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Stoner Limbo - How low can you go?


been dry for months...i am way too generous all the way down to my last bud. im always left kicking myself in the end but i cant change i like to see ppl happy


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
guilty of resin smoking along with stems . we thought it was cool to put a bud in the pipe chamber and let it collect resin and tar and then smoke it. longass time ago tho

Ah yes the good old chamber pipe, I remember those days well. :smoke:


We are Farmers
I have not been out since I started growing but I still save resin, old habits die hard.

Still adding to this container.


When I was young I ground up seeds and smoked them, poor desperate fool.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Actually for me, the resin thing was one thing I never did. I've had plenty of friends that did that and a couple of times at thier insistence I tried theirs but it never really did the trick for me. The closest I came was the chanmber pipe deal mentioned previously where you put good weed in the chamber with the intent of it getting resinated. Scraping resin from a pipe or bong though, that stuff always gave me headaches when I tried my friends resin so I never got into that.

Of course being mostly a joint guy I never much had the temptation because I never really had much resin to scrape from pipes or bongs.


Professor Organic Psychology
I like joints too, and not blunts. Joints are cheap and easy enough to eat if need be. You don't have to worry about catching a para charge or breaking something expensive. No cleanup like a bong no weird smells from spilling. I still own a bong but that is for those crazy bitches laying around my house.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
i take the first hit off my bubbler the rest gets tossed then reloaded for another fresh hit :)


lol hammerhead nice

and maj. cottonmouth I can't lie that pic made me gag a little bit. Even in my most desperate of days when I was younger I never considered scraping resin. I was showed that if you let a bowl get dirt enough you can just hold a flame to it and inhale and the resin will burn and give you some smoke. It got me lightheaded from the butane so I only did it a few times.

My stepbrother used to get clowned on pretty hard from our friends. He was somewhat of a crack head for weed, would go on a rampage tearing/breaking shit if he ran out so we always fucked with him. If he wasn't there we would pass the bowl around as normal but when he was there we would pack it, take a hit, then dumb the rest out and smush it so he couldn't take it out of the ash tray. Weed was plentiful, he was amusing, it gave us some good laughs. If any of us picked leaves off our nugs we would throw it in the ashtray and he started taking them out and saving them. He eventually had enough to fill a whole zip and one of our friends found it, and threw it away. It was the one time he got pissed and told us to leave, once again we all got good laughs out of it.

Personally I have gotten brown weed once. Not out of desperation, just lack of connects.
I had a bag of trim of Electric Fruit Punch from my first grow. It was sugar trim and had good trich coverage, flavor, and was somewhat purple so even had a little bag appeal. I had planned to turn it into hash but I had to close the grow and I found myself with no good connect and a bag of dank trim. When i got out of school I would roll a fat blunt with it and just blaze the fuck out of that trim. It gave me a good head buzz, but faded fast. When the bag was gone I thought to myself, fuck now what?
For the past two years I've been good about keeping my grow going. So there were times I thought I would run out, but never did until now. I got ill so a lot of the weed hermed from lack of care and was full of seeds. I used majority of it to make bho, and ran some of it twice which is the lowest I have gone in recent times.

But the herm bho weed is gone, so I found myself looking for a good connect. So I called around and a friend told me she could get dro for 100 a quarter which is good prices for the area. She called me that night and told me, "It's tiny budsy." I said wtf does that mean, tiny budsy? Is it shake? She said no, just tiny budsy but it reaked in her car so she said it must be good. She also said it was 8gs for the 100 which i thought was great. She dropped it off in the morning before work but I was rushing so I didn't get to look at until that evening. Got home and inspected it, mids. But not just mids, the most stemmy compressed mids I've ever seen. And it weighed 8 in the baggie, not 8 grams. She is she is naive and doesn't smoke much but I asked her what happened. She said she couldn't tell the difference visually between weed and thought it would be ok because it smelled good. She's going to make it up to me, but lesson learned. No more weed from non-smokers.


Active member
chamber bud is hilarious.

when it was no use calling around for some bud, I would untwist my friend's pipe with a slightly mischievous grin and not say a word until I loaded the bud in the bowl and we were smoking. see because I am hard like that. NO SURPRISE TO ME I AM THAT BADASS, pretty much. what I mean was I was trying to be coy about saving the day by planning it days ago like some sort of God!


What I'm talking about is that age old curse many of us who just grow our own experience of no matter how much we grow we always seem to run out of stash before our next crop comes in.

