the bowl up

gravity bong to the extreme


me and some guys made a gravity out of a 5 gallon water jug with a few hoses on it. i know what you mean, it gets you high

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
me and one buddy have a signature way of smoking together since Shamballa 2009.
A Watermellon Bong. It has a nice flavour we put a solid metal bown in it and a hole from the top to mid way down and the same hole from the bowl to almost half way in. And it works for a day or two most until it roots. Do not use a large mellon get a small couple pounder baby water mellon.
oh ya if it starts to dry out just put water in it. lol and it works


Grow like nobody is watching
Once I had nothing available but nature so I dug up some clay and wet it and moulded a pipe around a twig. The weirdest way was probably "drinking" the smoke. You put a large drinking glass in the freezer to get it really cold. Then you use a large plastic bottle with a hole in the lid and some metal pipe or something so it doesn't burn. You light a joint and stick it into the lid thing on the inside. So you screw the lid on carefully and the joint is on the inside.

Put a couple of ice cubes in the cold glass and in a wind free environment, squeeze the bottle and some chunky smoke will come out and it sort of settles lower in the glass. All in all it was pretty stupid and we wasted tons but it was something to do as stupid kids.

Sun Ra

Back in college: a plastic pig lawn ornament turned bong, beer cans. But this one impressed me most of all. I was at a party with my sister and her friends. One of them rolled a joint using the wrapping papers from a tampon. It worked very well. I tell ya potheads are the most imaginative people. There's always something laying around that can be turned into a smoking device.


glass 5 gallon water jug with a giant shower head 16 hoses and a heatgun. Great vaporizer years before volcanoes and others. I got the idea from a pic in high times around 97 or so.


Ice works.

Take one of the stalegtites that you get on cold mornings hanging from the house walls or make a block in the freezer. Wrap in bondage tape so it holds onto the ice and drill 2 holes, works for about 15 minutes before it turns to slush but provides the smoothest and most stealthy pipe ever.


Active member
Scope mouthwash bottle, with scope bong water... turned the head of a maglite flashlight into the bowl, and used a pen tube for the stem.. Probably got 2 forms of cancer from that lol.. the scope tasting smoke actually made me feel sick to my stomach.. not a good or healthy idea for consumption.


Active member
what about a demi jon with a open shut valve on the gauze submerged in a big bucket of water. basically a water bucket with a valve on it so you can pressurize the smoke under water

Classic Seeds

strangest/most ingenius way you've smoked?

on a boat trip we were tired from surfing so we decided to beach comb getting ashore after a pleasent swim i found the seal on my agua wallet leaked so all my papers were ruined but my bud was still dry in its little baggy

i looked at hollow reeds and anything on the beach and found a 3inch or so narrow shell with the tip worn off washed it out put a small pebble inside and stuffed the shell lip and had a very fun time beach combing and toking on my shell looked at some of the huge tropical shells on that beach and thought if i only had a real baggy full instead of a coin baggy i could really hear the sea in a shell:wave:


Green Mujaheed
not a strange way, but surely the most ingenious. I actually am persuaded that this way of smoking predates C. Columbus' "discovery" of Americas.
It is called "cheetah", and is used in Pakistan & Afghanistan (probably beyond as well). This is a smoking technique that is used by nomads & other wandering sufis & charsees. I love smoking cheetah. This is actually a mouth-held hubble bubble.
You need :
- a brick
- burning charcoal ambers
- a glass of water
- a hollow reed (or any kind of thin tube, but not with plastic !)
- charas (of course...)

One puts some red hot ambers on the brick then take a small gulp of water, which is kept in the mouth. The hollow reed is inserted between the lips, so that the tip which is inside the mouth is submerged by the water. Pressure in the mouth must be kept constant, otherwise, the water will flow through the reed (usually on the charas piece & hot charcoal...).
When ready, a small piece of charas is put on the glowing ambers and as soon as the smoke rises, one inhales it through the hollow reed and through the water held in the mouth.
I love this way of smoking, the thin & fresh stream of smoke hits very deep in the lung as you inhale slowly but steadily. You can't take huge flash hits with this technique. it has to be long and smoothly inhaled hits, slowly, but surely, filling the lungs which gets fully packed with the flavours of the hash and after a short session of cheetah, any subsequent breath feels like you're taking another hit. Lungs are just impregnated with cannabinoids, & other terpens and I don't know what ever other flavonoïdes. Fantastic feeling.

Oh my, I'm so hurry to be back there so I can enjoy again some good cheetah. Not good enough hash here for anything else than tobacco joints...

Here some pics of Cheetah. These were shot in Peshawar (2002), at the dargah (mausoleum complex) of Rehman Baba, a very famous Pashtun sufi poet.

Irie !



Coconut bong, worked great, tasted ok kinda like a cocktail I guess.

Best one was a while back when Tokesolo and I were on holiday in Spain, found a plant near the beach, dried it and smoked it through a snorkle.



I've been in this predicament before. I've attempted to make some strange devices out of nothing. Most of them didn't work that well.

But if you're lucky enough to have some screens laying around, you can turn many fruits/vegetables into something you can use.

My favorite is cutting a carrot to fit in the opening of a bottom-cut-off-2 litre or whatever size bottle it may be, poking a hole through the carrot with whatever you want (screw driver), and carving out a conic bowl shape on top with a butter knife, then placing the screen in. Get a pitcher of water, drop bottom-cut-off-2 litre in the water, fit on carrot-screen-bowl, load materia, light bowl, lift, witness suction fill up the bottle, remove carrot, and hit.

The only down side to this method is that your carrot bowl has a life span of about 30-60 minutes or 6 bowls before it becomes a distraction. You could always make another one though.

But if you're lucky enough to have some screens laying around, you can turn many fruits/vegetables into something you can use.

If you have a sink around, you have a screen available at the end of the faucet (unless I've taken it first).

Ok, one time I lifted a test tube from my chemistry class. I bore two holes in a cork placing a glass funnel with a long stem in one hole and a foot long piece of rubber tubing through the other hole. I put water in the test tube, and had a bong/hookah thing going on. All supplies were courtesy of Colorado State. :dance013:

It worked great and was my only pipe for years until my friend who was just learning how to blow glass asked if I wanted a carb put in, and I said sure. He didn't break the glass; he successfully put a small carb in my pipe. Unfortunately he put it on the bottom of the test tube and my water pipe turned into a regular pipe. :petting:
i was hiking and had nothing. so i molded my energy bars ,they were kinda like a cross between power bars and clif bars, so i molded into a pipe kind of like an apple bowl.
my trumpet mouthpeice X water bottle combo is a classic for me i have been doing it that way since the beginning
now i vape like a pro

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