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Stoned Fish Grille

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
I've got major heat issues with everything. It was so dry this spring so I made my soil mix heavier to better hold moisture. Now that it's raining every 15 minutes, my first planned crop is looking like shit from the wet soil and the heat. I popped around 20 beans of known genetics and almost all of them are struggling and not looking good.

Bear in mind all my stuff is outside so I'm hoping I can keep these young plants alive for another 60 days and then start cloning to keep the lines alive and then I can sort them out and sex them over the cooler winter months.

You know after all these years I should know better than to try to start anything in June/July/August. It's just a too much trouble down here.
Success! Went out Friday in the SS Grouper Groper.

Put in at the Anna Maria City pier and headed up to the tip of the island and out to the shoals. Checked the weather forecast, called for west winds and a slack tide, perfect. LIARS! Got about a mile off the beach, winds turned to the south. Hooked up and something big but it pulled into the shoal and I took a 4' over the side. Scared the s*** outta me. Fish broke off while I was putting things back together. Trolled for about an hours...nothing. Came back in and drifted the cut getting some big catfish and others. Tide started coming in hard. Spent the rest of the time fighting the wind and tide. Did put on a good show at the city pier. I'd paddle just fast enough to bounce the bait on the bottom. Made 6 passes 100 out of the pier, hooked up 6 big catfish.:dance013:

Not as sore as I thought I'd be. Next trip the shipping channel at the Skyway. Hopefully have some good fish porn.


Active member
I want a yak SOOOOO bad!

I envy your rig TOTC....the SS Grouper Groper.Thats fuckin great right there.

You like spanish macs??Do some trollin by the skyway and you should have a blast on some light gear.Good way to avoid those catfish too!
And now that the east side of the skyway piers are shut down you have alot of rock piles that don't really get any pressure like they used to.
Alot can be accomplished out there in a yak.

Good luck out there brudda.........and keep your eye out for ole Hitler!(14ft hammerhead)



Active member
I've got major heat issues with everything. It was so dry this spring so I made my soil mix heavier to better hold moisture. Now that it's raining every 15 minutes, my first planned crop is looking like shit from the wet soil and the heat. I popped around 20 beans of known genetics and almost all of them are struggling and not looking good.

Bear in mind all my stuff is outside so I'm hoping I can keep these young plants alive for another 60 days and then start cloning to keep the lines alive and then I can sort them out and sex them over the cooler winter months.

You know after all these years I should know better than to try to start anything in June/July/August. It's just a too much trouble down here.

Sorry to hear DP,hope you can get shit together and not lose any of your gear due to mother nature,stubborn bitch she can be.


Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Thanks FD,

Everybody is drying out and showing a spurt of new growth except for the big Mum I tried to flower to get me some early smoke. Also think I got some shitty organic potting mix from HD. I stay away from all the amended stuff from Scotts and Miracle Gro, but this shit is bad juju. I took back the last 3 bags I had and got some topsoil, wrapped it up in a big black tarp and put it on some cement and I'm cooking that enchillada on HIGH HEAT to kill anything in there.

Gonna have to root trim or bare root and repot everything I have, but it's better than losing everything.

Suck though, cause I'd rather be working on my boat to get ready for the fall run.
Hey Dankster, go on craigslist and search kayaks. That's what I did. Got the whole outfit for $300 with paddle. It's a blast, especially when the waves pick up. Takes me back to the old white water days.

Dawn, if you need help with the boat let me know. Have years of experience keeping my old tubs floatin'. I got my sign ready...Will work for weed. LOL

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Thanks for the offer TOTC, I think I'm OK, just gotta do the basic maint. like pull the batteries and charge em up, chg the oil in the lower unit, test the electronics and fire that bitch up!

I've always been amazed at this motor - if I have enough battery, it doesn't matter how long it sits, it will eventually start. The weak point is the lower unit (OMC 225) which seems to find a way to eat itself every 3-4 years no matter how much or how little I run it.

I'd invite you out but not before a few shakedown cruises to sort everything out. It's so embarrassing to invite somebody to fish with you and then have to endure the Sea Tow "ride of shame" back to the docks cause your shit wasn't wired tight.

Then again between the oil spill and all the fishing restrictions, I may try to do more hunting this fall. I have two invitations to hunt some pretty good spreads for deer & hogs. :jump: Just got to get to the range and make sure my rifles are still sighted in and my ammo is still good.


Active member
Yes i see them ALL OVER the place for sale TOTC.......but i gotta wait till it's feasible otherwise i'll never hear the end of it from the other half. You got a sweet deal on your rig.I have a buddy in s. fla that has his rigged to the max!He fishes it off the beach in broward co.........in up to 150 ft of water!Does very well in that thing.He emailed me a few pics about a week ago with a 70-80#sail,a 61# cuberra snapper,a few BIG jack crevalle and a 38# black grouper......all from his yak.This dude gives the the sayin "fish hard or go home" a whole new meaning.

Good luck on the water bro!



Active member
Thanks FD,

Everybody is drying out and showing a spurt of new growth except for the big Mum I tried to flower to get me some early smoke. Also think I got some shitty organic potting mix from HD. I stay away from all the amended stuff from Scotts and Miracle Gro, but this shit is bad juju. I took back the last 3 bags I had and got some topsoil, wrapped it up in a big black tarp and put it on some cement and I'm cooking that enchillada on HIGH HEAT to kill anything in there.

Gonna have to root trim or bare root and repot everything I have, but it's better than losing everything.

Suck though, cause I'd rather be working on my boat to get ready for the fall run.

Good to hear DP. Hope all turns out well.

I don't own a boat but i feel ya about all the regs an oil shit....about makes it not worth it any more to own a boat.But if i hit the lotto i'm buyin one!(do i have to play the lotto to win?thats what the other half keeps sayin)

Ya mentioned something about bein embarrassed when the boat does ya wrong........

You shoulda seen the captains face on my last trip when we ran out of fuel 14 miles out on the way back in.......now that man had shame all over his face.

Keep safe an hope all goes well wit da garden an your boat.


Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
'Sup Boys??? Been awful quiet around here lately.

Been working on everything! Mixing soil, potting clones, sighting in rifles, boat and reel maintenance, watching football - the wife is barely speaking to me at this point.

God Damn I love the fall . . . .

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