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Strange Creatures and Animals


Active member
Definitely not a coyote or wolf. I've shot at both of those down at the family cemetery to keep them from digging up graves. Too cat like, but still a dog of some sort. Short flat dark hair, not like a shaggy werewolf. More like a shorter haired cat, but it was a dog.


Active member
Did it look like this?

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More like a golden retriever in size, but way faster. Didn't walk like a person, ran on all fours and somehow knew how to land in the two darkest shadows in the road as it crossed it. It was a dog, but it had the movements of a wild cat. Short dark hair like a short hair cat, not like a classic werewolf that's shaggy and definitely no wolf I've ever seen.

Shot at an armadillo, eagles, hawks, wolves as a kid, but never seen anything like that.


Well-known member
doesn't sound all that natural, skeptics will remind of us of fallibility of human observation
that said, i believe you saw what you saw
only other beast that comes to mind is a fisher
not that big, maybe fox sized at most, they can put on incredible bursts of speed
quickness can create an impression of higher speed


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
look up melanistic wild cats, did it look anything like those? it's a gene thing that makes their coat turn up black, not really one species. but it could be a cat with a melanistic gene? even though you said it looked more dog like.


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
Has anyone else reported anything similar?
Someone else had to see it.
There's got to be more than just one of them.
seen many turkey vultures, up close and far away, small compared to the bird i saw
it was a gray color, which doesn't jibe well with anything
seen a lot of bald eagles, it wasn't that
my best guess would be a golden eagle, which are bigger than bald
but they're a dark brown(gold), just doesn't match well

Great Blue Heron



Active member
So I'm looking to possibly go back to the area and look for tracks and make a plaster casting. The good news, this happened as it was starting to rain on a site with soil, about 15 minutes from dawn, the bad news, freezing rain, sleet and snow. It'll be dark in 3 hours and it's still raining and snowing, mostly rain now.

As a kid I learned to make casts of animal tracks, so maybe, just maybe I can find and capture a decent track over there. One thing is for sure, I'll not be doing that after dark. And honestly at this time, I don't think I'll ever go in that area on foot at night, especially alone.

maybe it's a dog track, maybe a cat, maybe other

this morning changed my life, and i'll not be so quick to doubt people ever again, even though there is tons of bs out there. I wonder if they can see those with satellite and drones? If that was a werewolf, I can only laugh at those videos I saw today on youtube of people trying to hunt them.

There is an early morning bus stop over there, and frankly this thing has me wondering about many of the people who go missing in the city over the years.

This is pretty much all I can say about it unless a track turns up. I'm going as deep as the front lot because it's mostly public, and leaving the stretch of land behind it alone. It goes way back.


Well-known member
So I'm looking to possibly go back to the area and look for tracks and make a plaster casting. ...

ok, interesting idea, definitely following through on this
but from the sounds of the area, remember the real danger
people in abandoned areas can be the dangerous ones, hands down the greater danger


Active member
ok, interesting idea, definitely following through on this
but from the sounds of the area, remember the real danger
people in abandoned areas can be the dangerous ones, hands down the greater danger

Like Indiana Jones, I'm a cautious fellow... even so, whatever that was worries me a lot more than people. Even if it's some kind of wild street dog or an exotic animal

Will post up the casting if I can find them and get a clean copy


Active member
Last thing. The full moon thing gets me. And It's smart. I figure it knew it was going to snow today and went out to get food, because I'm doubtful on these tracks. See I went inside for 2-3 hours waiting to wake someone up and tell them about this, but by the time we walked out the door two/three hours later, it was blizzarding more or less.

It came out in the rain, but before the snow. People can't hear or see so good in the rain. I'm still going to try and hope that nobody walks on that lot before I get there. This is leaning towards "other than natural" thoughts, but who knows how long that thing lives for or how smart it is. It hit every darkest shadow on a 60' wide stretch of road at over 40 mph hitting pavement twice in less than 1 second. That screams predator.

I once saw a mans face crushed, and my mind blocked it out so all I saw was these black blocky digital pixels where his face should have been. In a way I wanted to see it's face and body, but in a way, nothing terrifies me more. It had to see me, the other car and about maybe 20-30 people scattered up the road waiting for buses at different stops. It moved too fast and too precise to not see me and be highly intelligence. Honestly, it's probably smarter than I am based on what it did.

See, if it moves that fast, it could have easily followed me back home the 6 or so miles away if I stared it down. I didn't go straight home, I detoured, went to a McDonald's drive through, had a brief adventure detour and eventually got back home.

