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Stopping Trespassers!

Space Toker

Active member
I am looking to a specific answer to a specific question but hope the thread title is sufficiently vague for the discussion to morph into whatever needs addressing at the time.

Ok now the specific issue. Anyone who knows me knows I have on and off again issues with air traffic. I now have a much more serious concern: foot traffic. Today, I saw a neighbor who has nothing to do with us (none of our neighbors do and I like it that way) walking halfway up our long drive with her 2 lapdogs on leashes. This is a large older lady of late 50's early 60's with health issues who hobbles. She saw me and stopped and watched what I would do. I was running a tiller in the garden, so just started it and walked off. I had been running the tiller from noon on, at least 40 minutes before I saw her so she knew I was there.

Now a brief diversion to other fishy activities. Further up the drive, way out of the way for anyone to walk, I find an empty Copenhagen chewing tobacco container on the lawn. In February, long after the October storm, a group of 4 or so utility workers walked all the way up to within 100 feet of the house while leaving their electric truck at the bottom of the hill blocking the driveway. Then there are the people who occasionally drive up with hokey excuses or usually just go away without explanation.

Now back to the present. The tobacco can could have been from them but I doubt it, as I walk up and down the hill every night for exercise and probably would have noticed it well before now.

I have been on and off again at this residence, which my bro and I inherited from our mom. We grew up here, and these neighbors used to be provocative in their younger days, throwing wild noisy parties while shooting guns, several days a week into well into the night keeping us kids up at night. Funny thing is, they are up and in bed with the birds now! The husband is a retired prison guard in good with the local cops. Ever since they asked our mom if their kid could race his dirtbike through our fields (over 30 years ago) and our mom refused (he still occasionally did it anyway along with another neighbor kid), they had a bur up their ass and occasionally do things seemingly just to piss us off. After the storm, they cut up and hauled off a tree that was either on our property or on town land by the road across from them. More recently, my brother was burning brush across from them a couple months ago and it briefly threatened to get out of hand. They came over and lay down in the field with beers and were shouting instructions to my brother. I was watching another fire at the time and unaware of this. We burned a pile near them yesterday without incident. This woman may have walked past the pile remnants and did walk past a bird box. Tell anyone this and they would think she is a nice old lady checking out the bird box and what is the problem? I know if we go over there, they will likely say they have every right as the property is not posted. If it were posted, they would likely trespass anyway, and I don't obviously want to involve cops. (until the last few months, they had been quiet and kept to themselves and their circle of friends with no problems for 2 decades or more!)


How cheap can you get no trespassing signs? we would need a whole lot of them! thanks!

Space Toker

Active member
On the other end of our land (25 hilly rocky mostly landlocked acres), another neighbor cut an ATV path through our woods which is probably still operational, and hunters regularly shoot deer and other things on our land. We have always wanted to post the land, but we were always poor until lately and still just middle class. I feel people should have to get prior permission before entering someone's private land, but unfortunately that is not the way it works, everyone free to hunt or ATV across the land but if they get hurt they can sue your ass off!

Edit: in another thread, someone said MOVE! Well it is quite likely that will happen, but for now staying suits us for other reasons and the housing prices are still in the crapper.

Space Toker

Active member
If I have to put them every 50 feet, I may need a hundred or more! (I haven't done the math but it would be a lot! I don't see why I have to spend that much to keep people off that should stay away anyway, but I guess I have to in order to have them gone! We put a few up years ago but hunters just ripped them off and mailed them back to us torn up, oh no wait that was another neighbor).

edit: ok, know where to get the best possible deal on these signs?


weed fiend
You can probably get quantities for less than the ~buck each price. If your hardware store wont work with you, check ACE online. Compare em to Home Depot and Lowes. There's your three estimates to choose from.

Every 50 feet sounds hard core. I think they make a smaller red tag for posted properties. It says no trespassing but you have to trespass to read the damn thing.:)

Good luck with your search.
Get dogs. Invisible fence collars for dogs. Drop some larger trees around perimeter of property into access points. Metal signs indicating allegiance to NRA, and large chain "roadblocks" strung between trees w/ no trespass warnings. No booby traps, no man traps. Video cams pointing down drive and at back 40. Signs plainly warning of such. Good luck.


