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Strains with Iranian genetics. Top genetics.



Nope, supposedly that is Kashmiri land race.

Hey Prince of Persia, that mountain range picture is beautiful. Too bad that the middle east is such a fucked up place. All the fighting, it would be nice to be able to go there without worry. I would love to collect some seed.
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Green Mujaheed
actually it is kind of strange that we in europe never seen any hash from iran.

nothing strange with that. Iran is only a transit country for Afghan Products. Does not export any locally produced stuff. Production not important enough, and Iranian community abroad as well. Not to forget as well that in the Iranian/Persian tradition/mysticism, opium holds a much more important place than cannabis.

thnx. yeah but the thing is theres alot of iranian hash even though i havent seen some in europe before.. but some iranian cities are known for theyre productions.. U ask where the seeds come from. they are from the alborz mountains but where exactly i dont know. i got the seeds from elderly iranian man who invited me to his home to smoke and talk about the greens. theese seeds i got is uniquely chosen from his best smoke in the past 20 years. but dont worry i will be bringing seeds frm iran every time i go there from now on and try out visit the hash farms.

Ha ! Cool ! Elbourz ! That's pretty interesting. Although Iran is rather know for is indica strains, I am not at all surprised to hear about some sativa. Most probably they are related to Caucasian/Caspian strains. Lots of "unknown" strains growing in the area (Caucasus is alas "white area" when it comes to cannabis, due to highly volatile, if not unsafe situation there. My, would love to see what kind of plants are grown in Chechnya, Georgia, Abkhazia, Armenia). Even Egypt Pharaon Sesostris imported cannabis from his homeland when he conquered the area !

Do you know anything about Zagros range , Anything being grown (or growing alone ) there ?

Irie !


Green Mujaheed
Too bad that the middle east is such a fucked up place. All the fighting, it would be nice to be able to go there without worry.

Iran is pretty safe country to travel, no fighting overthere (and I wouldn't say it's middle east...). But difficult for US & UK people to get visa.

Irie !


The Fast Blast I grew was a batch of 5 seeds, got three ladies, all different, one produced nice hard nuggets but the potency was poor, not many visible triches. The other two produced really airy weak-ass buds that were more like hemp than dope, again, very few visible triches.


Herbal relaxation...
Even Egypt Pharaon Sesostris imported cannabis from his homeland when he conquered the area !

I was at Egypt few years ago and found out that it produces the finest charas I have ever had honour to enjoy!!! I hooked up with this one restaurant owner in my first night in Luxor, it came out that we have common friend in Finland, he sold me some good-grade Egyptian charas for 10 €. He try to give me 6 grams, but I didnt dare to take all, because I feeled I was robbing him, the hash was black little shiny charas ball!!! When I was at the coast of the Egypt and I had been there only an day, all the bazar merchants near our hotel started yelling me like "Red eyes, Red eys come her!" (I just had smoked a bowl of charas from shiisha/hookah)and when I go to check what was up, almost all of them offered hash to smoke = Very Very friendly people there, they really know what is hospitality!!! I have been connected with my friend in Egypt and I have asked him to collect me some beans if he visits in the mountains. I think I am going there next time in next spring, but I have also thinked the possibility of some South American country... Anyways, next time I go to Egypt I am going to get some fine Egyptian landrace sativas & indicas(thats for sure)!

My point was that Egypt defitnely has some of the worlds finest charas and an old smokingculture, so cannabis is well represented there! Its not legal but its public because everybody does it -> one night I was smokin some fine charas from hookah with my hotels receptionist, suddenly Egyptian police came from the shadows(assault rifle hangin from his head) and just take plastic bench to sit and come smoke with us :yoinks: What a SITUATION!!!

Make some good with your genetics Prince of Persia!

Peace out people!

Keep It Green & Growin But Don´t Forget The Smokin!
Peace Out Growers! :joint:


I love canna, and i think this is how i should be making my living. This is a good starting point for me.
PrinceOfPersia : ~~>> GO, just go for it bro :woohoo: Kick ass !

