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Strain Hunters - Greenhouse Seeds Co.


Mr. Fantastic

Okay I understand what you are saying. Thanks for the input. I still am going to be stubborn on topic. I still think they are worthless as breeding stock. Now that I understand the whole XY XX thing a little further I see what you are saying. The female does not inherit the Y chromosome. That said I still would rather work with a standard m/f line because then you have a chance of finding a keeper male for you P1. Also the females may have no difference when all fem but the line is is missing the dna from a father so you can not breed the line further by itself. It is a dead end!


Okay I understand what you are saying. Thanks for the input. I still am going to be stubborn on topic. I still think they are worthless as breeding stock. Now that I understand the whole XY XX thing a little further I see what you are saying. The female does not inherit the Y chromosome. That said I still would rather work with a standard m/f line because then you have a chance of finding a keeper male for you P1. Also the females may have no difference when all fem but the line is is missing the dna from a father so you can not breed the line further by itself. It is a dead end!

This discussion is already talked about it in this thread


A pure female XX can not produce any pollen.I made the same mistake as you.

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:


ngakpa;4337552 why is it when people want to defend ecocide they start conflating themselves and nature? it's like some oil baron flooding some mangrove swamps with crude and then saying "well heck said:
I am Nature[/I]"

spare us all the obfuscation and self-justification

if you don't give a shit, then just come out and say "I don't give a shit"



Well-known member
Nice imperialist theology shown in this thread. It is pitiful that some still think we can improve an indigenous people by giving them "improved" varieties. It has failed time and time again with genetically altered and commercially bred vegetable seed. Sure, they work great when the people are provided with chemical fertilizers and pesticides, but once the people are left to fend for themselves, the crops fail and they have long since discarded or watered down the gene pool of the native plants.

Malawi Gold as an example does very well in poor soil, as do most sativas. Try growing skunk #1 in African red soil with little or no fertilizer. Native plants are perfectly adapted to their environment, something that can not be improved upon by man.
cannabis and man are intertwined, there are no real wild cannabis populations, just feral and crop cultivation. man shaped cannabis, the cannabis now, even feral population are a man made creation, ofcourse guided by natural selection in the wild populations, wild in the sense that they have been left to do their own thing for a while.


Active member
hello again mrcreosote

well, I didn't see any hyperbole in my post, or anything funny in yours...

so look, who is even talking about "compulsion" - let alone actually trying to "compel" the local farmers to grow anything?

I'm not, and I haven't seen anybody else saying we should either --- nevermind anybody actually trying to

this whole line that attempting to preserve x or y crop or breed (in situ) is "hypocritical neocolonialisam" hinges on this idea that there is some kind of "compulsion of the local farmers" going on...

where? when? by who?

if any compulsion of local farmers goes on, you can be sure that is most likely to be mafia pushing vulnerable indigenous groups to take up growing...

this kind of thing happens all across India these days... and I'm sure in Mexico etc. it happens, and there it is with the mafia supplying growers with hybrid seed

--- the whole direction of the arguments in this thread has just been that outsiders should stop bringing the hybrid seeds in - not the ludicrous idea that people should go out and try to stop local farmers from growing them, or deprive them of the right to make a choice

the whole point has been about persuading people who have access to the full picture to make informed responsible choices --- to think about the longterm consequences of our actions in an honest way

if I'm supporting anything here it is the rights of local farmers, not just now, but fifty years on from now too

how about the future rights of these regions' farmers, if and when legalisation happens, such as the right of these growers to market their product as "Thai", "Oaxacan Gold" etc.?

is "appellation controlle" for cannabis breeds "hypocritical neocolonialism"?

under prohibition it is impossible for cannabis farmers to have any kind of rights - contracts, pensions, unions etc.

but for now they could at least be allowed the right to make an informed decision about what they grow

so where's the real "neocolonialism"?

how many mafia or outsiders who bring in hybrid seed to these regions would provide the farmers with the full picture about the consequences of growing hybrids (if they even understood it, let alone giving a shit about it)?

and then, 50 years from now, when the old breeds will have disappeared into a homogenised polyhybrid slop...

will there even be any point in talking about the rights of farmers in these regions to market their traditional breeds in an appellation controlle system?

so that is what I am talking about - the rights of farmers not to have their regional strains irreparably screwed up by greedy and/or indifferent people

frankly with the combined effect of prohibition and the spread of new hybrids everywhere, it is a losing battle

I'm just surprised that people on these boards will come out and actively defend spreading hybrids...

and that to the point of actually arguing the case with Sam, the man who created Skunk, when he comes out in favour of acting responsibly and not taking hybrids to regions of cannabis biodiversity

Angus, it could not have been better said. Thanks!