I think we used a "within sight of each other" kind of spacing, and that's more like every 100' or so, or at the property's corner boundaries. We got ours at Lowe's. It's gotta be posted, that's all there is to it.

Space Toker

Active member
no have no dogs.
been thinking about it and the cams, chain across drive, and so on. good ideas, thanks!
The cheaper the better, both of us combined just barely make enough to pay all our expenses, not rich by any means so the cams may wait for now. peace

Space Toker

Active member
I think we used a "within sight of each other" kind of spacing, and that's more like every 100' or so, or at the property's corner boundaries. We got ours at Lowe's. It's gotta be posted, that's all there is to it.

Kind of figured as much, I guess I just needed to hear someone say it.


Active member
been there. get lots of signs . have you considered a dog? how about a gate? start putting up shooting targets . get a sign shooting range in use no tresspassing. worked for me . i left some arrows in targets and a few bullet holes.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Here you go. 100 signs for 40 bucks.

I would check your states laws regarding signage. Put up the signs. Then I would have a letter written and mailed via registered mail by an attorney to the offenders letting them know you intend to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law and also hold them responsible for any damages (tree cutting, ATV use etc.) caused by their trespass. Then I would sit back and wait . The first person who trespasses would be the example to the others that you mean business, even if its that crippled old lady.
If you are not there regularly find a local you can trust and throw him a few bucks to keep an eye on things when you are not around.
If you are growing on the property I would stop until these problems are solved. Once the signs are up and the letter is mailed I bet things will sort themselves out fairly quickly. That way when push comes to shove you wont have to worry about that. You will be the one in the right and they will be the ones in the wrong.

Space Toker

Active member
thanks everyone, for the humor and the real help especially. I do practice shoot but haven't for a while. That old lady peeked out her door often when I used to do that, but otherwise minded her own business! :D I haven't shot in several weeks at least. You need to shoot pest species around here sometimes. Those neighbors and us have had history involving cops years ago a couple time but nothing recent or serious or directly involving me or anything I did, and just resulting in a talking to type of thing on both ends. The cops and ambulance were at one neighbor a week or so ago, and at another several months ago. Still don't know what happened in either case. And I have thought of the house burning thing too, if they came they would not get that at least. But that is all hypotheticals and speculation. I know it is time to beef up security big time though. Isolation was all the security I needed, now I guess I need more.

Space Toker

Active member
I think I may have figured out the motive for this, revenge for something. Maybe since we were burning near them, but they were burning a lot more a couple days prior. I was watching the fire and she was staring at me as she went out to her car, staring more while sitting in the car, then finally took off. I said something like "bite me ol' tub" or something like that and did not know the husband was still around and he later took off. There was a big pile of dog crap in the drive where I saw the woman, maybe someone overheard me? seems kind of far-fetched but with these nieghbors who knows? ;)


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
If I have to put them every 50 feet, I may need a hundred or more! (I haven't done the math but it would be a lot! I don't see why I have to spend that much to keep people off that should stay away anyway, but I guess I have to in order to have them gone! We put a few up years ago but hunters just ripped them off and mailed them back to us torn up, oh no wait that was another neighbor).

edit: ok, know where to get the best possible deal on these signs?

check the regulations for posting land, it will be very specific.

in MN land is legally posted if you have 1 sign every 500 feet on roadways and 1 sign every 250 feet in wooded areas, each sign must be clearly signed and dated.

your exact state regs may vary but will be similar in spirit.


Active member
fences make great neighbors

...random ...very random gunfire keeps the troops down too

...a pack of doberman p's or better yet komondors

....more random gunfire

fuck signs....i got better ways to let ppl know to leave me alone


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I think we used a "within sight of each other" kind of spacing, and that's more like every 100' or so, or at the property's corner boundaries. We got ours at Lowe's. It's gotta be posted, that's all there is to it.

This isn't correct for all states. Maine requires them every 100' maximum, Florida every 500'. Corners need to be posted even if it is less than the maximum distance from the corner to the next sign.