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
"Chechnya, Georgia, Abkhazia, Armenia" I had the "pleasure" of smoking some of the plants grown in Chechnya and areas around when visiting Russia a few years back, definitely sativa, havent seen any hash from there, outdoor buds with a lot of tiny seeds, very harsh but still smokable like seeded mexican or something like that...


Active member
Cmon ppl. gotta be more info with iranian genetics?!

Mriko i dont know anything about Zagros range, maybe you could tell a bit more about it?..

indicalover. Middle east isnt fucked up, its the leaders who are a bit extreme, but no wonder since us govt time after time intefear in other countries buisness, but ey no need to get political in this thread. You can safely visit iran thats for sure. And you would be surprised how much hospitality u will recieve. and if youre blond u will get raped by girls, now is that bad?! :woohoo:

Herba, nice experiance u had in egypt :rasta:
Is the hash any close to marrocan hash?
u say u didnt wanna rob that guy, but he wanted to rob you with that price, but ure goodhearted though :pointlaug

Fj, so how was the buds, i mean the high, was there anything speciel about them? and did u get some seeds?


wow!!! thoes are some fat leafs!! sad death that one was...
i wouldnt mind growing one or 12 of thoes bad boys in my room and see what pops up. i know they make alot of hash over there so i know that they grow the weed somewhere to get hash right? always wonderd why they dont enjoy a good bowl and relax, i dont want to put peoples heads on a pike after a good bowl of green. as a canadian do you think id be hated in iran like the americans? or that it would be easyer to get in? i dont know about iranian genetics but its nice that this place has alot of culture and that some people can share with us. put some up on seed-bay dont even play with the genes yet, i wana grow some! pm me maybe we can work something out!!


From what i have read the people of iran don't like the american gov. or theres for that matter but don't have a problem with the people of the us.

Great thread prince of persia. Peace and *bong* :friends:


well yea, dont state the obviouse! traviling abroad i find that when i tell people im canadian i get a fantastic reception, whereas when i say im american, its ether really great or really bad reception! no where in between!
still want some bad-ass iranian genetics dude this stuff has been growing there for 1000's of years, king tut had THC in his blood when he died FFS!!!


Herbal relaxation...
Aloha PrinceOfPersia!!!

I found that the hash in Egypt is far more better than the Maroccon hash I had smoked! Like for an example: Couple weeks ago I got 5 grams of fresh SheraShera-Maroccon quality hash from an friend who had just lived in Marocco half year, so he knows what is good Maroccon hash. The hash was very light colored and soft, the fragrance was so good and the high it produced was very good, it went straight to your head and body and lasted for an good time!

But the hash I smoked in Egypt was just something incredible, it went to your head and stayed there for hours. So I must say I liked it more than any of those good grade Maroccon hashes that I have got priviledge to smoke in my lifetime! Even though I think it must be an sativa hash because it just keep you going, it really may drop you out if you smoked it too much! <- That happened to me too often because I smoked everytime I was getting some items from our room or something and all the hash that the locals were offering for us. I got some crazy videos that my ex-wife used to shoot when I was smokin it from shiisha with my toes and were totally baked/high/fucked up for good :D

I think that the guy I was buying it our first day (the restaurant owner) was not robbing me because he had just buyed that charasball before he met us and had payd 10 € for about 6 grams himself. He was just kind because it was our first time in Egypt and when we had chatted for an little moment he told me about his cousin who was in Finish jail and I realized that I know the guy :yoinks: Think it man, what a coincidence I come to Egypt from the otherside of planet earth and then I meet there my friends cousin in the first day in there !!! The guy was not selling hash he just smoke it, the hash that I buyed from him the first day was something good grade not the best but not something low-grade, not even normal Egyptian hash(that is what I was tolled)! I buyed couple more times hash from different places when I was in Egypt and must say that the hash I received from my friend in our first night was best of them all + cheapest! In other places they asked about 10 € for an 2-3 grams(and the hash wasnt so good than this first sample of fine Egyptian), so I really thing that he was not trying to make profit...

