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Strange Slime buildup on roots


Out of the slime, finally.
Hey so the lady at the physan company said that you can use ot continusly at half teaspoon per 50-70 gals

Yes, that comes out to be about the amount in my signature. I never wanted to expose the plants to higher levels because I was unsure what kind of adverse effects might happen. Higher amounts can be used for cleaning purposes, though.

I have never used Physan20 countinuously as a sterilizing agent. Let us know what happens.


Active member
so you have been running these for a while with great success? my friend just bought one after i told him about it and i helped him set it up.. seems like a legit unit.

definetly gonna pick one up whe nig et home

Are you talking about the units from Lowes or the Aqua UV?
I use the Aqua UV but i don't see any reason that others wouldn't be fine too.
I had this brown snot and didn't really identify exactly what it was until this thread. Just knew i was going to kill all the motherfuckers !! More luck than skill, believe me. Doing aero -- which is good and bad. Clogged things up fast (the bad) but before any plant damage (the good). Running a constant physan 20 solution too. RO water from a well and the shit is in there. Have to stay vigilant.

Wanted to thank RR for all he's done on this. I felt the pain, but i can't imagine the grief and time you've been thru. Appreciate all the info and advice. You're getting people on the right track.

Got a question. Zone is evidently a cholra(mide mite or mate) of some type. The UV will knock out its effectiveness too. But i don't know how fast. What do ya think? Worth adding it anyway?

Best of luck all and thanks again --------- CB

Dr. G

Active member
Yes, that comes out to be about the amount in my signature. I never wanted to expose the plants to higher levels because I was unsure what kind of adverse effects might happen. Higher amounts can be used for cleaning purposes, though.

I have never used Physan20 countinuously as a sterilizing agent. Let us know what happens.

Well i noticed after using more then the recomended dose bout 3 x. Some plants wilted alittle but are now in bbs and nutes again and perkes back up

In my really badly infected tables im running the constant physan


Out of the slime, finally.
Got a question. Zone is evidently a cholra(mide mite or mate) of some type. The UV will knock out its effectiveness too. But i don't know how fast. What do ya think? Worth adding it anyway?

Best of luck all and thanks again --------- CB

I'm not sure on that. It demands some researching. The UV will keep the slime from colonizing. You could go with some SM-90 to keep root rot from colonizing too and, while at it, why not dose with H2O2 every other day. I think that would make the ultimate sterilizing cocktail.


Active member
I'm not sure on that. It demands some researching. The UV will keep the slime from colonizing. You could go with some SM-90 to keep root rot from colonizing too and, while at it, why not dose with H2O2 every other day. I think that would make the ultimate sterilizing cocktail.

I do use the H202 regularly and will pick up some SM-90. I'll try to find out more about Zone.

Thanks ----- CB
So Richy....if someone was having problems with brown snot, clear snot, AND a little root rot in both bubble cloners and DWC systems...but are starting fresh with physan 20 sterilized equipment..would you recommend the BB route, or the Zone route, or Physan 20 @ 3ml/25G route?

I've got some aquashield for the BB...I also have Zone, and the Physan20. Obviously these won't work with each other so I have to pick one.

I like the BB route because once you start it it's kind of self sustaining and it also helps nutrient uptake while the other two probably hurt uptake a little bit. I'm not really sure about it though because my clear slime and root rot problems were pretty bad and I'm not sure BB will be enough to keep it at bay.

Going the Zone route seemed to work before for you..but now you use just the Physan20 in your sig and thats been working better than zone? I like the Zone over the physan because it's actually made to be put in your rez for the whole growing cycle, while the physan seems to make some peoples plant wilt and die even at the 3ml/25G.

Just looking for your advice since I'm about to try again with clones and want the best chance of survival.



Out of the slime, finally.
So Richy....if someone was having problems with brown snot, clear snot, AND a little root rot in both bubble cloners and DWC systems...but are starting fresh with physan 20 sterilized equipment..would you recommend the BB route, or the Zone route, or Physan 20 @ 3ml/25G route?

I've got some aquashield for the BB...I also have Zone, and the Physan20. Obviously these won't work with each other so I have to pick one.

I like the BB route because once you start it it's kind of self sustaining and it also helps nutrient uptake while the other two probably hurt uptake a little bit. I'm not really sure about it though because my clear slime and root rot problems were pretty bad and I'm not sure BB will be enough to keep it at bay.

Going the Zone route seemed to work before for you..but now you use just the Physan20 in your sig and thats been working better than zone? I like the Zone over the physan because it's actually made to be put in your rez for the whole growing cycle, while the physan seems to make some peoples plant wilt and die even at the 3ml/25G.

Just looking for your advice since I'm about to try again with clones and want the best chance of survival.


My recommendations at this point are:

For brown slime algae -- physan20 all equipment and go with beneficial microbes right off the bat. I recommend inoculating with EWC tea and some aqua shield. Re-inoculate every week to keep the colony super strong and thriving. Do not add carb products like carbo load or molasses. This will keep the slime and root rot away. You will not get the rot as long as you don't drown your roots. Nothing can fight that. They will suffocate and die off. The microbes will keep the rot from starting though. Keep an eye on the colony and roots.

