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Canadian pot activist to plead guilty this summer


Active member
I know he's not everyone's favorite, but i thought it relevant...
<!--//Byline box//--> http://www.bostonherald.com/news/international/americas/view.bg?articleid=1176642&format=text

Canadian pot activist to plead guilty this summer
By Associated Press
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

VANCOUVER, British Columbia — The lawyer for Canada’s so-called Prince of Pot said Wednesday he’ll appear in a Seattle court this summer to plead guilty to a charge of conspiracy to manufacture marijuana.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has steadfastly maintained Marc Emery is among the world’s top 50 drug traffickers for selling millions of marijuana seeds to U.S. residents in the past decade.

Emery admits making millions selling the seeds through his Vancouver-based mail-order business. He says he used the money to finance his battle against the U.S. drug war.

Lawyer Ian Donaldson said exact dates and details are not yet available as negotiations with the U.S District Attorney are continuing. Donaldson said the plea will lessen the time Emery faced in jail on other charges if convicted.

The case is the latest twist in Emery’s fight against the prohibition of marijuana in North America. To his supporters, he is a brave crusader for the use and sale of a drug with both recreational and medicinal value. To drug officials, he is a criminal and the biggest purveyor of marijuana from Canada to the United States.

Donaldson said charges of distributing seeds and money laundering would be dropped in exchange for the guilty plea.

Emery has been the subject of extradition proceedings since his 2005 arrest by Canadian police and U.S. drug enforcement officials after an 18-month investigation.

He was facing life in prison if convicted on all counts.

"There are clear advantages to negotiating a resolution," Donaldson said.
Emery admits he’s nervous about his impending jail time.

"You start thinking about every moment being precious," he said.
Donaldson said attempts will be made to have Emery transferred to a Canadian institution to serve his time.

Two employees of Emery Seeds pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Seattle April 24 to conspiracy to manufacture marijuana, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.

Michelle Rainey and Gregory Keith Williams entered into a plea agreement and are due to be sentenced to probationary terms on July 17.
Emery said he knew that he would be arrested eventually.

He has said his extradition and possible trial is the greatest platform he could have in his 16-year fight against the prohibition of marijuana in North America.


I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Well is this going to stop everyone from wanting to ship seeds to the US

Better stock up now!!!!!



Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Sleepy thanks for posting..is it somewhat positive thing that Michelle and Gregory are just getting probation? DD
As a US citizen I am angry that my government has never had the proper focus when it comes to marijuana. What angers me even more is that a government prosecutor far removed from the policy making bureaucracy in D.C. takes this POLITICAL step and goes after these three Canadians. How soon after this case resolves itself will we see this piece of shit run for some political office using this prosecution as his mark of honor.
I had been hoping for some time that the Canadian government would show some courage and tell the US where it could go. It seems that politicians are the same no matter where you go.
My government should not be doing this,and the Canadian government should not allow this to happen.

Respect bass


Active member
hes a martyr for our cause, guy has balls you have to give him that. Its pretty fucking stupid to think that person can be locked in a cage for their entire lifetime for selling seeds to people, seeds that come from a naturally occuring plant. Blows my fuckin mind man really does.

Whats next, arresting Lowe's for selling vegetable seeds?

How about the government arrest fucking Phillip Morris for manufacturing a deadly and highly addictive product right here in the US? Naa some marijuana seeds is much more important than a product that kills 400,000 americans each year. yeah makes a lot of sense.

I hate the corruption, the greed, and the lack of human decency in this world. How can we fix it?

A global change in consciousness is needed to end this terrible way of thinking that plagues our beautiful earth. Maybe 2012 will be it, I hope so...:dueling:


I always liked the guy to be honest.

He fights for what he believes in and doesent quit.

What right does any governemnt have to prosecute a human being over seeds beared by a plant?

The right to use all seed bearing plants is a biblical right.


St. Elsewhere
I really don't think we could hang out, apparently he is a notorious stoned-rambler, but I've got respect for the dude.

Is he free at the moment? If he could GTFO of the West and is staying in order to use his case as a platform for the discussion of Marijuana Reform, then go Marc, more power to ya, bud.

(Just a little something this reminded me of- anyone remember when Rez said that if you fuck two of those Arjan bobbleheads together you get an Emery doll? Lol)


And then rez later went on to appologize and talk about how great of a seed company GHS is.

Publicity stunt if you ask me.

White Rabbit

Digging in the garden
ICMag Donor
As a US citizen I am angry that my government has never had the proper focus when it comes to marijuana. What angers me even more is that a government prosecutor far removed from the policy making bureaucracy in D.C. takes this POLITICAL step and goes after these three Canadians. How soon after this case resolves itself will we see this piece of shit run for some political office using this prosecution as his mark of honor.
I had been hoping for some time that the Canadian government would show some courage and tell the US where it could go. It seems that politicians are the same no matter where you go.
My government should not be doing this,and the Canadian government should not allow this to happen.

