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Grower for Life
I have been doing some reading lately on landraces. It seems that there are a lot of unknown landraces all over the world, some with very high potency. What is the most unknown landrace?

are there still a lot of plants in this world where we dont know about?

i have heared some great stuff about some of them , with fantastic stories, like this guy from Iran. I would like to hear more.



It seems that South/Central American, African, Indian, Afghani/Pakistani, Thai, and many other landraces have all been used in breeding of many of the strains today. Personally, I'd have to ssay that South Pacific/Pacific island landraces don't get talked about much, but then again..I'm not sure how many of them are actual landraces, or if they were just brought to the islands in the last 50-100 years. Even living here in the pacific islands, I don't hear too much about actual landraces, with the exception of "Palauan weed is really good". This, however, could just be how it's grown, with no further information on the genetics.


it seems like no one here would know the most unknown landrace, unless of course it really wasn't that unknown :p I know what ya mean though. DO you think the aboriginees (sp?) in australia had a landrace strain? what about New Zealand, with that varioation in climates in such a small area I would think there would be asome kind of amazing genetics down there. I wonder if the region of China near the huge desert (can't remember the name) has any landrace strains that are close to the landrace strains from the middle east.


Many of the Aussie bush plants I have seen seem to show a great deal of landrace characteristics. As far as Pacific Island landraces. I believe those would be fast flowering plants, possibly auto-flower, short in stature, very tropical flavor, and a good potency. I remember sampling some Hawaiin bud that had been grown on that island for a couple years. Woo, never had anything that tastes so good. The closet that compares is Jamaican Pearl.

irishSoCo- the desert is the Gobi, largest desert in the world. See, you learn something everyday.

Happy Toking :bandit:


Herbal relaxation...
Hellou landrace researchers!!!

I think we have one big landrace field to fill in the middle-east sativas. There are information about middle eastern landrace indicas but very little about sativas...

Many people seems to think that when they are visiting some middle eastern country and see some local buds or even live plants and if the nugs/plants are looking like indicas they automatically think that they are indica plants based on the shape, density of the buds and so on... Although they dont pay attention to high which they receive after smokin it, but automically assumes that the smoke has to been indica just because they have received it from an region that has been known for landrace indicas.

Remember guys/gals that many of these regions have been conquered by many other nations during the century's. It is ridiculous to assume that these foreign conquerors haven't bought some seeds of their favorite herbs with them when they have been "storming" the middle east.

Plus, think about the muslims that leaved to spread islam to Africa and then returned. These Middle Eastern & African countries have centuries old traditions of cultivating & smokin cannabis, so I definitely believe that there are many landrace varieties over the world that havent been discovered yet...

Sorry if this sounds confused, I am writing from a little "hot place" so I have wroted this post with eyes on my neck and lost my thoughts constantly...

Ok, that was all, I have to leave now, so all you good people in IC -> take care!!!

Keep It Green & Growin But Don´t Forget The Smokin!
Peace Out Growers!


Traktor driver
I just got some angola x banghi, lesotho x uzbeka, jamaica x uzbeka landrace crosses, will be interesting to see what comes out of those. :chin:

Dr. D

Active member
Hey Alex how you doin mate?
Those crosses you got there sound very interesting are they indica or sativa or hybrids?
Are they from a seed co or a personal breeder?


Traktor driver
Hiya D! All's well in the land of sausages, hope it is over there too. :D

From a private breeder. Not sure yet whether indica or sativa I've not got that. I'd say mostly sativa. I can immagine the Banghi being indica but not sure. :chin:

Dr. D

Active member
Yeh all is good here in the land of all that is British..
Im thinkin that uzbeka will be an indica....good luck with those they will be interesting for sure....Peace
Herbalistic said:
Plus, think about the muslims that leaved to spread islam to Africa and then returned. These Middle Eastern & African countries have centuries old traditions of cultivating & smokin cannabis, so I definitely believe that there are many landrace varieties over the world that havent been discovered yet...
Hmm I just got a new job that involves quite a lot of travelling to the MEA region and some parts of Asia. I'll definately keep my eyes open.

