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Stopped Growing Support Thread


Active member
i cant think of anything that would stop me from growing. if i did tho i would increase my veggie garden to keep my thumb green


Green is Gold
Oh yeah good idea! Veggie garden, hadn't thought of that. It's the growing that is addictive for sure...nice point though I should grow some peppers or something. Still though, when the stash runs out that's when I'm gonna really miss doing it.


No one grows as good as you do...

You will see if and when you visit the market again.

Sorry thats not a real supportive statement, but the title made my hair stand up.

It would take shackles at this point.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
stop permanently? I stop every year for summer. This year was a bit abnormal as I had some test grows to do.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Yeah, stopped for many years. As you said, plant a veggie garden and keep your thumb green until you can pick it back up.

I chose to grow chilis


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Take up grafting. This year I'm trying a lapins (sweet) cherry onto a bird cherry, see if we can get sweet cherries in zone 2b.


I grew countless heirloom tomatoes when I gave it up for a while .


had to stop because of some shit my kid got into (long story). put in a big veggie garden that summer to keep myself busy....... turns out you can hide pot plants in the veggie garden really well if you know what you are doing.

do whatever you have to to keep your hands in the dirt, it is way more effective (and cheaper) than a shrink !


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
like most others who can't currently grow i have veggie gardens, indoor and outdoor. ;)


That would be the saddest day in my life :badday:

I also grow orchids, so i guess I would just grow more of those, mushrooms are pretty cool too.


Well-known member
Cacti arn't to easy to grow and some will...will...make you :jump:

I do a garden every were I move to and some soils can be a real test of ones growing skills.


I've grown tobacco. Always wanted to try poppies though hehe. I've not so much stopped growing as i havevmoved grows. Had a nice bunch going on the porch and when they got huge nd I panicked i brought them into the forest. Worst panicking was growing shrooms. Was freaked when I threw the spent substrate in the garbage, thought dea was going to go through my trash. Had a loud grow once...used a space blanket for mylar and it would be like flap flap flap andi always thought the people downstairs were thinking I had a street light in my room because the ballsst was so loud on startup. VrvrvrvrvrvrVrvrvrvr flap flap flap and the oscillating fan clicking

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Last garden I had was just a bit over a year ago. Sucks so bad not having one, especially as my seed collection has been growing nicely the last few months. I moved cross country about 9 months ago, to a city where I knew absolutely nobody, and where renting a house is a fairly expensive proposition.

What I've had to rent so far is an apartment in one of those large complexes, typically built with thin walls, and with neighbors as close as they will ever be. The possibility of getting caught growing weed in these situations is so much higher than if you have a house and at least 20 feet between you and your neighbors. Even if you have an odor control system that is 100%, if there is a power outage and all your electricity gets cut off, your goose is likely cooked. Makes a hobby that has a significant paranoia factor go from freaky, to potentially horrifying, if you let it get to you.

So, no weed garden, and no need to weed a veggie garden, cause I aint got any dirt to grow in. Guess I could grow a veggie garden in my apartment....hmmmmm.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
got a balcony?

EDIT: i've grown peppers and tomatoes with some success on a covered apartment balcony...

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
I wish I did have a balcony! I would definitely grow one girl, a low odor variety, and train the shit out of her to keep her from view.

Damn I wish I had a balcony.


The balcony can get paranoid...wondering if people on the street can see, if people on other balconies can see. Mine is directly facing south, so much light...and much watering. Started like 20 out there and they got too big for comfort so they moved to the forest