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Stopping Trespassers!


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
I know that here even if the game warden asks, the property owner can tell him to screw. Its all about whether or not the game warden wants to push the issue and if he will respect property owners wishes/ rights. If the property owner takes possession of the game animal before the hunter and/or the game warden , and is licensed to possess that game animal, the hunter and game warden can be very easily SOL. Particularly if the animal is not dead when the property owner finds it and dispatches it himself.

Make your shot count.

Space Toker

Active member
I just love birdwatching, and while I don't see anywhere near the sheer number of species on the western scarp of the Sierra Nevada as I did down in southeast L.A. county (Pacific flyway is amayzing), I can't tell you how pleased I was when I discovered that western bluebirds are COMMON up here. I just adore watching them, and I still have a small porcelain bluebird my grandmother gave me many, many years ago. I remember looking at it as a child and wondering if there really was a bird that looked like that.

I need another pair of binoculars, I lost my 10x pocket binos.

I love bluebirds too! after a day of none in sight, they were both around today briefly. After an extended unseasonably warm spell, it is back to or slightly below normal here. Below freezing most nights in other words. They seem to now be taking it real slow but it is still reassuring they are maintaining a presence.

Space Toker

Active member
Ive used a surplus wireless seismic intrusion setup in the past on some of my outdoor guerrilla grows.
They have been hard to find and increased in price over the years but work very well and can detect vehicles, the slightest footsteps or even a low flying plane or chopper depending on the sensitivity settings you use and each probe monitors a large area with about a 2 mile signal distance depending on terrain. There are also hardwired sets that are sometimes available that work well . Finding one of these sets and setting it up in likely areas of intrusion will save the time and exposure of patrolling your property every day and worrying about what is going on at night.
I monitored it for a day before checking my plots. It made me confident no one was around.

excellent! this would give me peace of mind of not having to worry about every unusual or unexplained sound. Thanks dude!
I would like to keep track of air and ground activity just for piece of mind. I wish I knew for sure if this plane or that chopper is just doing its thing as it would as if I was not here, or if it is singling me out as I sometimes fear. I realize there is a low chance, but it is not non-existent. I keep that in mind and don't let it get to me too much, but I wonder too. thanks for all the great posts!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
your solution. Fences, signs, and BIG ASS ROAMING DOBERMAN PINCHERS. lol Also post a trespassers will be shot sign. Then shoot guns randomly on your property so they know you have them! If they come on your land after that then they deserve to get chewed up and shot.


Active member
there isnt much you can do on 20 mountainous acres..you are bound to have some trespassers.

we fenced about 2acres out of 20 off just the garden area and dog pens, and have ATV trails that run all up and down the place so people who unintentionally hike around will realize the land is in use....

also thinking about placing a few targets with bulls eye bullet holes on several trees...we also have dogs and regularly ride quads and dirtbikes around the property making noise...guns are shot pretty regularly as well, our neighbors do the same. you could also look into game cams if you are so paranoid, they are pretty cheap and can show you exactly who/whats creeping around..

luckily we are bordered by other private property, and those neighbors stay off our turf. our main areas are seperated by thick forests so they would make a ton of noise trying to get through the woods...they would have to hike up the ATV trails which lead directly to our dogs and motion sensors...

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
I have some friends that keep geese around their homestead as their early warning/ trespasser detection system.
They raise all kinds of very noisy hell at the sight of any strangers.


IMB :)


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
We had eight big white geese running around the yard when I was a kid. Yes, they are shit machines but nothing got past them. They would even form a line in the driveway and honk and hiss at people trying to walk into the yard. They really are intimidating if you are not familiar with their behavior. Guinea hens can make a lot of noise when they are upset but aren't so intimidating.

Space Toker

Active member
Good suggestions and jokes! :) My bro is the total opposite of me, so laid back as to security concerns as to almost be boneheaded at times! So he is in no hurry to get signs, and even I am starting to think this is a one-time deal as that woman hasn't done this in over 30 years and hasn't done it since. Still it would be good for the peace of mind to take some measures. My brother says if you go fencing everything and putting up signs all of a sudden when things were the way they are for so long, it might arouse MORE suspicion. We have never had luck with dogs. Both that we had in the 80's were terrors. They both bit people, and the first one also stole clothes and trash from neighbors and brought it home. They both killed chickens, the 2nd dog our own and the first the neighbors. Of course there are leash laws and all now so that might be irrelevant anyway as I'd probably keep any new dogs in the fenced area. So I am thinking fencing the few acres right around the house (which is away from neighbors anyway), maybe putting up cams, and the signs and especially the dogs may take a bit longer. I have been shooting more often lately (only at targets of course) and that trend will continue. Oh and I may drop trees to block of ATV paths like someone said, when I post the property. Hunters usually go away if they hear me target shooting. That's about it for now, the bluebirds and gardening continue to brighten spirits. peace

Space Toker

Active member
yes I had white geese as a kid and same thing, they either whack you with their wing or pinch you good with their beaks, unless you grab them by the necks but as soon as you let go they get you! :D

Space Toker

Active member
there has been a stone in my backyard, about 2 inches wide and a foot long, it was laying flat under the bird feeder and now is standing upright on its side like Stonehedge! The bear and a raccoon would not have taken the time to make a stone stand upright on its side like a tombstone so it does leave you wondering! Either a psycho neighbor enjoys messing with me, or what? Aliens? Sasquatch??? :D ;) I don't know! I do know the bluebirds are still around, just when you think they gave up, you see them again! I hope they nest! peace


weed fiend
yes I had white geese as a kid and same thing, they either whack you with their wing or pinch you good with their beaks, unless you grab them by the necks but as soon as you let go they get you! :D


That's funny. I worked at an office complex that had a small pond filled in. Didn't persuade the Canadian geese to find another home. They'd shit on the sidewalk and it was hard to remove. A manager called Wildlife and was told not to kill em, he could get in trouble.

Wildlife said the geese feared snakes so the manager bought a rubber snake and laid it at the front door. A big goose took a giant dump right beside it and drug it away, probably to feed the family.


Active member
my encounters were mostly in a kayak. and the geese got bitchslapped with my paddle. but i got nipped a few times shore fishing back east.ugly sticks rule. back east the canadian geese would stand in the middle of the road and take their damn time about moving. used to piss me off. so when no cars were around i would floor it. never hit any geese and didnt have to wait like an idiot.i think they new i wasnt playing any geese games. and they are tasty prepared right

Space Toker

Active member
well the stone is laying down again. A lone turkey shits up my yard almost daily. Skunks lift their tails when I go out to walk at night but so far so good! :D Dogs? The neighbors dogs bark endlessly and get any other dogs barking too, which would prob render any dogs I get useless. No neighbors in the yard that I know of and things are quiet of late. peace


Active member
Walk around naked by the neighbors house...

They'll leave you alone after a while.

Let them worry about you.

Space Toker

Active member
well I think they might just like that the crazy old fuckers! :D
They have been walking up and down the road with their toy dogs but staying on their own property otherwise since then. planes choppers and strange vehicle behavior still occasionally freaks me out but overall so far so good around here for now! peace

Space Toker

Active member
lately all they do is walk their dogs together, sometimes with their grandchildren, and drive up and down the road with some golf cart on steroids kind of thing. Still will post, but haven't yet. Peace

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