Hi everybody, to avoid hijacking Funkyhorse's thread about Thai weed from Thailand, I hijack this other one :LOL:


May be you need a proxy to watch this video:​

If it doesn't work you have it here:​

They are so disrespectful.

"Just give him 50 dollar more."
"Seven days of bullshit."

They could have easily given them 1000 dollars and it wouldn't have bothered them and it would still be a fraction of their earned money. But no, let's exploit them.
Monsanto of cannabis


Well-known member
They are so disrespectful.

"Just give him 50 dollar more."
"Seven days of bullshit."

They could have easily given them 1000 dollars and it wouldn't have bothered them and it would still be a fraction of their earned money. But no, let's exploit them.
That's why they do have money.

Even tho you have a lot on your bank account does not mean you have do pay a lot - if you do, you show people you're ok with spending a lot on an seeds that still requires a lot of selection and breeding and this is where the real cost occurs - labour and equipment are expensive!

based on that other local farmers will try to take advantage and sell you seeds for much more they're worth it! I'm sure Arjan and company are travelling long enough to know how much then can pay / spend and not disrespect someone. (otherwise they wouldn't be invited to the places?) They want to have access to genetics that they'll work on - it does not mean that it will end with success - lottery... at best?

I'd say haters gonna hate ;-) And if you're worried about local farmers why don't make a donation?


Well-known member
I'd say haters gonna hate ;-) And if you're worried about local farmers why don't make a donation?
I rarely travel and if I did and got some seeds from somewhere, I would pay them fairly instead of exploiting. But I also buy fair trade goods if I see some, as I don't like exploiting others.


Well-known member
So that's why they needed to be protected by the army in the Congo?
Would you go as a high profile person to the Congo without security? Even if one group is friendly you never know if other groups is...

I rarely travel and if I did and got some seeds from somewhere, I would pay them fairly instead of exploiting. But I also buy fair trade goods if I see some, as I don't like exploiting others.
I travel a bit and so far I never had to pay for seeds from local growers...

I'd say they'd exploit people if they'd ruin half of the farm, take seeds and then leave... but they give some advices, teach people about things and in the end they share their finding with the rest of the world. Also for small villages it's a big event - a group of white people with cameras and equipment...



Active member
My personal opinion of greenhouse seeds is that they are hoarders of landrace genetics, seeking out pure strains, then purposely contaminating the original source, so that they can be the holders of the strain. I would not give them my patronage under ANY circumstances. It irks me to see arjan playing the role of philanthropist to the people in those countries, when all he is doing is screwing them over.


Well-known member
They give more back than is shown in the videos
They set up the strainhunters foundation to give back to the communities they visit…

And if the people who live there want access to western genetic cannabis who is anyone to say “no, you must only grow your own landraces”

By that logic I’d only be able to grow hemp 😳


Well-known member
They give more back than is shown in the videos
They set up the strainhunters foundation to give back to the communities they visit…
Strain Hunters Foundation – grow for life
That's fair enough, even though I am still skeptical, if they really pass 100% of the donations and don't keep some due to some "fees" (as it also happens with other donation companies).

I still think he is the Suge Knight of the cannabis industry though :D


Well-known member
That's fair enough, even though I am still skeptical, if they really pass 100% of the donations and don't keep some due to some "fees" (as it also happens with other donation companies).

I still think he is the Suge Knight of the cannabis industry though :D
He’s not got an appealing personality… comes across as brash and arrogant but salesmen usually do.
I have had some very good plants from their seeds, but not bought any since the super lemon haze first release.