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Stoner Limbo - How low can you go?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What I'm talking about is that age old curse many of us who just grow our own experience of no matter how much we grow we always seem to run out of stash before our next crop comes in. Some how many of us seem to find ourselves running short whether we have a bumper crop or not. Such that we find ourselves scrambling for a way to scratch that itch the last few weeks before harvest and we find ourselves doing things we'd never do when our jars are full. Like for example one year I had a real nice crop of C-99 such that I was able to smoke 3 to 5 joints a day, virtually every day thru the summer until I started and finish my fall crop. I got into a habit of taking every roach from all those joints and saving them in these little 10 ounce jars I have. By the time I ran out I had three jars full of roaches. As the collection grew I'd look at them and think of how gross and nasty they looked and when I opened a jar to add the next roach the odor got pretty rank. At that moment it would seem unlikely I'd ever bring myself to smoking them yet in the back of my mind I was saving them for the possibility I'd run out because I knew there was enough still in them to get me good and buzzed. Well sure enough I ran out and that year my low was that I smoked all three jars of nasty roaches waiting for my next crop to finish and dry.

Well this year I'm in the same boat, except this time, thinking it might stretch things further, I smoked the roaches as I went along. Saving them for a few days and then maybe one day when I didn't feel like roalling a new joint I'd just smoke a few roaches. Alas I still ran out early and this time I don't even have a stash of roaches to fall back on. What I do have though is a batch of trim from some Cheese that although was fairly frosty, didn't yield much in the way of dry sifted hash. I think what happened was that I didn't wait as long as I usually do before sifting and I usually would freeze it first but didn't this time. So I think I ended up just smearing most of the trichomes onto the leaves. Which is supported by the fact that the leaves still have a nice strong scent of cheese rather then being like a pile of leaves with little smell because most of the resin has been sifted off. Now you got to understand I really don't like the taste of leaves. So much so I trim my buds much closer then the average person. So when I smelled how strong the trim still smelled I thought at first about making Iso and it should be pretty good but if I did that it wouldn't last very long. I though also of making butter but again it wouldn't go very far that way plus I'm not a big fan of the high you get when you ingest cannabis. So I said what the heck, I'll just fill my bowl with the trim and smoke that.

Well of course it's extremely nasty and harsh and I'm not enjoying the flavor of it at all but it is getting me really stoned on just a couple of small bowls. So I'm not really ashamed of the fact that I'm smoking it because some high is better then no high but yet at the same time I think I've sunk to a new low especially when I consider how much effort I but into seperating that leaf from my bud. Of course after smoking a few bowls earlier I got to thinking about all this and thought it might be interesting to see what other sorts of lows my fellow stoners sink to when their stash runs out?


Freedom Fighter
Hahaha...I have a bunch of shit (prolly 15 pounds) I was trying to figure out how to get rid of-- It is the waste from after my dry ice kiefing....but it turns out, that one of my friends tried smoking it...and he was able to actually sell it...so I got rid of it at $100 a pound...instead of hiding it in the garbage!! Win/Win!!:woohoo:


somewhere along the way i went from a grower who never had stash by the next harvest...to a hoarder who always holds onto waaay more herb than he should. now i have to rotate my herb out so i dont end up with year old, tasteless dry leftovers.

about 10 years ago i was totally out of herbs, i had a few jars of popcorn for medibles.... we had some 8 footers going in a greenhouse about 3 weeks from harvest. i marched in there, grabbed a few giant colas and tossed em into the deep freezer for a few hours, then crushed up the buds and ran it all for bho. prolly cashed in (what wouldve been) a qp of herb for 5 grams of oil, at the time it was one helluva deal.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hahaha...I have a bunch of shit (prolly 15 pounds) I was trying to figure out how to get rid of-- It is the waste from after my dry ice kiefing....but it turns out, that one of my friends tried smoking it...and he was able to actually sell it...so I got rid of it at $100 a pound...instead of hiding it in the garbage!! Win/Win!!:woohoo:

Hey I think if you can actually make money off of it, it doesn't count as a low. :)


Ouch this hurts to say but back in my hey day of Mexican brick weed I ran a bunch of stems though a blender, That was many decades ago.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
somewhere along the way i went from a grower who never had stash by the next harvest...to a hoarder who always holds onto waaay more herb than he should. now i have to rotate my herb out so i dont end up with year old, tasteless dry leftovers.

Actually I could probably do that too if I really expanded my grow rather then sticking to my comfort zone of one light covering a 4' x 5' x 8' space. Good on you for breaking the cycle though. :)


Active member
theres a pile of roaches in my flower bed out front. they are all yours. lol prob about 1 percent weed in my mulch too.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Ouch this hurts to say but back in my hey day of Mexican brick weed I ran a bunch of stems though a blender, That was many decades ago.

It's okay, you're among friends. Besides that sounds like it was before you were growing and if so then it's more forgiveable. Well except that back then weed was much cheaper and easier to find.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
the things we did before we started growing should never be talked about lol... Being young, immature not knowing wtf we were doing. I have seen some pretty desperate attempts at getting high.. Now I have more then I know what to do with. The stuff that goes into the garbage would have caused fights back in the day.. I just cant get rid of it fast enough..

bad gas

Years ago, whenever we ran out of weed, we would hot rod the pipe to smoke the resin inside.

One time, when I was in high school, I tried to smoke a joint of seeds. It was total ASS.

Low times. The world has really changed for me when we got medical weed. Imagine, going into a legal place of business and legally obtaining weed and having a choice of strains.

One more. On a date, I had a girl teach me that you don't roll seeds and stems in joints. I should have been embarrassed.

Life is better now.

stay safe. bg


Professor Organic Psychology
I am not growing atm. I like to travel too much and I get tired of the same stuff. I never sell it when I have a surplus and I hate to have too much on hand. I tend to give away half of what I have grown. I trade it sometimes. I have traded for some cool stuff. I find it is better for me to buy it. I get new kinds all the time and when I find something special I buy a lot like quarter pound. I never pay too much, and I get a lot for free too. I want to grow but don't like being married to a crop.


A buddy of mine is the resin king. He would offer to clean bowls and would scrape them crystal clear, and keep the resin! LMAO too funny to watch him sitting there working a piece for an hour just for a nasty gram of resin

Smoked bowls of pistils and joints of trim too between harvests. That's after doing a quick wash through all my caked jars and baggies...

Harsh times I try not to remember ;)

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I have give too much away syndrome. I always wanna share more than i have. Therefore I am always running out about a week early and resort to smoking old shake for emergencies, or putting a few buds on a food dehydrator. .


Active member
guilty of resin smoking along with stems . we thought it was cool to put a bud in the pipe chamber and let it collect resin and tar and then smoke it. longass time ago tho


Professor Organic Psychology
Been a long time since I scraped a pipe, but I have done it. Now I soak them in alcohol.


this has not happened since i started growing a few years ago. but if it did, i have enough kief and iso stashed to last about three months.

my heart goes out to you. i hope this never happens to me... but i'm sure it will sometime...:-(


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Seeing how everyones skeletons are falling out of the closet, I'm smoking resin right now. I haven't had a crop in two years. Waiting for fall.