Having said that, as you state yourself seeds have travelled worldwide already and landrace-genes could pop-up in just about any country nowadays. I recently came across some Ecuadorian brickweed that was loaded with seeds. "_° O_" has some South-Indian sativas in his greenhouse, British_Hempire has a Colombian Gold that's quite different from the Golds on offer through BSC, so there's still a lot of potentially potent landraces of unknown origin to be discovered and grown. In fact, there are probably so many landraces it will be hard to tell which one is the most 'unknown' species. I'm under the impression there still are many, many landraces (or different genotypes of landraces) to be discovered. Personally I feel this 'revelation' gave me a whole new point of view towards cannabis growing. Basically just about any seed grown from exotic brickweed could turn out to be a beautiful plant with specific traits that are rare or have gotten overcome in today's cultivated strains. And all this time we were made to believe top quality genetics are only available through established breeders, while in fact the horrid brickweed you purchased for a bargain price may contain some true gems as well. Okay, low yields and extended flowering periods are a part of the game too, but who knows what some F1 hybrids will do...

Landrace-fever's gotten me all exicted. Some people think the 'Holy Grail' is to be found amongst existing cultivated hybrids, but I think there's so many undiscovered landraces around that some further in-depth exploration of these strains will give cannabis growing a whole new dimension. I have seeds of some great hybrids laying here, but I'm tempted to grow out all these unknown 'landrace' seeds first. Not because I want to become the next Shantibaba, but because of the pureness of these landraces and the element of surprise involved. I never liked paved roads in the first place... :wink:


Grower for Life
Mad Scientist said:
Landrace-fever's gotten me all exicted. Some people think the 'Holy Grail' is to be found amongst existing cultivated hybrids, but I think there's so many undiscovered landraces around that some further in-depth exploration of these strains will give cannabis growing a whole new dimension. I have seeds of some great hybrids laying here, but I'm tempted to grow out all these unknown 'landrace' seeds first. Not because I want to become the next Shantibaba, but because of the pureness of these landraces and the element of surprise involved. I never liked paved roads in the first place... :wink:

Yea, i find them very interesting also. Threre can be maybe 100´s (maybe even 1000´s) of strains not discovered by the western world.


Resident pissy old man
Mad Scientist, I think that the Holy Grail is the first hybrid that you make yourself and like. I look forward to Zam getting with Luiz and getting their S.A. sativas going.


Grower for Life
Pops said:
Mad Scientist, I think that the Holy Grail is the first hybrid that you make yourself and like. I look forward to Zam getting with Luiz and getting their S.A. sativas going.


p/s i was looking at their thread also yesterday. nice job they are doing.
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Active member
One thing I would like to say about "landrace" cannabis is most of it is not drug cannabis. In north America there are many landrace cannabis strains that grow wild but they are "hemp" and have little if any THC. I think people are getting confused and think because its a landrace its going to make good marijuana. However if your lucky you might find a killer landrace but get really for a lot of looking.
Peace from Colombia


Grower for Life
yes, wouldnt be nice to come home with a 0,2% THC strain....lol

Do Peru and bolivia have anything to offer?
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Considering a field trip Moppel? :D

@Pops: Fully agree, though I wonder whether I'll be capable of stabilising any home-made hybrids. On the other hand, if there's an F1 of my liking I could always clone it and keep some seeds for making new F1's in the future. Just in case my clones won't survive over the long-haul...

@redrider: You're right. I didn't even consider growing seeds of unknown origin, it never crossed my mind. There should be at least some info on the genetics. Either a sample of the buds or a view on the plant in flower are two of the main criteria to me before actually spending time and money on any of them. In Holland there are fields of industrial hemp also, many of them with strains refined for a particular purpose other than drug-use. These plants have a distinguished structure though, so I doubt if any knowledgeable grower will make the mistake of taking them for drug cannabis. It is a thing to keep in mind though when searching for landraces. Good point.


Grower for Life
madscientist, i am on the field already , bro. I am in chile, and thinking about making a trip to bolivia and/or peru.