Respect bass

Great Post.


Active member
This is not going to happen like this if i have anything to say about it and I do help is on the way!

Jah Bless!


I'm not going to get into details, but Marc has a widely known bad history, especially on his other forums where he touts child pornography, and having sex with girls under the age of 14 and 15. He is a sick, sick man.

Just because he smokes weed and decided it would be a money making business to sell seeds doesn't mean he's a good person and deserves his freedom.

His time in jail is long overdue, and he deserves to be in there.

I hope he spends the rest of his life in there to be honest with you all..

I understand marijuana prohibition is wrong in every way, but this dude is seriously, seriously fucked up in his head. Other poeple who have read the forums in which he frequents know what i'm talking about.
I saw the other thread and it was closed, I didn't know Marc was a kid molester?

Well, these things happen; just glad that it isn't shutting everyone down. You just can't go ranting and raving about really anything any Government does and not expect to get shot or locked up.

The Government is fucked and so are people, still not one solution..........just a whole bunch of small solutions that overall look like a serious delemia.

Anyhow, I am certain Marc made a lot of money; he is a bit of a liar and well he probably learned how to lie from the Government but poorly resembled how to carry out said lies. You just can't find a budget large enough to combat political authority.......but you can find budgets small enough.

The Governments position on cannabis is a lot like a church leader telling kids to remain virgins until they are married.........it sorta works, but they all end up fucked!


KMK0420 I would like to see said proof that Emery is a child molester, If you have it great, I would like to see it. If not you very well may be in the wrong hobby/profession as these types of accusations, without proof, will put you in a very ruff position if you every do time. proof is not what you read on the net from another who very well may have an axe to grind with the accused. Strong accusations deserve strong proof and it should be posted along side of the accusation. Karma, One Love

In the words of cellardweller

pics or it didn't happen!


I find it somewhat preposterous and disgusting that you'd slander Marc Emery like that, 'KMK0420'. Your post is nothing but a blatant fabrication, for the record. Present proof of your extremely serious allegations - "I'm not going to get into details, but Marc has a widely known bad history, especially on his other forums where he touts child pornography, and having sex with girls under the age of 14 and 15. He is a sick, sick man."; you should be ashamed of yourself for posting such drivel in a pathetic attempt to defame this man. Marc has raised his voice and put his money where his mouth is for more than fifteen years now; what have you done, besides being divisive? How dare you.


:rant: I agree with the above... people should grow the balls to post with their real accounts if they are going to pass comment though :angrymod:
I'm not going to get into details, but Marc has a widely known bad history, especially on his other forums where he touts child pornography, and having sex with girls under the age of 14 and 15. He is a sick, sick man.

Just because he smokes weed and decided it would be a money making business to sell seeds doesn't mean he's a good person and deserves his freedom.

His time in jail is long overdue, and he deserves to be in there.

I hope he spends the rest of his life in there to be honest with you all..

I understand marijuana prohibition is wrong in every way, but this dude is seriously, seriously fucked up in his head. Other poeple who have read the forums in which he frequents know what i'm talking about.

You probably aren't going into details KMK0420 because you probably really don't KNOW any.
Has Marc Emery ever been formally charged or convicted of these any actions of which you accuse him? Perhaps you can show us some concrete evidence to back up your slanderous remarks? Is this merely your opinion, or are you simply regurgitating the statements and opinions of others that you've read on the internet??
I simply think you should be prepared to back up your statements with some factual proof before you actually accuse someone of deviant criminal activity.
Perhaps you should be thankful that no one is making these sorts of (unfounded)accusations towards you KMK0420!?
It might just be nothing more than hearsay, or conjecture. Who am I to say or judge?
But you never know.
The people who govern the laws to which you are bound to might just decide that your time in jail is long overdue, and that maybe you should spend the rest of your there also?

Now before you people flame me, understand this:

I already know much of what has been said by Marc Emery and about him. I am NOT going to defend Marc Emery's personal life and actions, real or perceived. I refuse to.
He is a grown man and can answer for himself should he choose to.
To be perfectly honest, on a personal level I really dont like the man .
Not because of what others have said about him however, but based of my own personal interactions with him. If for nothing else than common courtesy though, I would encourage you all to do the same for him, or anyone else for that matter.
The point that I am trying to make here is that Marc Emery is not on trial for his sexual conduct, alleged or otherwise. It is not the focus of this thread, or at least it shouldn't be. Nor should have no any bearing on the judgment of alleged crimes he is actually being tried for currently.
If Marc Emery has in fact committed crimes against children, then I absolutely agree that he should be made to answer for them. But that being the case, it is a separate issue, and should be kept as such.

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