Or if you prefer the sterile route, go UV light in the rez to keep away the slime and SM-90 to keep away the root rot. Same thing as above goes for drowning roots. If this happens and the rot overcomes the chemicals then you need to H2O2 it every day until done. Of course after cleaning all the dead roots out (I mean ALL of them). At this point I do not know how effective Zone is on root rot. I haven't had root rot in forever so I haven't tried it. The current self-inflicted root rot I treated with SM-90 doing what I just recommended.


I'm assuming your 4 gallon containers may be filled with hydroton. You say you have a lot of roots that look dead. If so, you have root rot, also. Not sure if you said you have the slime. Yes, any zyme is jet fuel for the slime. In your case though, you have no choice. You need to start using a zyme to break down the dead roots. From experience, zymes will not get rid of all the dead roots and the problem will persist. Incorporate a regiment of Zone and [H2O2 everyday]. Forget the benes at this time because they will never overcome the amount of rot you have. I would advise a good H2O2 bath of your roots and removal of all dead matter. I don't know if your setup allows for that. If you can get rid of all the dead roots mass then go back to benes. Oh, and nuke everything with Physan20 if you go that way.

Thanks for responding rr and please hear me out. i am in a 4 gallon kitty litter container. had 4 plants lost 1 during reveg. there is no grow medium plants held in place by 2 inch neoprene disks.have 2 air pumps providing 02 these plants were the only ones that survived my slime breakout over a year ago. they flowered..bumber crop for micr grow.. i revegged, the root mass takes up about a gallon half of space. so i had some dead roots mixed in from the plant that died. the new root growth is at the bottom of this root mass.
from you post and what i read i am afraid to mix the hygrozyme in because it could facilitate the slime.
my roots are brown from the Earth Ambrosi Earth Nectar this contains mychorrizae bacteria. they are not slimy i simply thought tht hygrozyme would help break some of the old root mass up. i knew when i moved into the flower room my dwc temps would creep near 80. i have used frozen h20 bottles to keep it under control but there are times during the day i can not be there...the
the EA and EN was the only thing that controlled the slime some time back after all else had failed.
when i use h2o2 i will notice that there is alot of root debris that breaks loose but i do not notice it breaking down.
these plants are about 10 days into flowering all is well except for the roots that i know are dead that i worry will lead to food for the slime.
btw i thought about sending hygeozyme back and getting zone instead


Out of the slime, finally.
I am currently running my hydro setup with beneficial microbes and cannazyme. No sign of slime. I'd say go for it with the zyme. Just keep an eye out. You never know what can happen.


thanks again rr...many have had this problem and it is appreciated that you have documented your experience.
i took some cuttings last night. i have had no success cloning since i was slimed...none.
i mixed a little hygrozyme and soaked rapid rooters in it. i took 12 cuts and probably will take 12 more this evening. if i have no success here i may give up cloning all together.
from reading it looks like the cloning machine is the way to go


gets some
thanks again rr...many have had this problem and it is appreciated that you have documented your experience.
i took some cuttings last night. i have had no success cloning since i was slimed...none.
i mixed a little hygrozyme and soaked rapid rooters in it. i took 12 cuts and probably will take 12 more this evening. if i have no success here i may give up cloning all together.
from reading it looks like the cloning machine is the way to go

I know that feeling. Ever since the slime showed up two years ago my cloning has been piss poor. Now even non-slimed stuff won't root for shit.


Out of the slime, finally.
i took some cuttings last night. i have had no success cloning since i was slimed...none.
i mixed a little hygrozyme and soaked rapid rooters in it. i took 12 cuts and probably will take 12 more this evening. if i have no success here i may give up cloning all together.
from reading it looks like the cloning machine is the way to go

I learned to root cuts like a pro a few years ago when I was constantly getting slimed in my EZ Cloners. I learned to use rockwool. I don't like rapid rooters. They work really well, but dry out way too fast. They require constant observance because once they dry out the cuts are done.

Prep rockwool at 5.5 straight RO water. Dip cuts in clonex. Make a hole with a nail between the corner and the pre-made hole of a 1.5 inch rockwool cube. Dont stick the cut all the way to the bottom, just before. Put in a nursery flat. Don't put more than 30-40 in each. They need room to breath. Cover with a dome for the first 3 days. Take the dome off each day and flip it upside down to release stale air and I usually blow on the cuts. Put the lid back on. Don't water until the cubes are nearly dry. This make the roots come out faster. Around day 5-7, you should notice that some of the cuts leaves are looking perky. This usually indicated the root nubs are forming. This is the time you can start to feed at a ppm of 500 (.5 conversion) and a root stimulator would be nice. Of course, don't do this until a watering is required depending on the dryness of the cube. Only use a 15-25 watt floro over them. Roots should be exploding in 10-14 days. make sure the mothers are healthy.


gets some
My experience with Rapid Rooters has been the opposite. Way too wet. With the humidity dome on, my last clone run I got mold on leaves with only the recommended 1/4" of water in the tray.


my best results after a slime infestation for cloning has been using 70/30 perlite/vermiculite in a solo cup w/ a hole punched 2 cm up. flush with water, and stick a cutting in it. the "hempy bucket" idea. I put em under a 23w flouro and I don't even need rooting hormone (I still dust them with powder tho). set it and forget it, new growth in a week (two max) and you're good (some yellowing on older leaves is a sign too, pulling nutrients for root growth). Add some water every few days, you can't over water them. You can do the same with soil, but I just water once usually and leave it alone. I do it with tomatoes all the time too. KISS.