Maybe it lives underground in tunnels, so many maybes. It was a natural animal, but... Had I saw it's face, I might be hiding in my closet with a gun pointed at the door typing this to you. Makes me wonder if whoever wrote that Jeepers Creepers movie saw this thing. Also reminds me of Wolfen. There is all kinds of land development going on right now, just like that movie. Wolfen. Maybe those movies are analogies for whatever I saw. I'm filing this under, some times you go looking for the Devil, and sometimes the Devil comes looking for you. It's best left a mystery.


Well-known member
well whatever 'it' is, it's just an animal, not anything with supernatural powers!

..... of course with a really great sense of smell I guess he could be tracking you, maybe he's caught on to the fact that you're tracking him.

If I were you I'd stay home inside for awhile and whatever you do, don't fall asleep!:hide:


Active member
well whatever 'it' is, it's just an animal, not anything with supernatural powers!

..... of course with a really great sense of smell I guess he could be tracking you, maybe he's caught on to the fact that you're tracking him.

If I were you I'd stay home inside for awhile and whatever you do, don't fall asleep!:hide:

LOL I was thinking for all I know, it's online. :biggrin: Surprisingly, no wolf dreams last night, just sleep.


Senior member
Last thing. The full moon thing gets me. And It's smart. I figure it knew it was going to snow today and went out to get food, because I'm doubtful on these tracks. See I went inside for 2-3 hours waiting to wake someone up and tell them about this, but by the time we walked out the door two/three hours later, it was blizzarding more or less.

It came out in the rain, but before the snow. People can't hear or see so good in the rain. I'm still going to try and hope that nobody walks on that lot before I get there. This is leaning towards "other than natural" thoughts, but who knows how long that thing lives for or how smart it is. It hit every darkest shadow on a 60' wide stretch of road at over 40 mph hitting pavement twice in less than 1 second. That screams predator.

I once saw a mans face crushed, and my mind blocked it out so all I saw was these black blocky digital pixels where his face should have been. In a way I wanted to see it's face and body, but in a way, nothing terrifies me more. It had to see me, the other car and about maybe 20-30 people scattered up the road waiting for buses at different stops. It moved too fast and too precise to not see me and be highly intelligence. Honestly, it's probably smarter than I am based on what it did.

See, if it moves that fast, it could have easily followed me back home the 6 or so miles away if I stared it down. I didn't go straight home, I detoured, went to a McDonald's drive through, had a brief adventure detour and eventually got back home.

Maybe it lives underground in tunnels, so many maybes. It was a natural animal, but... Had I saw it's face, I might be hiding in my closet with a gun pointed at the door typing this to you. Makes me wonder if whoever wrote that Jeepers Creepers movie saw this thing. Also reminds me of Wolfen. There is all kinds of land development going on right now, just like that movie. Wolfen. Maybe those movies are analogies for whatever I saw. I'm filing this under, some times you go looking for the Devil, and sometimes the Devil comes looking for you. It's best left a mystery.
you will need a heavy mechanic's overalls to be immersed in shit before you wear it, an energy bar, a 9 mm Beretta 92, a 20 cm blade, anti rape underwear, try carrying a dead cat on the spot recently, or a carcass with live blood, after which apostates on a machine , ehehehehe me passionate about the stories of strange things, I saw a very big rat once, adjacent to where chemicals were disposed of pharmacy waste, good hunting, and not become prey ehehe good luck


Active member
Today we got hit by a bigger blizzard than yesterday, therefore I believe whatever it was, was ten steps ahead of me before I ever saw it. The ground is thoroughly soaked and caked by a heavy sludge of snow, ice and salt. Those tracks are long gone. I feel lucky for the full 2 seconds I got to see it. It knew it was going to be able to cover it's tracks. The only way I could have gotten tracks would have been to go right back and done them under plastic under a tarp in a snow storm, and now I'm thinking of it, I doubt the plaster would set up in the cold. Whatever it is, it's smarter than your average bear.

Maybe that dance it was doing in the yard was to muddy it's own tracks to not be followed into that grassy field. That's my intuitive guess about it all.


Active member
you're giving it more fear energy than I am. See, I figure it this way. If there is one, there is more than one. If there is more than one, perhaps there are many. I saw it, because it either wanted me to, or didn't mind that I did. It could have as easily crossed behind me, as it did in front of me. I wasn't in fear, just in awe and amazement.

I also see it this way. If there is evil in this world, there is also righteousness. Righteousness might not necessarily look like what a so-called reasonable person would consider good. Maybe the creature was evil, but maybe the creature was righteous.

I imagine an arrogant person who would do it harm would discover which it was. For those reasons, among others, I have a very light heart and a lot of responsibility.