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Strange Burn


Active member
3/4 Tbsp per gallon with Natural Wet as the wetting agent.

it burnt ONE plant, on ONE side... the whole garden was treated. Read my theory... it, or something like it, seems really plausible.

Spray it on one side of one plant, and see what happens.

On another note: Why is morning a better time to spray than in the evening? Somebody mentioned this... I don't get it.

Hash Man

yea with one of thosepump sprayers its possible, not with an atomister tho...

and lots of times its better to spray in the morning because its cooler and more humid in the dawn hours... the dusk hours tend to be a bit hot and dry... i go out with my atomister early on and i feel it scares away any gophers while i foliaras well


Active member
not here...its cool and breezy in the evenings here too. what time do you go out to scare the gophers? did you look up that rodentator thing i linked?

Hash Man

i kill gophers at dusk and dawn and scare them as a coinicidence when i foiliar... the motor is loud... yea the rodentator is sick, i just have too many pipes next to the house running water and gas underground... i cant risk it atm... but im almost out of the woods as the season is picking up nicely...hell if they take any plants, i have so much thc on em i can just dry it and hash it at this point... but next year, after we get the water rerouted... im gonna do it just for fun, even though next year im going with buckets and space. And whats the temps? around here its always cooler in the morn... like 55-60 at the first hint of light.... a few weeks ago i was out at 5, now its pitch black then... so i just set the alarm for like 530 and hang out til its light enough to do something,, i guess ill go out tomorrow morn and use the kaligreen... did it eradicate the visible mildew??


To Have More ... Desire Less
nomaad ...i got U'r pm.......I think U nailed it...on the head.....
lookz like a nute/ chem burn ...and the theory of the cloggeged spray tip makes sense....specially based on said outcum........as far as the bud....let her be......nature will take care of it........

U spray in the morning right when the sun rises....this is when the plant opens up and can absorbe the most for direct.....uptake of nutes......
sumthang about the cellwalls are more poris and sponge in the first light and early am sun.......causing the leaves to uptake more and transport the needed juice to the plant stem cells......
the cooler temps allow the plant to absorb the intake of nutes easier that in direct hot sun......and yes water dropplets of nutes in direct sun WILL cauze major burn..........
water droppletz in direct sun act like a magnifing glass ans concintrate sun and heat on to that immediate spot.....madenewz........

alwazy spray @ first light...........

i think U got her whipped tho...........oneLUV......broski......staY~KEWL
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Active member
well... honestly...there was only PM found on 3 leaves... and I removed those three leaves. we catch shit early around here.


Active member
it's no nute burn

It think you may have sprayed to much of that kali green on them , i had exact the same thing happen last year with a nederzaad plant that had PM , i sprayed a bit too much on it.

Removing infected leaves will only slow down the mildew , treat the plant , and if it is buddign , take a moist washing cloth , moist from an anti PM product en coat all the leaves every 3 days manually so you don't get any product on the buds

this will work but is a pain in the ass


Active member
it's no nute burn

It think you may have sprayed to much of that kali green on them , i had exact the same thing happen last year with a nederzaad plant that had PM , i sprayed a bit too much on it.

Removing infected leaves will only slow down the mildew , treat the plant , and if it is buddign , take a moist washing cloth , moist from an anti PM product en coat all the leaves every 3 days manually so you don't get any product on the buds

this will work but is a pain in the ass

hahaha. ya think?! i did treat the whole garden. I just took the 3 l;eaves off for the hell of it. i understand that the spores remain.


Active member
hehehe yes i understand it is a funny idea , but i actually had to do this 4 years ago , i had buds that where halfway finished and was getting mildew.

So every 2/3 days i lost about 8 hours per day treating the leaves manually.

Let's say it worked but after that prevention became my biggest concern , i said to myself never ever again:abduct:


Active member
That looks pretty minor to me, you know you messed up if you ever have burned plants 100% brown lol. I have done that before.


Active member
so nomaad- did any new burn show up? im gonna hit my ladies with the kali green mix in the morn.

nah. its limited to that oine plant and a couple of tinmy spots on one other plant. i will take pics the next time i am down there... i have parent-teacher conferences at my kids kindergarten tonight, so it'lll probably be tomorrow. Things are getting so busy these days... its just a matter of weeks before my earliest strains come down... its going to be a crazy autumn.

That looks pretty minor to me, you know you messed up if you ever have burned plants 100% brown lol. I have done that before.

Yeah... I hear ya... If I had done even this to the entire garden I may have never forgiven myself... I wasn't the one who mixed or applied the spray, but I take full responsibility for it happening. I always do things for the first time myself so I can see all the variables... powders in foliars have always concerned me for this very reason... I should have been the one to mix.

Lesson learned...


"Things are getting so busy these days... its just a matter of weeks before my earliest strains come down... its going to be a crazy autumn."

for real huh? i am ready for thanksgiving dinner and a vacation!

hey Nomaad.

I was reading your post. We are running some tahoe kush's as well, they are about ten feet tall and 6 feet wide. We had the same thing happen to ours. I am not saying this is strain specific, but its funny that the same thing happened to us. It sucks when you have large plants because you start to see problems on a large scale, and soon those lead to other problems and soon after that your plant is unhealthy. I would have to say that soil health is the number one aspect of the journey that leads to overall success outdoors. if you have happy soil, you will have fat ass plants that reward you with elbows of medi.

good luck nomaad, sorry for the rant...early picked strawberry cough in effect!!! hope you get the prob fixed. Just another lesson from nature we can learn from


Active member
I was reading your post. We are running some tahoe kush's as well, they are about ten feet tall and 6 feet wide. We had the same thing happen to ours. I am not saying this is strain specific, but its funny that the same thing happened to us.

what did you burn with? that's huge for the OG!!!! I'd love to see it.


yeah i hope i can get some pics of that one, i have a few pics of my own personal med garden in my gallery but that is not the big collective garden, those are just my 6, all organic of course! it is still early in flower which sucks for us as we are about 4000' up.

the burn on the tahoes was actually (just talked to dude like one second ago) a root issue that affected just one branch. but in reality you have to think that the whole plant is suspect now :(

i thought he sprayed with some anti whatever...my patient friend are really into all the commercial grade stuff. I use basic organic ingredients. All of their's have numorous problems, all mine are as healthy as possible

yeah mon.