Out of the slime, finally.
EZ Cloner has competition now. Check it out.

TurboKlone is the answer to over-heating clone machines. The TurboKlone was designed to end the need for timers, chillers or other expensive accessories to keep your machine cool. The central technology behind TurboKlone is simple: A fan that offers a one-two punch. First by blowing fresh air into the growing chamber, and second by blowing air along the clone machine itself, dramatically reducing ambient temperatures. The air from the fan mixes with the fine spray of water from the manifold, maximizing the concentration of dissolved oxygen. High levels of dissolved oxygen create ideal conditions for roots to flourish. As the fan spreads cool air across the reservoir it combats any excess heat caused by the pump. In the past, growers were forced to either put their pumps on timers or risk killing their roots due to excess heat. But TurboKlone’s technology lets you keep those pumps running all day long and your roots growing super strong.

Dr. G

Active member
either way a cloner sucks for continuous use

i got 4 strait mths outa mine b4 i got slimed

now i have to bleach the fuck ouota it and let it sit dry for a mth or so for it to work again

its the only way ive found to keep it working

another thing how the hell do i get the dead slime outa the pump and or my chiller?

just running water through it doesnt work the dead shit is still there

also update on running physan constantly at 3 ml for 30 gals

plants are looking great

the table i put back on bennies started smelling funny and slightly cloudy water so i just said fuck it and put em on physan also

oh well its back to promix for the time being untill i get some money fo coco dtw

now i gotta find a way to get rid for 18 50 l bags of hydroton :mad:


Out of the slime, finally.
I once felt the same way about the cloners, but not anymore. I have had several successful rotations of rootings ever since using EWC tea.

I have several water chillers that are filled with sludge. I have no immediate use for them and was pondering the same. A zyme product will not be strong enough. Might want to look into sulfuric acid. I know my local hardware store stocks it next to the draino. It is the last resort when draino can't do the job. I have used it for the household drains and it works wonders.

Most water pumps come apart. If they do give them a good scrub down with some cleaning utensils. If they are sealed, maybe a sulfuric acid bath.

Note: Don't be afraid of the sulfuric acid. It is not going to eat your skin off in seconds if you get it on yourself. Eyes would be another story.


i changed my h2o out this evening and noticed alot of dead root decay. these plants were the only plants that survived my slime attack. i flowered them but had no clones. so i revegged. i have had no success cloning since my slime. i took some cuttings and flowering again. i do not know what happened...i must have been high but i bought hygrozyme when i should have bought the zone. i had read at this site when the slime set in on its first occurrence... as you can tell i worried about this grow. been growing strain a couple years and it is my favorite ever. so i am flowering paranoid about this huge ass root ball and the dead roots from the plant that died.
so i changed my water and there was no earthy smell to the roots as noticed when i got slimed. they are brown from the EA & EN. this stuff helped in overcoming slime initially, thinking about adding some h2o2 as richy rich suggested. may do it for three days and then come back with the EA & EN. i am in my first week of an eight week flower on the nose and the goal is to get the beautiful bud she is capable of and not getting slimmed. still keeping the frozen h20 as a chiller. notice an occasional top a lighte green and some dying of the leaves that i wonder may come from the frozen bottle


Out of the slime, finally.
may do it for three days and then come back with the EA & EN.

Do exactly that, but first clean away all the dead roots. I believe you are doing DWC (bubble buckets) if I remember right. Then it's easy to clean them. Pull away all the dead matter. Even get out the scissors if you have to. If you don't get rid of all the dead and rotting roots you are going to be in the same place. Root rot!

Since you started bloom there will only be a little bit of fast root growth in the first few weeks. Get a root stimulator and add that with the EA & EN to help the roots along. By the way, EA & EN are very good microbe products.
from my experience, adding enzymes to hydro systems causes root rot, or beneficial microbes. il bet the zyme wasnt bad, it was too good. ive grown with buckets and nft tables for 6 years, and the inly things that caused me root rot were enzynes. i find them awesome in soil grows, but roots are at the will of anything in my systems, and i know for a fact that enzymes break down organic material for the plants to eat or increase a soil mediums production. GET RID OF THE ZYM, i learned the hard way so you dont have to:) i also am jaded by the experience and only add 25% organic nutes in hydro, and in soil i do 75% organic. both methods pump out equal medical grade cannabis, bigger nugs in hydro and fuller tatse in soil. peace

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