I have a different problem: I have so much stash that I don't know how to use it up until the next harvest this September. Of course I can smoke it all, but that would mean being stoned 24/7 which is inconvenient to me. Last year I planted 10 plants outdoors and now I see it was way too much for my personal use.


Active member
I think we're all a little spoiled. I know I am. I'm an older dude (just turned 57) but back in the 70's all you could get, except for elites like Acapulco Gold, was bags full of dried leaves. I am just a personal use grower but for years I still like to smoke some top leaves and sugar leaves to guage how potent the bud is. After harvest I usually vape. The smoke does fuck-up my lungs a little (lugies), but it's as potent, or more potent than the shit from back in the day. Kinda nostalgic actually. :blowbubbles:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I have a different problem: I have so much stash that I don't know how to use it up until the next harvest this September. Of course I can smoke it all, but that would mean being stoned 24/7 which is inconvenient to me. Last year I planted 10 plants outdoors and now I see it was way too much for my personal use.

Ah well yeah I could see that happening with 10 well grown outdoor girls. What I was thinking when I wrote that is most who grow just for themselves probably have a fairly small indoor setup. My own setup is on the big side of personal growing using a 1000W HID in a 5' x 4' x 8 ' space and from that I generally yield 1 to 1.5 lbs of cured, dried, trimmed buds.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Iwas thinking about this thread earlier and it occurred to me that it could be a little misleading and suggest to some that smoking leaves is a good thing. So to clarify let me first point out that the trim I used mostly came from the strain known as Cheese which is a fairly potent strain and has a fairly strong flavor. The flavor helps to hide the nastiness of the taste of leaves and the potency is what made this a worthwhile solution to being dry stash wise. I would also point out that when I say trim that does not include any leaves that have little or no visible trichomes on them. What I call trim is either buds to small to bother with trimming and/or leaves close in to the bud that are mostly or totally covered with trichomes.

As with many things what you get out (of the pipe) is only as good as what you put in.

That being said thank God for scissor hash. It's been about 3 weeks of smoking trim leaves to hold me over until harvest and now harvest time is here. I find myself faced with a new dilemma though. Do I keep smoking trim until the current harvest has cured some or do I give up on the leaves as soon as some of what I'm harvesting now dries? What would you all do?


Active member
I love hash.
I keep all my trim, stems, leaves, and sugar leaf. Only the fans don't get tossed in. I do a single hash run and usually end up with 4 Oz. I have yet to run out of hash doing a run every 8 weeks keeps me in good shape.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
eh i bought an ounce on the 3rd and looks like today is the last of it...now I have to wait until the 3rd to get more. Luckily, I throw my half-burnt buds in what's known as my "ash cactus" which is covered with burned buds and roaches and shit. Luckily I bought glass bowl again before I grabbed this zip, so I should be able to scrape at least a few bowls when the going gets tough. As for what I'll do for the next 2 weeks, I have no idea. No money, no weed. I've actually spare changed for weed money in the past...not sure if I'll stoop to that level again. It was okay in the winter, I would be bundled up and people would give me enough change to buy a 20 sack every day...but in the summer ALL the bums are out and about...there's no way to make any money. So I'm not sure what to do.
been awhile since i've been out but. back in the day, i'd find dusty old buds underneath the seat of my car. after picking off what were probably pubes and dog hair, i'd smoke without hesitation.

scraping bowls played a huge part back in the day. i remember getting stoned but i also remember wanting to gag from the taste alone.
of course now when i think of that taste and smell all i think is fukmylife. definetely low points.
we all have them and get past them though. tomorrows another day.


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
since ive started growing i havent had to buy any...always made it work, but i am mainly a big smoker on the weekends...during the week i might only take a couple hits off a pipe..on the weekends i might smoke 3-5 joints on a saturday/sunday


have down all of the above , except the seeds and the stems. we allways run out it seems like. but thanks to good friends, a scacrafice plant. and old trim and leaves. we do all right. good thread


weed fiend
... Smoked bowls of pistils and joints of trim too between harvests. That's after doing a quick wash through all my caked jars and baggies...

Harsh times I try not to remember ;)

I grew some gorilla hair weed and there was lots of it in the jar bottoms. I tried one toke of that shit, it was pretty nasty. Almost like burnt hair.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well day two of harvest also left me grateful for scissor hash except this time it was "bubbly" :yummy:

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