Even though, the answer to your question is that the hash in Egypt produced whole different kind of effects than all the good Maroccon hash I have smoked in my entirely life!!! I hope you get the answer you was after, if you got something more to ask about my experiences with Egyptian hash/Egypt, just post your question.

Take care and stay safe everybody!

One love!!!

Keep It Green & Growin But Don´t Forget The Smokin!
Peace Out Growers!


Grower for Life
Herbalistic said:
Aloha PrinceOfPersia!!!

I found that the hash in Egypt is far more better than the Maroccon hash I had smoked! Like for an example: Couple weeks ago I got 5 grams of fresh SheraShera-Maroccon quality hash from an friend who had just lived in Marocco half year, so he knows what is good Maroccon hash. The hash was very light colored and soft, the fragrance was so good and the high it produced was very good, it went straight to your head and body and lasted for an good time!

But the hash I smoked in Egypt was just something incredible, it went to your head and stayed there for hours. So I must say I liked it more than any of those good grade Maroccon hashes that I have got priviledge to smoke in my lifetime! Even though I think it must be an sativa hash because it just keep you going, it really may drop you out if you smoked it too much! <- That happened to me too often because I smoked everytime I was getting some items from our room or something and all the hash that the locals were offering for us. I got some crazy videos that my ex-wife used to shoot when I was smokin it from shiisha with my toes and were totally baked/high/fucked up for good :D

I think that the guy I was buying it our first day (the restaurant owner) was not robbing me because he had just buyed that charasball before he met us and had payd 10 € for about 6 grams himself. He was just kind because it was our first time in Egypt and when we had chatted for an little moment he told me about his cousin who was in Finish jail and I realized that I know the guy :yoinks: Think it man, what a coincidence I come to Egypt from the otherside of planet earth and then I meet there my friends cousin in the first day in there !!! The guy was not selling hash he just smoke it, the hash that I buyed from him the first day was something good grade not the best but not something low-grade, not even normal Egyptian hash(that is what I was tolled)! I buyed couple more times hash from different places when I was in Egypt and must say that the hash I received from my friend in our first night was best of them all + cheapest! In other places they asked about 10 € for an 2-3 grams(and the hash wasnt so good than this first sample of fine Egyptian), so I really thing that he was not trying to make profit...

Even though, the answer to your question is that the hash in Egypt produced whole different kind of effects than all the good Maroccon hash I have smoked in my entirely life!!! I hope you get the answer you was after, if you got something more to ask about my experiences with Egyptian hash/Egypt, just post your question.

Take care and stay safe everybody!

One love!!!

Keep It Green & Growin But Don´t Forget The Smokin!
Peace Out Growers!

Great post. I also would like to know more about this unknown landraces and hashies. i made a thread of it.
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POP what up man. i'm from Iran as well but grew up in the SFV here in LA. i would put some of the indicas i got in Iran up against the kush i grew up with in the valley. i'm not into hash off the street so i dunno how good it is, but it's like $2 there. i have to find a plant next time i go, and somehow get a cut. please update with those sativas man. i'm super interested. i have a pretty nice afghani and a master kush which is supposed to be hindu kush x hindu kush. it's the closest i can get to good Persian urb



LOL, hey Prince of Persia, that does not sound so bad to me :) Maybe I was a bit out of line. It just seems that the middle east is not a safe place for folks from the U.S. I am sure that a lot of the people are pretty cool. If I decide to go I will make sure to bleach up may hair a little bit.

Peace brother




I have two Iranian friends. They are born American. Everyone over here loves them. I am sure that I could take a trip with them to visit Iran someday. As they are both interested in going over there. Great genetics Prince of Persia. Def keep those. Wish that indy was alive.


Active member
I too have seeds that are coming from the Tuyserkan, Hamadan region....I've got my uncle..who's basically a freak about fruits.....nuts....and all kinds of shit he grew growing up out in Iran....He said when he goes out there for new years..which is towards the end of March...he's gonna go on a mission and try to hook it up :) bring those babies back home to the nest in
So Cal :joint: