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Stoned Fish Grille


Thanks TOTC, that was the biggest one I've line caught this year. He makes the reds look so small, I swear their not though! This rain ruined any chance of gigging flatties for a fish fry so no pics of that event yet but as soon as the water clears up I'll take a stab at it.
I hear ya THS. This rain is keeping everybody in. I was even thinking of grabbing an umbrella and heading down to the pass just to kill something anything. Looks like it's gonna be snotty the rest of the week. Seems like every day there's a new storm popping up that has potential for a hurricane.

In the mean time i'm torturing the kids. Took some of the male clones and topped the hell out of them just to see what happens. Took a couple of the big boys and put them in the bathroom. Haven't watered or fed in 6 days, sporadic lighting and the suckers still look pretty good. I need to go fishing and get out of this sadistic mood. LOL


In the mean time i'm torturing the kids. Took some of the male clones and topped the hell out of them just to see what happens. Took a couple of the big boys and put them in the bathroom. Haven't watered or fed in 6 days, sporadic lighting and the suckers still look pretty good. I need to go fishing and get out of this sadistic mood. LOL

Anger displacement therapy.....but fishing is less syllables and much cheaper as well. Unless you run to the ledge that is.

Hope you had a good 4th and celebrated your independence in a grand fashion. My head and liver still hurt from exercising my dependence on on independence day.

Take it easy on the kids & I hope you get in some H20 soon.


Active member
Thanks for the tip. Wanna be my personal guid for this season? I have the next four weekends to go out. Plan 'em Slick!! only joking I think we are hitting the Swanee down in Levy County. Why we cant drive the extra half hour and get a damn Gulf charter is beyond me.

Cedar Key

"Fishin Fireman"

You can't go wrong with this fella if your a grouper digger like me.Times are gettin harsh for doin charters for a landlubber like me.......and the limits are about stupid now. Inshore... offshore whatever,I love it all but nuttin beats a good toe to toe battle from the bottom in 150 foot of water. 12 inch butterflyed beeliner on the bottom.... THUD!!!!


And the lovely Reef Donkeys.....can't forget them.

As you can see i like to get beat up from the feet up out on the boat........better have the skillz ta pay the billz out in the big pond.

By the way....Great thread TOTC!

I've been in the dumps since the Floridasportsman site made changes....they screwed that place up,hardly any posters like it was.

Welcome Aboard Dankster. This is the place for everything that smells like fish. Including the elusive Tuna Taco. LOL

Feel free to post any pics you might have. We're always looking for fresh fish porn.

You got that right about getting beat up from the feet up. We used to fish alot of tournaments. Once you pay that entry fee and other brown bags, you fish or die. So it didn't matter if it was flat calm or 12-15s you were there.

Funny story. We were fishing a tuna tourney. Fish 2 days out of 3 over the weekend. We decided to do a back to back fri+sat. friday was great 2-4 slight breeze. saturday started from the inlet in 3-4 and the farther we got out the bigger it got. at about 40 mi. we were getting 10-12 and still had another 20 to go. Decided to start there troll out and back. Started setting lines 12' seas in a 32' boat. Always a good time. I pulled the bait cooler to the middle of the cockpit and laid down to get some rest. I just closed my eyes when Capt yelled a roller on the port. I opened my eyes and saw this wall of water that looked about 100' high. it was only 20' but it almost washed me out of the cockpit. Slammed me against the chair and I ended up wedged in the back corner. That was the last time I'll lay on that cooler. Didn't break anything but looked like I went 5 rounds with Tyson. And the bitch of it was we got skunked that day. If you're going to beat the s**t out of me at least let me kill something. LOL
Thought you might find this interesting.
Yea that story was funny as hell the first time I heard it. I have family that lives in Suwanee..... Everybody in the family is meeting there next month for our fantasy draft. I've been to the river the springs and all. That place is REALLY laid back and man do you have the whole damn county to grow a lil something in. I'm bringing my uncle some clones when I go to see if I can get him going.....:)

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Been fishing that bridge since the mid 70's before the Summit Venture incident. We used to go out around around dinnertime and catch all the small fish we could and then once dark came, throw all our shark rigs out on an outgoing tide and wait. We'd put bells on the end of the rod tips and bring our sleeping bags and stay out there all night. Some times it was hard to sleep with trucks passing 10 feet from your head, but a few doobs and a couple of beers helped with that.

It was always amazing that no matter how high we got, somebody always seemed to hear the reel going off and that would rouse everybody into action. We caught all kinds of stuff off that bridge.

When I came back from college and didn't know anybody with a boat, the Skyway was the first place I headed to fish.

I've had a boat for over 20 years now and as I get older and don't want to head offshore when it's butt ass nasty, I fish from Egmont to the bridge and that's usually a productive stretch of water.
Too funny Dawn. Nothing like a screaming drag alarm clock. Haven't been to the skyway yet. If I'm bank fishing, I usually head to one of the passes. Can always hook up something there. You're right about Edgemont. My fishing buddy and I head out there sometimes. The shipping channel is best. Going out there tommorrow. Hopefully get a few grouper and black tips.

Went out there a couple oof weeks ago. Hooked up a nice 4' blacktip on a TLD25. Nice fight. Got it to the boat and no gaff. Didn't want 4' of pissed off teeth in the cockpit so cut him off at the boat. Boat has a gaff now. He'll be in the cooler this time.
I'm dying here. Need to go hook up something big. Haven't been on the water in days. Went down to the beach yesterday and caught a couple of catfish and skates just to say I caught something. The skates were a blast on an ultralight reel. But a screaming Shakespeare ? doesn't do it for me. Who wants to go fishing. Maybe meet up at the Skyway? I need to be slimed!

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Sorry bro, my time is all booked up for the next 2 weeks and then I'm traveling for almost two weeks so I won't be anywhere near the water (other than my pool) for close to a month.


Active member
I feel ya TOTC.Bein away from the salt to long gets me on edge it seems like.You know how many times the ole lady has told me off and said "will you just take your ass fishin already!"......lol.

Well the itch has been scratched and hopefully it'll last.Just got back from the family vacation from the St. Pete area. Got the kids all gathered up to hit the skyway and as always.....They had a blast! No better place to take a kid in my eyes,constant action with small snappers,grunts and loads of pinfish with other cool things in the mix.The other good part about bringin little ones is i don't have to fill the livewell by myself.

Got to head offshore for a 65 mile run out to 150-155 foot of water.Not a bad day for only 4 of us on the boat,would say 5 but my oldest....who said she wanted to go AGAIN has discovered there ain't no sea legs attached to her.3-4 footers with some 6-7 rollers here an there didn't do so good for her.We brought in our limit on those endangered ARS,bunch of NICE mangos,2 kings with one bein that $$ fish for the SKA......52.7# on a dead dine out on a flat line.No grouper this trip wich is what i was wantin.Still lookin for a #30+ Gag.A few little chicken dolphins to top it off.Good times as usual.

James Gang Charters out of Blinds Pass
Captain is young but knows his shit and 420 friendly.



Active member
Been fishing that bridge since the mid 70's before the Summit Venture incident. We used to go out around around dinnertime and catch all the small fish we could and then once dark came, throw all our shark rigs out on an outgoing tide and wait. We'd put bells on the end of the rod tips and bring our sleeping bags and stay out there all night. Some times it was hard to sleep with trucks passing 10 feet from your head, but a few doobs and a couple of beers helped with that.

It was always amazing that no matter how high we got, somebody always seemed to hear the reel going off and that would rouse everybody into action. We caught all kinds of stuff off that bridge.

When I came back from college and didn't know anybody with a boat, the Skyway was the first place I headed to fish.

I've had a boat for over 20 years now and as I get older and don't want to head offshore when it's butt ass nasty, I fish from Egmont to the bridge and that's usually a productive stretch of water.

I have had the pleasure of hearing alot of cool ass stories about fishin the bridge back in the day.Everything from thieves to giant shark to naked chicks drivin by.

My first time to the piers i actually saw a woman jump from the bridge.......FUCT UP SHIT!!!Her body was recovered 3 hrs later.Alot of jumpers from that bridge....think the recorded count is like close to 100.


Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Yeah, depending on your spot, sometimes it was an absolute circus. People would use grocery carts to haul stuff which wasn't too bad, but there were always guys that would drag full on shopping carts out there and then want you to move all your stuff so they could get by.

We always used the smaller two wheel grocery carts because you could wait for a break in traffic and then lift them into the road and go around anybody that had already established "camp".

The old bridge really didn't have much separation between the road and the walkway and the walkway wasn't real wide to start with. Always had to be careful casting and almost every trip, somebody would get excited and not look first and put a sinker into a passing car. Some people would yell encouragement to you, never saw any titties, but occasionally some wise asses would throw stuff at us too.

Learned a lot out there on that bridge, using rope gaffs, different tackle & leader combos but most importantly the necessity of tying down unattended rods. We would each fish 3-4 rods most times and the one you were farthest from was always the one that got the hit. We all lost a couple until we figured out the best way to secure them so you could still fairly quickly pick them up and fight the fish.

Never saw anybody jump (and I really wouldn't want to), but I've seen more recovery efforts than I ever wanted to.
Well, I couldn't take it anymore. I broke down and bought a 10' kayak. Been about 30 years since I've been in one. The guy I bought it from had it all rigged for fishing. Rod holders, lots of tie offs and stuff. Spent a day outfitting it with my fishing gear and headed out to the bayou. Figured I'd start off easy until I got used to it. Paaddled around for 4 hours. Caught a few cats, a big ass oyster cracker and a skate. And didn't tip once.:dance013:

The only trouble is now I'm sore in places I forgot about. Gonna wait a few days and try out the Gulf. There's a huge cut right off the tip of Anna Maria Island about 100 yards off the beach. Pulled a few grouper out of there a couple of times. Hopefully have some fresh fish porn next week.

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
You go Bro!! Nothing like a little paddling to make you aware of the muscles you don't use too much.

Make sure you keep a knife handy, if you get hooked up in that cut to a tarpon or shark on that thing you may go for a ride that you don't want to paddle back from :tongue:
I hear ya Dawn! I ain't no wuss, but I'm not Lance Armstrong either. I may be a 100 ton offshore master in a kayak, but I don't have a pair of turbo-charged deisels at the ready. Would be cool if I could get a harness on him and have him pull me to shore.

On the grow front. Been having temp problems. All the fan leaves on the bottom half of my girls fell off and they don't look happy. I don't think they like the heat.

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