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Stoned & The Dentist

Zen Master

oh shit xray pix, that reminds me of my shoulders, I've got 2 titanium plates and >15 screws between both my shoulders.

an xray shows all kinds of metal shit going every which way, kinda cool, but kinda sucks too.

fucking Bear Mtn!


Active member
It really does take a special breed of human being to be a dentist. I could clean someones teeth no problem. Pulling teeth (ie: gripping a tooth with pliers and rocking it back and forth until it breaks), cavities, crowns, root canals, NO WAY. Or a oral surgeon. Could you imagine having to do a gum disease surgery? I would vomit in the patients face, not very productive.

Ok I need to close this thread, smoke a bowl, and forget this thread ever existed..


ICMag Donor
I had a bunch of work done on my last trip to Colombia,
I got to go out to lunch with the dentist the day before.
Because he good friends with my friend,who introduced us.
I was still leary about having the work done,i needed a
bunch of things ,a extraction ,root canal,post and crown ,
a bridge and recoloring white of my metal fillings.

So were eating and somehow the subject of partying comes up
he mentions to my friend "the dentist" in spanish.That he likes to
sometimes bLaze on the weekends,im thinkin "fuck"! Im
gonna let this guy work on my teeth?

Well he made me a deal on all the work ,and i was stalling.He got
a bit offended.Like i was saying he wasn't good enough.So i
eventually agreed.He did a great job ,the thing that was interesting.
You ever see the tool they use for an extraction?It was hidden from
me ,but i saw it after he was done.Looks just like a big
awl but thicker made out of aluminum.It could have came off
the snap on tool truck,or from harbor freight.

Alot of cracking and snappin in my skull,but he got
the bits out.My over 10 grand bill (in Us) was $1200.
When i get some money in the future ,im going back again.
I need some more implants,all in all a great trip....
Two words: Nitrous Oxide. Ask for it. It doesn't make the drilling any quieter, u just don't give a fuck. It's better than weed when administered properly.

By the way... You don't want to be completely out of it. Just nicely wasted. When you fall asleep is when the dentist rapes you. Ha ha... just kidding... kind of.

Another side note; I never ask for novocaine, for cleaning or for cavities. It really isn't necessary. Ask your dentist, he will tell you. But any time theres a chance that they can hit a nerve, I insist on plenty of drugs.
last time i went to dentist i was really high. she was this very cute asian chick. she started sticking her fingers into my mouth and i was getting horny lol. i kept thinking "she fingers herself with these yummmm yummmm"....now that i think about it i think im due for another teeth cleaning.
i had to go see my dentist a few months back for some work done, 1 tooth removal and 2 cavaties to be filled. the tooth that was pulled was hurtin quite abit. before i went in i was ripping few bong hits and poppped a few pain killers,not those crappy loratabs either.she sat me down and looked at me and said looks like u came premedicated, i was like yes maam. she offers the usual party favors, nitros and the remote to the lcd tv hangin on tthe wall. the rest of the day was really fuzzy.


I went for a filling the week before chirstmas. Smoked some hash in the parking lot and was feeling pretty relaxed, until the dentist comes out with its worse than i thought, that if he hits the root hes gonna take me back and do a root canal right there. I got a little nervous....lol

I had a root canal a few months ago on my canine, a really long root. I could feel it up by my nostril. Any who the medicine wore off i could feel him pulling out the root with a pipe cleaner type instrument. He had to give me a shot up into the tooth through the hole he was working right into the nerve. Twice. A needle strait into the nerve, i was trying to pull the armrest off.

I think having cottonmouth a lot hasnt been any help to my teeth.
Cannabis before getting the drill at the dentist is a bad move. Personally I feel more pain with cannabis. The only thing that does the job before and after without fail or let down is a good strong opiate.

Preferably this one :)


but most of the time, even if you have had a lot of work done, you may have to beg just for a little bit of either of these tylenol pos pills



cannabis and dental work don't mix


Active member
One must be careful smoking medicated weed such as the Lifesaver because I was using the 'erb and the 2 hit quit weed with a high tolerance managed to on the bottom of a tooth,one the root nerves started to grow not into my root canal-gum but on the side of the teeth and I had a abscess on that nerve's bottom into the jaw bone so that nerve wanted to do a detour into the other Root which is impossible since it has to go through enamel,gum,enamel into the other root.

It wasn't even painful at all..just a little swollen gland under that tooth which is why i went to the dentist in the first place.

Caught it in time!!!

el dub

I always get high before dental visits. I've talked about it with the teeth cleaning lady.

Been doing it since my old dentist cut me off from laughing gas when I turned 18 'cause he said I'd enjoy the gas too much after that age. (My first hallucinations were in the dentist chair at the age of 10 and brought on by NO2.)


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